Classic quotes

Famous sayings about education

1. Knowledge itself does not tell people how to use it, and the method of application is outside the book. This is a skill that cannot be learned without experimentation. ——(English) Bacon

2. If a person's knowledge is limited to what the school has learned, the knowledge of this person must be very poor. ——Yu Guangyuan

3, to inspire children's interest in learning, when this interest is very mature, teach him the method of learning. This is indeed the basic principle of all good education. ——(法) Rousseau

4, love children This is what hens will do. However, to be good at educating them, this is a major event in the country, which requires talent and profound knowledge of life. - (former Soviet Union) Gorky

5. I define education as follows: Human wisdom will never deviate from the goal. "The so-called education is the ability to forget all the things that have been learned in school." ——(Germany) Einstein

6. It is the teacher's highest skill to cultivate originality and arouse the pleasure of knowledge. ——(Germany) Einstein

7, will not touch the class, research which study is difficult to achieve. ——Fu Lei

8, with a real method, is not enough; also know how to use it. ——(English) Diderot

9, a person can only lead the way for others, can not replace them to walk. ——(French) Roman Roland

10, can not always take his hand to go, but still let him walk independently, so that he is responsible for himself, forming his own attitude towards life. ——(former Soviet Union) Suhomlinski

11, interest is the best teacher. ——(Germany) Einstein

12. Evaluation is not for queuing, but for promoting development. ——《Study on the Concept of Learning Education

13. The results mainly indicate the new state of the learning starting point, rather than providing a final conclusion. Students should be seen with a developmental perspective, teachers with a developmental perspective, and schools with a developmental perspective. ——《Study on the Concept of Learning Education

14. If you have more than one gauge, you will have a lot of good students. ——《Study on the Concept of Learning Education

15. Pass the virtues and good deeds to your children instead of leaving wealth. Only in this way can they bring happiness to them - this is my experience. - (Germany) Beethoven "Beethoven Language"

16. Even ordinary children, as long as they are educated, will become extraordinary people. ——(French) Aier repair

17. If a child lives in criticism, he learns to condemn; if a child lives in hostility, he learns to fight... If a child lives in friendship, he learns that the world is A great place to live. ——Domeno Lonolute

18. The art of education is to make students like what you teach. ——(法) Rousseau

19. What is education? Education is to help students learn to think, make independent judgments, and participate as a responsible citizen. ——(United States) Hutchins

20, the biggest secret of education is: make physical exercise and exercise exercise to adjust each other. ——(法) Rousseau

21. The school is a laboratory for applying psychology. ——(United States) Dewey

22. If you want children to become obedient and obedient, you will adopt an educated approach; if you allow him to think independently and critically, you should adopt a quality that enhances these qualities. method. Living education teaches people to live, and death education teaches people to die. - Tao Xingzhi

23. Learning materials that achieve thorough understanding, especially materials that achieve a general level of understanding or understanding, can become a lasting part of the individual's personality structure. Or if the teachers understand the basic principles of psychology, then all schools may have this nature of learning. ——[美]莫·L·比格: “The objective law of student learning”

24. If we do not have enough estimates for teachers to master pedagogy and psychology, it is also wrong. With this knowledge, it is possible for teachers to turn teaching materials into real wealth for students. ——(former Soviet Union) Zankov

25, "inferiority" is certainly not good, "conceited" is not good, easy to stagnate. I think, top is not to be self-satisfied, always do; but not complacent, still always work hard. - Lu Xun: "Lu Xun's Letters Collection"

26. The faculty does not teach the results of the income. The most important thing is to teach people how to get results. - Liang Qichao: "Professor Law"

27. When a person's worldview dominates his mental life, such as his thoughts, feelings, wills, activities, etc., knowledge becomes a functioning thing. Cultivating thinking in creative labor is an important manifestation of teaching skills. With this skill, parenting makes people smart. ——[Su]Wa A. Suhomlinski: On the Comprehensive Development of Personality

28. I believe that no matter what kind of career the child is engaged in, he should start small. I really don't know how many parents can realize that the so-called "education" they give to their children will only force their children to be mediocre and deprive them of any opportunity to create beautiful things. ——(United States) Duncan

29, learn and then know enough, teach and then know sleepy. Insufficient knowledge, then reflexive; knowing sleepy, and then self-improvement. Therefore, the teaching is also long. "On the death" 曰: "Learning half." What does this mean? - "Book of Rites · Xue Ji"

30. The role of the educator is manifested in the use of spiritual and material educational means to exert a systematic long-term impact on the educated to achieve his or her intended educational goals. The initiative of the educated is the beneficial influence that the self-motivated and educated person has on himself. Whether the educational process can receive the best results depends on whether the two actors and educators can fully play their role and whether these two actions can be combined well. ——Yu Guangyuan: “Three-body Problems in the Phenomenon of Educational Cognition”

31. A veritable education is essentially character education. ——(Austria) Bubel

32. Education errors are less important than other mistakes. The mistakes in education are the same as the mismatched drugs. The first time I made a mistake, I can’t remedy it for the second time or the third time. Their influence can't be erased for life. ——(English) Locke

33, knowing is not equal to knowing, understanding is not equal to knowledge. In order to gain a solid knowledge, you must also think about it. What does thinking mean? It is the students who think about what they perceive, check if he understands correctly, and try to apply the acquired knowledge to practice. - [Su] V. A. Suhomlinski: "Proposal for Teachers"

34. Only the colorful and animated life of a child's collective is the condition that enables each student's talents to bear fruit. It is a big misunderstanding if you think that it is a matter of individual work for a student to make him develop in many ways. ——(former Soviet Union) Zankov

35. Everyone has a memory and understanding. Since the fifteenth, the material desire has not been dyed, and the knowledge has not been opened, so more memory and less understanding. Since the fifteenth, knowledge has been opened, and material desires have become more and more savvy and less memorable. Anyone who wants to be a student should be familiar with it since the fifteenth. ——Qing Zhang Bo Xing: “National Zhengbian”

36. Even ordinary children, as long as they are educated, will become extraordinary people. ——(French) Aier repair

37. Despite accidental failures, in some cases, even the failure to be punished, it is not unfavorable for the progress of learning, but quite frequent success is still essential. As Presie and his colleagues put it: “Learning is driven by success.” Unless the motivation is very strong, continuous failure can cause students to lose confidence and frustrate, hindering the extent of further efforts. ——[美]M·L·比格: “The objective law of student learning”

38. The instructor does not teach the results of the income. The most important thing is to teach people how to get results. ——Liang Qichao

39. Mr. should not teach exclusively; his responsibility is to teach people to be human. Students should not study exclusively; his responsibility is to learn the way of life. - Tao Xingzhi: "The Knowledge Collection"

40. The goal of the school should always be: young people leave the school as a harmonious person, not as an expert. ... The general ability to develop independent thinking and independent judgment should always be in the first place, and should not give priority to obtaining professional knowledge. - De] A. Einstein "Commemorating Einstein's Translations"

41. The ideal of the school is: Don't let anyone who is not trained in intelligence enter life. Stupid people are dangerous to society, no matter what level of education they have. ——(former Soviet Union) Suhomlinski

42. We must propose two rules of education. First, “Don’t teach too many subjects”; Second, “everything you teach should be thoroughly taught”. ——(English) Russell

43. The education of the person began when he was born, and he was educated before he could speak and listen to others. ——(法) Rousseau

44. The development of human nature is impossible in loneliness and isolation. It is only possible when the children's collective content is rich and diverse. The collective life should have the proper ideological orientation, but also reflect The motivations, wishes and intentions of the students. ——(former Soviet Union) Zankov

45, teachers and students have different ages, different knowledge, different identities, no difference in personality! - Chuchang Building

46. ​​Inconsistency is one of the most serious mistakes in education. - Spencer is taken from the famous sayings ( )

47. Ask after questioning, ask and then know, knowing the truth is true. The suspect is the bud of entering the road. - Ming Chen Xiannian. Excerpted from Qing·Zong Zongxi's "The Confucianism Case, Baisha Case, Quotations"

48. Of course, teachers must teach, and especially should be committed to "guidance." The guide, the multi-faceted approach, so that students can gradually find their own, and the death is not waiting for the teacher to teach. - Ye Shengtao: "Ye Shengtao Education Tablet"

49. Despite accidental failures, in some cases, even the failure to be punished, it is not unfavorable for the progress of learning, but quite frequent success is still essential. As Presie and his colleagues put it: “Learning is driven by success.” Unless the motivation is very strong, continuous failure can cause students to lose confidence and frustrate, hindering the extent of further efforts. ——[美]M·L·比格: “The objective law of student learning”

50. In terms of moral education, there is only one, which is suitable for both children and people of all ages, that is: never harm others. ——(法) Rousseau

51. Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking, and rethinking. I just rely on this learning method to become a scientist. - Einstein

52, genius is just thinking about it, everyone with a mind, there are geniuses. - Maupassant

53. Any valuable knowledge I have learned is derived from self-study. - Darwin

54. It is not appropriate for us to make children smart, wise, and up-and-coming, to use whipping and other kinds of slave corporal punishment to discipline them. It can only be used occasionally when it is absolutely necessary and under extreme circumstances. On the contrary, rewarding children with children's beloved things, to please children's favors, should also be avoided with the same care. - Locke "Educational Words"

55. The most important method of education always encourages students to take practical action. - Einstein

56. Once a child understands the meaning of respect and humiliation, respect and humiliation are the most powerful stimulus for his psychology. If you can make children hobby, fear and shame, you are that they have a real principle, and this principle will always work. - Locke "Educational Words"

57. Cultivating people is to cultivate his hope for the future. ——(former Soviet Union) Macalenko

58. Whip or swearing should be avoided with caution. It just sewed the present, so that the wound was covered with a film, and the core of the pain was still not touched. Only a shame from the heart and a fear of not seeing evil are a real constraint. - Locke "Educational Words"

59. "We must become a child, and we can be a gentleman." - Tao Xingzhi

60. Cultivating people is to cultivate his hope for the future. ——(former Soviet Union) Macalenko

61. The most important method of education always encourages students to take practical action. ——(United States) Einstein

62. People's education began when he was born, and he was educated before he could speak and listen to others. - (French) Rousseau "Ai Mier"

63. The art of education is to make students like what you teach. - (French) Rousseau "Ai Mier"

64. Education is a tool and method that seduce people's hearts. - Socrates

65. The great goal of education is not just to decorate but to train the mind to make it useful, rather than to accumulate the accumulation of experience of the predecessors. ——(United States) Edwards

66. If someone asks me: How can I summarize the essence of my educational experience with a simple formula, I replied: Try to ask for one as much as possible, and respect one person as much as possible... - (former Soviet Union) Macalenko

67. If anyone wants his son to respect him and his orders, he should respect his son very much. - Locke "Educational Words"

68. Because children should be rarely punished by lashes, I feel that there are too many reprimands, especially anger and anger. As a result, it is almost the same bad. It can reduce the prestige of parents in the child's mind, and at the same time reduce the child's respect for the parents. - Locke "Educational Words"

69. Pass the virtues and good deeds to your children instead of leaving wealth. Only in this way can they bring happiness to them - this is my experience. ——(Germany) Beethoven

70. Your manners should be gentle. Even if you punish them, your attitude should be calm. It is necessary and reasonable for them to feel that your actions are reasonable. - Locke "Educational Words"

71. "We must become a child, and we can be a gentleman of a child." - Tao Xingzhi

72. "My basic principle is always to ask for as many people as possible, and also to respect one person as much as possible" - Macalenko

73. Those who have made a mistake should be punished. But they are punished not because they made a mistake... but because they don’t want to commit another crime in the future. - (Czech) Comenius "The Great Teaching Theory"

74. Children's sense of morality must first be caused by their rich and pure emotions; then they must practice self-control and teach them to care about all the right ideas that form the moral rights and obligations of their status and environment. . - (Switzerland) Pestalozzi "How does Gerard teach her children"

75. Advise young teachers: Don't rush to punish students, think about it, what prompted him to commit this or that kind of fault. If you think about it for the children, then you can believe that they will correct their mistakes through their own efforts. Corporal punishment is a remnant of the authority system. It has become a dead thing in the sense of the times; it is not enough to make children improve their behavior. On the contrary, it is to push children into the dark abyss. ——(former Soviet Union) Suhomlinski

76. Savage produces barbarism, and love produces love. This is the truth. When children do not have sympathy, they become sympathetic; and treating them with due friendship is a means of cultivating their friendship. - (English) Spencer "Education"

77. The child's mind is sensitive, and it is open to accept all good things. If the teacher induces the child to learn a good example and encourages to imitate all good behavior, then all the shortcomings of the child will gradually disappear without pain and trauma, and without feeling uncomfortable. - (former Soviet Union) Suhomlinski "To believe in children"

78. The spirit of health lies in a healthy body. Those who are physically and mentally healthy do not have to have any extravagance. The physical spirit of people who are unhealthy on the one hand, even if they have received other kinds, are in vain. - Locke

79. The great goal of education is not just to decorate but to train the mind to make it useful, rather than to accumulate the accumulation of experience of the predecessors. ——(United States) Edwards

80. Although the reputation is not the true principle and standard of virtue, but it is the closest to the true principles and standards of virtue... It is a legitimate way to guide children and encourage children. ——(English) Locke’s "Educational Story"

81. A reasonable punishment system is not only legal but also necessary. This kind of reasonable punishment system helps to form a strong character of the students, can cultivate students' sense of responsibility, can exercise the will and personality of the students, and can cultivate students' ability to resist temptation and overcome temptation. - (former Soviet Union) Macalenko "On Communism Education"

82. Your manners should be gentle. Even if you punish them, your attitude should be calm. It is necessary and reasonable for them to feel that your actions are reasonable. - Locke

83. We cannot punish children in order to punish children. They should be made to feel that these punishments are the natural consequence of their bad behavior. - (French) Rousseau "Ai Mier"

84, whipping or swearing should be avoided with caution. It just sewed the present, so that the wound was covered with a film, and the core of the pain was still not touched. Only a shame from the heart and a fear of not seeing evil are a real constraint. - Locke

85. The most effective method of education: instead of telling them the answer, ask them questions. - Socrates

86. Among the outstanding teachers, one of the outstanding characteristics of student learning is that they take a research attitude towards the object of learning. The teacher does not tell the students the ready-made conclusions and the proof of the correctness of a certain theorem. ——[苏] 瓦.阿苏霍姆林斯基

87. When a person's worldview dominates his mental life, such as his thoughts, feelings, wills, activities, etc., knowledge becomes a functioning thing. Cultivating thinking in creative labor is an important manifestation of teaching skills. With this skill, parenting makes people smart. ——[苏] 瓦·阿·苏霍姆林斯基

88. Education - This is first and foremost to care for the young, thoughtful, thoughtful, and careful approach to the young mind. ... The educator must also have a subtle feeling of beauty. You must love beauty, create beauty and preserve beauty (including the beauty of nature and the inner beauty of your students). ——[苏] 瓦·阿·苏霍姆林斯基

89. When everything that is learned in school is forgotten, what is left is education. - Einstein

90. Educators should have a deep understanding of the hearts of those who are growing up. When I hear or read the words of attitude towards the individual treatment of people, they are always associated with another concept - thinking - in my consciousness. Education - This is first and foremost a living, bottom-up, exploratory thinking. Without thinking, there is no discovery (even if it is a small, seemingly insignificant discovery), and without discovering, it is impossible to talk about the creativity of educational work. —— [苏] 瓦·阿苏霍姆林斯基

91, knowing is not equal to knowing, understanding is not equal to knowledge. In order to gain a solid knowledge, you must also think about it. What does thinking mean? It is the students who think about what they perceive, check if he understands correctly, and try to apply the acquired knowledge to practice. ——[苏] 瓦·阿·苏霍姆林斯基

92. There are three reasons for teaching to be one. First, the responsibility of the gentleman is not to teach, but to teach, but to teach students to learn. Second, the method of teaching must be based on the method of learning. Third, the gentleman must not only use the method he teaches to communicate with the method of student learning, but also must contact his own knowledge. - Tao Xingzhi

93. The higher the morality, the easier it is to obtain all other achievements. - Locke

94. If anyone wants his son to respect him and his orders, he should respect his son very much. - Locke 23, because children should be rarely punished by lashes, so I feel that there are too many reprimands, especially anger and anger, and the result is almost the same. It can reduce the prestige of parents in the child's mind, and at the same time reduce the child's respect for the parents. - Locke

95. Education is not instilling, but igniting the flame. - Socrates

96. Everything that may cause students to lose confidence in their memory should be avoided as much as possible, because this lack of self-confidence, often combined with indecisive personality, often causes children's memory to decline. - Kang De Wushenski

97, learning is not tired, and people are tireless. - Confucius's Analects

98, one year's plan, Mo Rushu Valley; ten years of the plan, like a tree; life-long plan, like a tree. - Guan Zhong

99. The art of education is not taught, but is encouraged and awakened.

100, education is more expensive than the habit, the ethos depends on the dyeing. ——Guo Bingwen

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