Classic quotes

Preschool teacher whisper, kindergarten education idiom

1. In real life, every great cause begins with confidence and takes the first step by faith.

2. Pass happiness to every child and make your child's world more beautiful and exciting.

3. The fundamental task of education is to help students learn to survive, not to replace students.

4. The skill of education lies in how teachers release their love for their children.

5. Education plus appreciation equals the square of education.

6. I use my best efforts to provide an environment for the children to be satisfied, to make the children happy in the activities, and to make them passionate about everything.

7. I will use my true love to nourish the children's young hearts and sing the sweet songs of the children. In my work, I will treat each child and parents with care and patience.

8. For the children, they must give them new works, so that they dare to face the new world of criss-crossing, and continue to sprout and grow.

9. For children's teaching, the observation of true feelings is preferable to the simple description.

10. The work of preschool teachers is a noble and sacred cause. We are proud because we have chosen the noblest career under the sun. We dedicate our love to our children, and the children pass on them to us.

11. Always look at the students with an appreciation, and always face the students with a tolerant attitude.

12. Let me go into the world of childlikeness and grow up with the children.

13. Before reaching the age of reason, children can't accept ideas, but only accept images.

14, your day of love may bring the gratitude of others for life.

15. Be the researcher first, then the manager.

16. The world outside is very exciting. The world of children is more lovely. I am immersed in the inner world of children to pluck a harmonious movement.

17. We can't change the land, but no one can stop us from contributing to the change of the land, as long as we don't give up the ideal.

18. I would like to dedicate all my love to the children and let them run the first step in the starting line of life.

19. In an environment of equality and harmony, care for the child's childlike heart with love, and let every "flower of the motherland" be splendidly opened.

20, the preschool education is a large garden, the dedication of teachers is one of the most beautiful flowers.

21, I chose this profession, I will work hard in this hot land, as long as I have invested in the past, I believe that the children will produce a moving melody on the staves of my life.

22. Love is the soul of education. Only education that incorporates love is the real education.

23. Book learning is the experience of experiencing others; life practice is a good way to gain your own experience.

24. The children the teacher faces are the adults who ultimately want to be independent.

25, care for every child, their growth is my greatest happiness!

26. Love every child of ours, because on the balance of love, everyone is equal.

27, I would like to use my 100% love for your 100% satisfaction, I would like to use a responsible love to prop up a blue sky for the children, let the children enjoy the sun, enjoy the happiness.

28, enthusiasm for work, really care for young children, sincerely serve parents.

29, be a person to be true, treat others with good, show people with beauty, always keep a childlike heart, be a good friend of the children.

30. I will use my love to water the young seedlings. I hope these seedlings will grow up happily under the care of the teacher.

31. I will use my love and patience to pay attention to each child and let them have a happy and happy childhood.

32. Let us together hold up a pure blue sky for the children and open up a happy land for the children.

33, who loves children, children love her; only children who love children, she can educate children.

34. Be the teacher of the child, first be a friend of the child.

35, pay attention to the child, accept the child with heart, and understand the child with heart.

36. It is the love of parents that teaches children selfishness and filial piety.

37, mainly do not rely on "mouth" to educate children. It depends on the situation and on the action.

38. Every student is a good student.

39. Treat parents, teachers should think calmly in the winter, have a warm communication like spring, have a warm work like summer, and have a beautiful autumn.

40. Let each child grow up happily, let each child receive equal attention and care, and let each child have the space to explore boldly and independently is the creed of my work.

41. Education is a career, the success of a career lies in dedication; education is science, scientific exploration lies in seeking truth; education is art, and art's life lies in innovation.

42. Who will not lose your temper? Sarcasm is not a professional technique.

43. In the face of children, if you have love, you will have a sense of responsibility. If you have a sense of responsibility, you will always pay for love.

44. The child's name is "Today" and the name of the education is also called "Today." Appreciate the children today, the children will succeed today! As a teacher, the happiest thing is that students learn to be happy and teachers teach happiness.

45. I will use the early childhood education as my own business. The children are the foundation of my career. Treat each child with care, and let each child like my love is the goal that I am not trying to pursue.

46. ​​Use love to build a bridge of understanding and communication with your child. Use patience and care to create a healthy and healthy environment for your child. Use your heart and heart to exchange your parents' peace of mind.

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