Classic quotes

Bill Gates classic quotes

1. In this world, no one can make you fall, if your own beliefs are still standing.

2, there are extraordinary ambitions, only extraordinary achievements.

3. Bankruptcy is a temporary dilemma. Poverty is a state of thought.

4, the choice of life determines everything.

5. At school, the teacher will help you learn, but the company will not. If you think that the school teacher asks you to be strict, then you have not yet entered the company to work. Because if the company is not strict with you, you will be unemployed.

6. Never criticize others behind the scenes, especially if you can't criticize your boss for being ignorant, mean and incompetent.

7. The society is full of unfairness. You don't want to change it first, you can only adapt to it first.

8. The advancement of science and technology will have a huge impact on people's lives, and people must constantly adapt to the changes of this era, instead of waiting for the future and losing the good opportunity for self-development.

9. Although action does not necessarily lead to satisfactory results, there is no satisfactory result without action.

10. Strengthening team spirit is a must for every company manager. Only a strong team can stand in an invincible position in the market wave and be able to become a big company. Without a strong team, how can the new manager's work ability be recognized by his subordinates?

11. Before you were born, your parents were not as boring as they are now. They became like this because they were busy paying for your expenses, washing your clothes, and listening to how much you brag about you. So tidy up your room before you save the tropical rain that has been destroyed by your parents.

12. Entrepreneurs who have no understanding, the response is not sensitive enough, it is difficult to get their own company fire.

13. The world will not care about your self-esteem. People only see your achievements. Don't over-emphasize your self-esteem until you have achieved something.

14. Fairness does not always exist. There are always some unsatisfactory aspects in life and study. But as long as you adapt to it and stick to it, you will always receive unexpected results.

15. People like to watch TV shows, but you don't want to watch them. It is not your life. As long as you work in a company, you are innocent to watch TV shows.

16, you have to understand: before you, your parents are not as "boring" as they are now. You should think that this is the huge price they pay to raise you.

17. In the school, your test is not so important, but it is not the case when you enter the society. No matter where you go, you must rank accordingly.

18, there are holidays in the school, not to work in the company, you can hardly rest, rarely can easily spend the holidays.

19. When you are in a human dilemma, don't complain, you can only learn the lessons silently.

20. You are only graduating from high school and usually don't become a CEO until you get the CEO position.

21. The scourge caused by rashness and negligence is comparable. There are many young people who fail because they are defeated in doing things rashly.

22, many people like to delay, their opponents do not do bad things, but do not do, this is the biggest vice.

23. Don't delay once you make a decision. Do anything if you think of it! Act now!

24. Good habits are a fortune. Once you have it, you will benefit for the rest of your life. Develop a habit of "immediate action" and your life will become more meaningful.

25. Implement your dreams in order to make use of its value. No matter how good your dreams are, unless you really do it, you will never gain.

26, success begins with the idea, but only such an idea, but no action, or impossible to succeed.

27. Successful people will immediately solve the problem as soon as they encounter problems. They don't take the time to worry about it, because worry can't solve any problem, it only increases anxiety and wastes time.

28. What people realize is that winners often experience more failures, but they stand up from failure and move on.

29. Failure is not a bad thing. A failure can teach you a lot, even more than what you have learned in college.

30. The trajectory of success as a strategic route should be on the right track from the beginning.

31. Failure is the mother of the great cause.

32. The world does not care about your self-esteem. It only cares about the achievements you make, and then emphasizes your feelings.

33. He is proud of the Microsoft he leads because he has gathered a large group of people who love Microsoft's business like him.

34. If a manager does not understand the work of his subordinates, he cannot manage them effectively.

35. The use of talents is not enough to collect income. What is important is that talents must not only be good at identifying their strengths, but also dare to use them boldly so that they can fully display their talents.

36, Microsoft's courage and discouragement in the use of people is unparalleled by other companies.

37. If you spend hundreds of dollars to buy a book, you can gain the wisdom of others. However, if you imitate the whole thing and don't think about it, then sometimes you will not be able to draw a tiger.

38. Young people lack experience, but please don't forget: young is your biggest capital. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid of challenges. You should stick to the end and work hard in the process of getting ahead.

39. There are two important pre-questions for success: one is resolute and the other is patience.

40. As long as there is a strong and lasting heart, a vulgar person will have a successful day, otherwise even a person who knows excellence can only suffer the fate of failure.

41. When you encounter setbacks in your career and have the idea of ​​"retreating the drums", you should pay attention. This is the most dangerous time!

42. Hold on, success is waiting for you at the next corner.

43. Opportunities are not automatically converted into banknotes – there must be other factors. Simply put, you must be able to see it and then you must believe that you can catch it.

44. Strong desires are also very important. People need a strong motivation to succeed in a good career. You have to think in your heart, you must try to seize that opportunity.

45. The development of enterprises requires opportunities, and opportunities for once-minded leaders are enough.

46. ​​Advances in science and technology will have a huge impact on people's lives, and people must constantly adapt to changes in this era, rather than waiting for the future and losing good opportunities for self-development.

47. Every day there will be an opportunity. Every day there will be an opportunity that is useful to someone. Every day, there will be an unprecedented opportunity that will never come again.

48, the god of luck will patronize everyone in the world, but if she finds that this person is not ready to meet her, she will walk in from the door and then fly out of the window.

49. The most promising winners are not the most talented people, but the ones who are the best at exploiting every opportunity to explore.

50. If a person wants to succeed, he must learn to jump and catch it when the opportunity flies overhead. This will increase the chances of catching opportunities.

51. Every business success is inseparable from choice, and only unusual choices can achieve unusual success.

52. For a large company, it is unimaginable to have a strong service team and provide users with comprehensive and thoughtful services.

53. The company can come up with some ideas for employees to find better ways of doing things themselves, and should never order "you must choose such a process, you must do this", which will not work.

54. After every important milestone, we strive to achieve no flaws, just like doing project evaluation.

55. We don't have managers who don't understand technology because it's effortless to find a balance between technology and management.

56, don't miss those good boys, once you find that you must make up your mind, or you will miss them!

57, life is unfair, habit to accept it.

58. You will not have a million-year salary as soon as you leave school. You will not immediately be the vice president of the company's mobile phone. You must earn money by working hard.

59. The management style used by Gates is neither American's individualism nor Japan's consensus style, but a unique Darwinian style - the survival of the fittest.

60, I work for fun.

61. Microsoft’s employment of workaholics is truly unique.

62, work 72 hours a week, sometimes even 90 hours; when not working, he is like a black hole to absorb light, a lot of information.

63. Without enthusiasm, there will be no dedicated employees.

64. If you think your boss is very fierce, when you are a boss, you know that the boss has no job tenure.

65. To praise someone, it is best to write it down in black and white; if you want to reprimand someone, you should use the phone to leave no trace.

66. It is not shameful to work in a fast food restaurant. Your grandfather has different opinions on fried burgers: opportunities.

67. Business enterprises that fail due to lack of teamwork have more to fail than for other reasons.

68. If you have nothing to do, it is not your parents' fault, so don't complain about your mistakes and learn from your mistakes.

69. To run a good enterprise, it is necessary to balance the interests of top-down, so that people at all levels within the enterprise have a corresponding return while playing their role in the enterprise; but establish a good labor-management relationship. To achieve mutual respect and enjoy the warmth and happiness between people is also a major business management.

70. The longer you spend on planning, the shorter the time you will need to complete your work. From the small language network ( )

71. Look at whether the boss is good at managing his employees, and the rewards he pays his employees can be judged without any doubt.

72. There may be winners and losers in school, but it is too early in life. The school will continue to give you the opportunity to find the right answer, but it is not the case in real life.

73. In our case, it is not his position but his performance. He has achieved results, everyone praises him, respects him, and with him as an example, he will have a sense of satisfaction.

74. What we need is the best talent in the world!

75, life is not cold, life is not a semester system, no employer is interested in helping you find yourself, please use your own time to do this.

76. Being behind is a shame.

77. In the computer field, the development of technology and application is extremely fast, and it is difficult to master the technology once and for all. Some people have mastered a certain skill and produced a certain product. They think that it can be done once and for all, and everything is very good. This is very dangerous.

78. The TV is not a real life. Everyone in real life has to leave the cafe to work.

79. Because speaking must be honest, a good leader cannot abuse the rewards and praises at will, and I will take special care of what I promise to my employees.

80. Wake up every morning. I will be extremely excited and excited when I think that the work I have been doing and the technology I have developed will bring tremendous influence and change to human life.

81. There is no secret to success. They are just adapting to the changes in the development of the times.

82. When your efforts are synchronized with the times, you will have a non-negligible influence on society.

83. Managers have a mission to make employees more mature at all times and under all circumstances.

84. Knowing the importance of learning and knowing who to learn and what to learn is an important part of Mr. Bill and his continued success in Microsoft. "The spirit of progress is a sign of superiority and a sign of victory."

85. Develop the habit of reading a book for ten minutes a day. In this way, ten minutes a day, twenty years later, his knowledge level must be judged by two people. As long as he reads everything is good.

86. Innovation is the only way to become a big company.

87, I am very fortunate, I found my interest at a young age, and I am so fascinated, still so.

88. Better for nerds, you are likely to work for one of them in the future.

89. Failure is inevitable, but as long as you stick to it, you will always receive unexpected results.

90. We should accept a rapid failure, not a slow failure. The last thing we should accept is that there is no failure. If someone never makes a mistake, it only shows that they are not working hard enough. The result of the failure is to try to try other possibilities.

91. Great success depends not on strength but on resilience. Social competition is often a stagnant competition. Successful people with perseverance and perseverance often become the ones who laugh at the end and laugh the best.

92. Time management is not only a solo, but also an event of public music. When racing against time, everyone can be a winner. Only those who do not participate are the losers.

93. My job is actually a competition. I like the feeling of going all out when things get to a critical juncture. At this time, people often have super-level performance.

94. Good habits mainly depend on people's self-discipline, or on the negation of one's self-desire.

95, Microsoft is only 18 months from bankruptcy. What he means is that if a company cannot continue to innovate and progress, it may not exist anymore after one year. Enterprises are like this, and so are people.

96. At any time, a large part of the human brain will not be used, so when you look around, you can make full use of the brain.

97. The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief.

98, intuition helps you find a career, and choosing a career is like building a house. If your chosen career is a solid river bed, you will like your product.

99, luck is a factor, but I think the most important factor is our vision and high degree of insight. I have always wore a telescope to see the world.

100. It can be said that our main insight for the next decade is this: If digital communication is free, what will happen? The answer is that the way we learn, procure, socialize, do business and play is very different. We hope that software and software standards will play a major role in it.

101. Most partners adopt a 50-50 distribution method. This is the worst way, because someone has the ability to make decisions. Once the company starts making money, the conflict must follow, twice the partner's opinion is inconsistent, especially when the problem involves money, the dispute between the two sides is getting stronger.

102. Every three years or so, companies must conduct a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of all aspects of their business. This is the key.

103. When you understand the needs of your customers, you must be happy to think about how to get products closer and help customers.

104. Keeping promises to customers, this service standard is very important.

105. Instead of making a small grass in an oasis, it is better to be an oak in a bald hill, because the grass has no personality, and the oak is high in the sky.

106, indecision is contagious, it can cause the entire organization to infect the disease, causing people to hesitate, lose confidence, and even cause confusion.

107. It is very important for my CEO to solve my company's operations in various districts, product categories and customer groups.

108. I think that being an operator has an indispensable condition, that is, there is business interest.

109. A successful businessman should not only be capable, hard-working, but also capable of coordinating the surrounding relationship and dissolving the disadvantages to a minimum. To do business requires passion, but it must be rational and wise. It is a taboo for business people to use things and impetuous impulses. What is a businessman? A businessman is someone who always protects his or her own interests at a critical moment.

110. Starting a company is like building a building. Without a blueprint, it is impossible to construct smoothly. No one can construct without a blueprint. The blueprint for building a business is to set a business plan.

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