Classic quotes

A famous sentence sentence about filial piety

1, the filial son's arrival, no big respect. - Mencius

2, no father, no king, is a beast. - Mencius

3, Yin Xia can not be divided, if the life is not easy, if the beauty is not immovable. - "Lv Spring and Autumn"

4, the dutiful son does not care about his pro, the loyal minister does not blame his king, the minister's Sheng also. - Zhuangzi

5, the matter of their loved ones, do not choose the place to be safe, filial piety to the same. - Zhuangzi

6, only filial piety parents can solve problems. - Mencius

7, father and son have a pro, the monarch and the righteous, the couple are different, the young and the young have Syrian, the friend has a letter. - Mencius

8, benevolence, things are also true; righteousness, from the brother is also. - Mencius

9, the filial son is also raised, happy heart, not against his ambition. - "Book of Rites"

10, filial piety three: the great respect and respect, followed by the humiliation, under which can raise. - "Book of Rites"

11, the year of the parents, must not know. One is with joy and the other is with fear. - "The Analects"

12, Meng Wubo asked Xiao, Zi Yan: "Parents only worry about their illness." - "The Analects of Confucius"

13. Parents love and love, and parents respect and respect. --Confucius

14, young and orderly. - Mencius

15, old and old, and old people; young and young, and young people. The world can be transported to the palm. - Mencius

16, not a pro, can not be a person; do not follow the pro, can not be a child. - Mencius

17, the gentleman has three music, and Wang Tianxia does not coexist with. Parents survive, brothers have no reason, a happy also; Yang does not succumb to the heavens, bows to the people, two music also; the world is talented and educated, three music also. The gentleman has three music, and Wang Tianxia does not coexist. - Mencius

18, things, what is big? Things are big; keep, what is big? Keep your body big. Without losing his body, he can be a relative, and I will hear it; if I lose my body, I can do it, and I have not heard it. What is wrong? The matter is the matter, the basis of the matter is also; Keeping the body, keeping the book also. - Mencius

19, Daxiao lives for his parents. Only filial piety can solve problems. - Meng Hao

20, filial parents can often replace the most expensive feelings. - Meng Hao

21, maternal love is better than Wanai. - Shakespeare

22. There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, and that is the call of the mother. - Dante

23, we are considerate of the elderly, like treating children. - Goethe

24. How do you want your children to treat you, how do you treat your parents. - Isocrate.

25. As a person, be respectful to your parents, be kind to your children, be generous to your poor relatives, and be polite to everyone. - Russell

26. Those who are not filial are the most hateful people in the world. ——Lu Xun

27. Patriotism is deeply rooted in human instinct and feelings. Patriotism is a magnified filial piety. ——Dadafield

28. A born natural person loves his children, and an educated person loves his parents. - Lin Yutang

29. We almost love our parents unconsciously, because this kind of love is as natural as a person's life, and it is only at the last moments that we can see how deeply this kind of relationship is. - Maupassant

30, filial sons and relatives, can not make their pro-cold heart, troubles, horror, sorrowful, unspeakable, hateful. ——Yuan Cai

31. The secular so-called filial piety five, indolent four, regardless of the parental support, a filial piety; Bo Hao good drinking, regardless of the parental support, the second is not filial; good goods, private wife, regardless of parental support, three not filial From the eyes and ears, thinking that parents are jealous, four are not filial; also bravely fighting, to risk parents, five are not filial. - Mencius

32. Who is arrogant and has won three Chunhui. - Mengjiao

33, the son of the filial piety is wide. ——〖宋〗 Chen Yuanzhang

34, Daxiao lives for his parents. ——〖Warring States〗 Meng Hao

35, October is very important, the three students reciprocated. - "Persuasion of Filial Piety"

36, do not be unfilial, squatting on the human skin. - "Persuasion of Filial Piety"

37, after the father considered the mother abuse, the silicone does not continue. The mother cares for the orphans and suffers from loneliness. - "Persuasion of Filial Piety"

38. Ciwu still feeds back, and the lamb is still awkward. People are not filial, not as good as grass and wood. - "Persuasion of Filial Piety"

39. Rebellion is not filial piety, and the third fruit is reported. - "Persuasion of Filial Piety"

40, the sheep have the grace of breast milk, the crow has the meaning of feeding back. - "Zengguang Xianwen"

41, filial piety is still a filial son, and the rebellion is still a child. - "Zengguang Xianwen"

42. Shen En did not report as a child, shallow and not shy. - "Little Language Collection"

43. The morality of Motian is greater than filial piety. ——〖宋〗 He Zhu

44. It is better to raise the sacrifice than to raise it; - "Little Languages"

45. Thick and honest in life before filial piety; - "Little Language Collection"

46, do not filial piety, eat the valley of the human world. Although the world is vast, it is difficult to accommodate the rebellious people. - "Persuasion of Filial Piety"

47. Guo Jusi supplies, and the mother is willing to save. Thanks to the golden day, the radiance shines on the cold door. - "Twenty-four filial piety for the mother buried"

48. The filial son's affairs are also pro-, the residence is to pay respect to it, the cultivation is to the joy, the disease is to cause its sorrow, the mourning is to cause its sorrow, and the sacrifice is to its strictness. ——〖Spring and Autumn〗 Confucius

49. Use the way of heaven, the benefit of the land; use it to raise the parents, the filial piety of this monk. - "Book of Filial Piety"

50, the nature of heaven and earth, people are expensive. The journey of people is no greater than filial piety. - "Book of Filial Piety"

51, eternal filial piety, thinking filial piety. - "Mencius"

52, the way to swear, filial piety. —— 〖Song〗 Li Gang

53. Poetry is established, and filial piety is a man. ——〖清〗 Wang Yongbin

54, heavy feelings light, thick and thin. - word strict

55, Baishan filial piety is the first, and all evil is headed. ——〖清〗 Wang Yongbin

56, the family is poor and filial, the country is ignorant of loyalty. - "Ming Yin Ji"

57, the filial piety, the crown of the hundred lines, the beginning of the good. - "Han Han Shu"

58. Qingshan mourns and screams, and the voice screams to the father; Bishui complains about the word blood, and the word cryes. - "The Couplet Collection"

59, filial piety is flowing, the last generation intercepted, the next generation dried up. - word strict

60, the first filial piety, second letter. ——From (Qing) Li Yuxiu’s Disciples. Note: First of all, be filial to your parents, respect your brother, and second, be cautious and trustworthy. Excerpted from:

61, labor and hard to teach the mother to suffer, sorrow and sorrow. - From "persuaving the pro-enjoyment". Note: Don't let your parents suffer and don't let your parents share your grief.

62, always considerate and arrogant, Mo teaches her mother's heart. - From "persuaving the pro-enjoyment". Note: Always be considerate and understand your parents, don't let your parents worry.

63, cautious, waiting for the day and night, do not bother. - From "persuaving the pro-enjoyment". Note: Parents should be careful when they come in (doors), and wait for their parents to stay tired in the morning and evening.

64, there are injuries, sorrow and sorrow; Germany is hurt, swearing. ——From (please) Li Yuxiu’s Disciples Regulations. Note: The body is injured, the parents are worried; the morality is corrupt, and the parents are ashamed.

65, good deeds, strength as a tool; pro-intimate, I am going to go. - Remnant (Qing) Li Yuxiu "Disciple Rules." Note: Parents like to do things, children should try their best to prepare for them; parents who hate things, be careful to remove them.

66, pro has, and even more. ——From (Qing) Li Yuxiu’s Disciples. Note: Parents are at fault and advise them to change. To be smiling, the tone is soft.

67, parents call, should not be slow; parents, do not be lazy. ——From (Qing) Li Yuxiu’s Disciples. Note: Parents call, you must agree quickly; parents have orders, should do it quickly.

68, dear me, filial piety; love me, Xiao Fangxian. Note: Parents love me, what are the difficulties in filial piety; parents hate me, still filial piety, is a virtue. From (Qing) Li Yuxiu's "Disciples".

69. The disciple enters the filial piety and the younger brother. - From (Spring and Autumn) "The Analects of Confucius. Note: Young disciples return home to honor their parents, and go out to respect their elder brothers.

70, Zi Yan: "The filial piety of today is to be able to raise. As for the dog and horse, can raise. Disrespect, why not?" - From (Spring and Autumn) "The Analects of Confucius". Note: Confucius said: "Today's filial sons only say that they can support their parents. It is the dog and horse that can be raised. If you are not honored to your parents. What is the difference between supporting parents and raising dogs?"

71, filial piety, the beginning of Germany, 悌, the order of Germany, the letter, the virtue of virtue, the loyalty, the virtue of the right. I have also participated in the four virtues of the Chinese. - From "Family and Disciples". Note: Honoring parents is the beginning of morality, respecting brother is the order of morality, credit is the depth of morality, and loyalty is the direction of morality. Zeng Shen is a person who has exactly these four ethics.

72, Zi Yan: "Parents are, not far away, travel must have a party. - From (Spring and Autumn) "The Analects of Confucius · Liren fourth." Note: Confucius said; "parents are alive, not far from home, if you want to go far, There must be a clear place to go.

73. Zi Yan: "In the year of the parents, you must not know, one is happy, the other is fear." - From (Spring and Autumn) "The Analects of Confucius. Confucius said; "The age of parents, don't you know. On the one hand, they are happy for their longevity, and on the other hand worry about their aging."

74, good meal first try to use the mother, good clothes first try to wear the mother. - From "persuaving the pro-enjoyment". Note: Good meals are given to parents first, and good clothes are first worn to parents.

75. Calling should not be slow, sincere and sincere. - From "persuaving the pro-enjoyment". Note: Parents should call, should immediately agree, can not be scornful, be sincere and sincere, with laughter.

76, 爹 爹 能 能 能 能 能 能 能 能 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 爹 - From "persuaving the pro-enjoyment". Note: Honoring parents is a good man, filial piety, grandmother, and a reputation of filial piety and virtuousness.

77. The family is poor and knows the filial son. - From "Ming Yin Ji". Note: When the family is poor, the real filial son can be found. When the country is in distress, the true loyalty can be identified.

78, slow people, not respected their relatives. - From "Three Kingdoms, Wei Shu". Note: Those who do not respect other parents will certainly not respect their parents.

79. Mencius said: "You can't be a pro, you can't be a person; you don't follow a pro, you can't be a child." - From (Spring and Autumn), "Mencius is on the shackles." Note: Mencius said: "(In the eyes of you, your son's relationship with his parents is not good enough to be a human being; if the son can't follow the wishes of his parents, he will not be a son."

80, Mencius: "Old and old, old, young and young, and young." - From (Spring and Autumn) "Mencius Liang Hui Wang Shang". Note: Mencius said: "Respect the elders of their own family, promote their own elders who respect others, and care for their own children, promote and care for other children."

81, Mencius: "Kiss, Ren also; respect, righteous." - From (Spring and Autumn) "Mencius · Heart" Note: Mencius said: "Dear parents, it is benevolence; respect for the elder brother is righteousness."

82, Mencius said: "Everyone kisses their own, long and long, and the world is flat." - From (Spring and Autumn) "Mencius from the shackles." Mencius said: "As long as everyone loves their parents and respects their elders, then the world can naturally be peaceful."

83, the wife and husband are less evil, the son of the filial father is wide. - From (Ming) "Zengguang Xianwen". Note: Wife is virtuous, her husband has less disaster, her children are filial, and her parents are in a good mood.

84, thousands of classics, Xiaoyi first. - From (Qing) "Zengguang Xianwen" Note: Thousands of classics have said that filial piety is the first thing people should do.

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