Classic quotes

Buffett's famous sayings, Buffett profile

1. Start saving money and invest early, this is the best habit to be developed.

2, how much wealth can be accumulated in a lifetime, does not depend on how much money you can earn, but depends on how you invest in financial management, money to find people better than people to find money, to know how to work for you, not to work for money.

3. I have been working on the allocation of funds since I was eleven years old, and this has been the case until now.

4. Even if Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan secretly told me about his monetary policy for the next two years, I will not change any of my actions.

5. From the prophecy you can learn the information of many prophets, but they have little to gain from the future.

6. I have an internal score card. I would be happy if I did something that other people didn't like but I feel good. If other people praise what I have done, but I am not satisfied with myself, I will not be happy.

7. If the market is always effective, I will only become a tramp in the street with a tin can.

8, some companies have towering moats, there are fierce crocodiles, pirates and sharks guarding, this is the enterprise you should invest.

9. We should focus on what is going to happen, not when it happens.

10. Investment is both a sport and an entertainment for me.

11. The definition of a great company is as follows: a company that can maintain its great corporate status in 25 or 30 years.

12. Our investment is still concentrated on a few stocks, and it's conceptually very simple: a really great investment idea can often be summed up in a simple sentence. We like a company that has a competitive advantage and is managed by a group of people who are both capable and dedicated to serving shareholders. When we find companies with these characteristics and we can buy them at a reasonable price, we are almost impossible to make mistakes.

13. Interest rates are like gravity on investment.

14. If someone believes that the short market is coming and sells a good investment, then this person will find that after the stock is usually sold, the so-called short market immediately turns into a long market, and then misses the opportunity again.

15. We welcome the market down because it allows us to pick up more stocks at new, scary and cheap prices.

16. Those who cannot afford to lose 50% of their stock price should not trade stocks.

17. When people forget the most basic common sense of "two plus two equals four", it is time to leave the field.

18. We have achieved our current achievements because we are concerned with finding a one-foot barrier that we can span, rather than having the ability to fly seven feet.

19, a lot of things will be profitable to do, but you must insist on doing only those things within their own capabilities, we have no way to knock down Tyson.

20. For your ability circle, the most important thing is not the size of the ability circle, but how you can determine the boundaries of the ability circle. If you know the boundaries of the ability circle, you will be much richer than those who are five times larger than you, but who don't know the boundaries.

21. When some large companies temporarily have a crisis or the stock market falls, and there are profitable trading prices, they should not hesitate to buy their stocks.

22. Nothing will drive me to make investment decisions outside the capabilities circle.

23. Investment must be rational. If you can't understand it, don't do it.

24. Experience has shown that companies that can create new highs are usually not much different from what they did five years ago or even ten years ago.

25. We will not end the less profitable business by increasing the profitability of the company by one percentage point. At the same time, we also feel that it is unconditional to support an investment that is completely unpromising because the company is very profitable. Too proper, Adam Smith must not agree with my first opinion, while Karl and Max will oppose my second opinion, and adopting the middle way is the only way to make me feel at ease.

26. In recent years, my investment focus has shifted. We don't want to buy the worst furniture at the cheapest price. What we want is to buy the best furniture at a reasonable price.

27, a horse that can only count to ten is a great horse, but it is not a great mathematician. The same textile company that can use funds reasonably is an amazing textile company, but it is not a great enterprise.

28. I don't know anything about the overall economy. The exchange rate and interest rate are simply unpredictable. Fortunately, I don't pay attention to it when I am doing analysis and selecting investment targets.

29. I don't think there is anything in life that I want but can't have.

30. I am a very realistic person, I know what I can do, and I like my job. Maybe becoming a professional baseball league star is very good, but it is unrealistic.

31. For most investors, what matters is not what he knows, but whether they really understand what they don't know.

32. Be sure to invest within the scope of your own understanding.

33. If we can't find what we need within our confidence, we will not expand the scope. We will only wait.

34. How much wealth can be accumulated in a lifetime, does not depend on how much money you can earn, but depends on how you invest in wealth management, money to find someone better than someone to find money, to know how money works for you, not to work for money.

35. Those best deals, at the beginning, from the digital point of view, almost always tell you not to buy.

36. We have achieved our current achievements because we are concerned with finding a one-foot barrier that we can span, rather than having the ability to fly seven feet.

37. I am greedy when others are afraid, and I am afraid when others are greedy.

38. If you don't want to own a stock for ten years, don't consider owning it for ten minutes.

39. It is very stupid to have a stock and expect it to rise next morning.

40. Never ask the barber if you need a haircut.

41. Anything that cannot develop forever will eventually die out.

42. Our job is to focus on what we know, which is very important.

43. Investing in a market where people believe in market effectiveness is like playing a bridge with someone who is not helped to see a card.

44, investment is not a person with an IQ of 160 will be able to beat the IQ of 130 people's games.

45. The market is like God, helping those who help themselves, but unlike God, he does not forgive those who do not know what they are doing.

46. ​​Even if Fed Chairman Greenspan secretly told me about his monetary policy for the next two years, I would not change any of my actions.

47. I only do what I fully understand.

48. Different people understand different industries. The most important thing is to know which industries you understand and when your investment decisions are within your own capabilities.

49. These numbers are the wealth I have in the future. Although I don't have so much now, I will earn one day.

50. I will not measure the value of my life with the money I earn. Others may do this, but of course I won't.

51. Money, to a certain extent, sometimes makes your situation favorable, but it can't change your health or let others love you.

52. From the huge amount of consumption, I will not get any happiness. Enjoyment itself is not the root cause of my thirst for wealth. For me, money is just a proof, a scoreboard for a game I like.

53. I always know that I will be rich, and I have no doubt about it.

54. What I want is not money. I think it is very interesting to make money and watch it grow slowly.

55. Current financial courses may only help you to do something extraordinary.

56. There is no formula that can calculate the intrinsic value. You have to understand this business.

57. You don't have to wait until the company falls to the bottom to buy its stock. The price of the selected company's stock is lower than what you think it is and the company must be run by honest and capable people. However, if you can buy its shares at a price lower than the current value of a company, you have confidence in its management, and you have bought a number of shares similar to the company, then you can earn money just around the corner. .

58. Investors must keep in mind that your investment performance is not scored in the way of the Olympic diving competition. It is not important that the difficulty is high. You are right to invest in a company that is easy to understand and competitive. Analysis of a company with constant, complex and difficult variables can be said to be comparable.

59. Today's investors are not profiting from yesterday's growth.

60. Berkshire is like the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the business world. We prefer to collect the greatest companies of our time.

61. It is very difficult to truly understand the characteristics and complexity of the culture that nurtures you, not to mention other cultures. In any case, most of our shareholders use the dollar to pay their bills.

62, you are dealing with many fools in the market; it is like a huge casino, everyone except you are rushing to drink. If you have been drinking Pepsi, you may win.

63. We do not need too many people in the country to use the non-essential tools closely related to the stock market to gamble, and do not need to encourage these brokers too much. What we need is investors and advisers who can make investments based on a company's vision. What we need is a talented investment fund client, not a stock market gambler who uses leverage to buy profits. The kind of financial market that requires a high degree of intelligence to operate; it supports the social development tendency, but to some extent is on the same stage, using the same language, enjoying the same labor force service, frenetic and heart-rending The casino business has been curtailed, not promoted.

64. The so-called “transfer” enterprise has few successful cases in the end. Instead of spending time and energy on buying rotten enterprises with low prices, it is better to invest in some beautiful enterprises at a fair price.

65. When a glorious business class encounters a gradual decline of the sunset industry, the latter often prevails.

66. If I choose an insurance company or a paper company, I will put myself in the imagination, I imagine that I have just inherited that company, and it will be the only property that our family will always have.

67. How will I dispose of it? What should I consider? What should I worry about? Who is my competitor? Who is my customer? I will go out and talk to customers. From the conversation I will find that the advantages and disadvantages of this particular company are compared with other companies.

68. If you have already done this, you may have a deeper understanding of the company than the management of the company.

69. If you happen to have a good idea about the company in your life, you are lucky. Basically, Coca-Cola is the best big company in the world. It is sold at an extremely affordable price. It is universally welcomed – its consumption grows almost every year in every country. No other product can be like it.

70. It is God's doing what you want to do in the stock market. It is not something that people do.

71. If you give me $100 billion to exchange the world's leading drink of Coca-Cola, I will return the money to you and say "this is not a good thing."

72. If a nuclear war occurs, please ignore this incident.

73. If I push those who have trusted me, I will not feel good about myself.

74. I don't take any work to trade with my work, and my work involves political life.

75. The reason why I can have today's investment achievements is to rely on my own self-discipline and the stupidity of others.

76. We don't have to slaughter the dragons, we can do it well just by avoiding them.

77. In the midst of a downturn in business, we spread rumors that our candy has the effect of aphrodisiac, which is very effective. But rumors are lies, but candy is not.

78. Only when the tide recedes will you know who has been swimming naked.

79. If we have firm long-term investment expectations, short-term price fluctuations are meaningless to us unless they give us the opportunity to increase our holdings at cheaper prices.

80. I have never had self-doubt. I have never been discouraged.

81. For each investment, you should have the courage and confidence to invest more than 10% of your net worth.

82. If you lack self-confidence, your guilt and fear will lead to a fiasco for your investment. Insecure investors are prone to tension and often sell stocks when stock prices fall. However, this behavior is almost crazy, just as you just spent $100,000 to buy a house, and then immediately told the broker that as long as someone bids $80,000 to sell.

83. An outstanding company can predict what will happen in the future, but not necessarily know when it will happen. The center of gravity needs to be placed on "what" rather than "when". If the judgment of "what" is correct, then you don't have to worry about "when".

84. Although I also live by income, my fascination process is far better than income. Excerpted from:

85. I have a black canvas, I have a lot of paint, I get what I want. Now I have a large amount of wealth, but many years ago, when the amount of money was small, I also had the same amount of fun. Because I know that what I want to do will definitely be achieved.

86, Wall Street relies on constant trading to make money, you rely on not to buy and sell to make money. Everyone in this room trades the stocks you own each day, and in the end everyone will go bankrupt, and all the money goes into the pockets of the brokerage company. On the contrary, if you are like a general business, you will not be moved for 50 years, and in the end you will be happy, and your brokerage company will go bankrupt.

87. Talents who must have passion for work but no greed, and who are fascinated by the investment process are suitable for this job. Li Yu will be ruined. Of course, people who ignore money or indifferent wealth are not suitable for playing this kind of 'game' because he doesn't like it without passion.

88. The way out is to find a good way, and then persevere, to the best possible, until the dream becomes a reality. However, on Wall Street, the price is called once every five minutes. People buy and sell under your nose. It is very difficult to do what you want to do.

89. The habitual chain is always too light to detect until it is broken.

90. The only value of stock forecasting experts is to make fortune tellers look good.

91. As long as I think that 2.5 billion men need to shave the next morning, I can sleep peacefully every night.

92. When thinking about accounting principles, managers must keep in mind the most common slang spoken by President Lincoln: "If a dog is counted in the tail, how many legs are there?

93, the answer is still four legs, because whether you think of the tail as a leg, the tail is always the tail! "This sentence reminds the manager that even if the accountant is willing to help you prove that the tail is a leg, you will not have one more leg."

94. We never thought of estimating the future trend of the stock market.

95. I am a realist. I like everything I am doing now, and I am always convinced. As a thorough realist, I am only interested in reality and never have any illusions, especially for myself.

96. In life, I am not the most popular, but not the most annoying person. Which kind of person I don't belong to.

97. One of the reasons that attracts me to work in securities is that it allows you to live the life you have thought of. You don't have to dress up for success.

98. The short-term stock market forecast is poison. They should be placed in the safest place, away from children and those who are childish in the stock market.

99. If you basically learn from others, you don't need to have too many new ideas. You only need to apply the best knowledge you have learned.

100. I never intend to make money on the next day when I buy stocks. When I buy stocks, I always assume that the exchange will close tomorrow, and then reopen it after 5 years to resume trading.

101. Don't invest in a business that a stupid person can do, because one day the fool will do the same.

102. If you are successful at the beginning, don't try another way.

103. Deciding to sell the McDonald's stock held by the company is a serious mistake. In short, if I often slipped to watch movies during the stock market opening, you should earn more last year.

104. A group of lemmings are no different from the self-interested individualists on Wall Street when they disagree.

105. People are used to refer to speculators who enter the stock market in the short-term every day as investors. It is as if everyone treats a love scammer that has a one-night stand as a romantic lover.

106. The so-called franchise business refers to those enterprises that can easily increase the price and increase the sales volume and market share by simply investing more funds.

107. I hope that you don't think that the stocks you own are just a proof that the price of a paper changes every day, and that once an economic event or political event makes you nervous, it will become a candidate for your sell-off. Instead, I hope that you will imagine yourself as one of the owners of the business, and that you are willing to invest indefinitely for this business, just like a farm or an apartment you have in partnership with other members of your family.

108. By regularly investing in index funds, those outside investors can get more than the majority of professional investment masters!

109. Our goal is to make the profits of our shareholding partners come from the company, not the stupidity of other co-owners.

110. With my thoughts and your money, we will do a good job.

In 111 and 1919, the Coca-Cola Company went public and the price was around $40. A year later, the stock price fell by 50% to only $19. Then there is the bottle problem, the price of sugar, and so on. A few years later, the Great Depression, the Second World War, the nuclear weapons race, and so on, there were always incidents that were unfavorable. However, if you buy one at the beginning with 40 dollars, and then you continue to invest in the dividends distributed, then now, the $40 Coca-Cola company stock has become 5 million. This fact overwhelm everything. If you look at the business model, you will make a lot of money.

Warren Buffett (August 30, 1930), a world-renowned investor, was born in Omaha, Nebraska. In the 2008 Forbes rankings, wealth surpassed Bill Gates and became the world's richest man. In the eleventh charity fundraiser, Buffett’s lunch auction reached a record $2.63 million. In July 2019, Warren Buffett again donated stocks to five charities, equivalent to $1.93 billion based on current market capitalization. This is the third highest amount of money since Buffett began donating 99% of his assets in 2006. In December 2019, Buffett announced that his son Howard would play the role of heir in Berkshire Hathaway. In April 2019, suffering from prostate disease, has not threatened life.

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