Classic quotes

Inspirational newsletter, motivational phrase

1. Jun Zhi’s direction, nowhere to go, more and more frustration, and make persistent efforts.

2. The biggest bankruptcy of a person is despair, and the biggest asset is hope.

3. You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood.

4. The purpose of living is not to live forever, but to live forever.

5. You beat yourself more than you beat others.

6, live fish will go upstream, dead fish will follow the tide!

7. There are two kinds of people in the world: the requester and the giver. The former may be able to eat better, but the latter can definitely sleep better.

8, happy to know how to share, in order to be more happy.

9, even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take a step down the ground.

10. Even an immature attempt is better than a strategy in the womb.

11. Positive thinking leads to positive life, and negative thinking leads to negative life.

12. Always maintain a positive mental state and create amazing results.

13. A successful person only knows to hold the ideal and move forward.

14. The reason why people are ordinary is that they cannot surpass themselves.

15. One stroke is about achievement, and one word is one sentence to decide life.

16. As long as people do not lose their direction, they will not lose themselves.

17. Illumination is not a patent of the sun, you can also shine.

18. Don't wait for opportunities, but create opportunities.

19. What is the beginning, what is the end.

20. Attitude determines fate.

21, tell yourself once a day: I am really good.

22. Action is the only way to knowledge.

23. Don't pay for learning today, and pay for poverty in the future.

24. Doing the right thing is more important than doing things right.

25. One today is better than two tomorrows.

26. Experience is extracted from pain.

27. Summary, in order to leave no regrets in the college entrance examination.

28, people with tired sowing must be able to smile.

29, optimistic about failure, success will wave to you.

30. Don't be scared by failure, don't be overwhelmed by victory.

31. Don't give up dreams when you can dream.

32. Exam ten minutes, usually ten years.

33. Quantitative change causes qualitative change, and knowledge is accumulated.

34. If there is no tomorrow in life, it is like there is no sunshine in life.

35. As usual, the exam is the same as the exam.

36. Good habits are vital to a person's life.

37. Active people see opportunities in every failure.

38. Good habits are always a magic weapon for one's success.

39. If you face your face in the sun, there will be no shadows.

40. Poverty and wealth are between one thought, the concept determines poverty and wealth, and the mentality determines bitterness and happiness!

41. The rich always know what the poor are lacking, and the poor never know what the rich are thinking and what they are learning from!

42. Learning is the art of learning the state, learning the state of mind, learning the art of success, getting along with others, learning unwillingness, learning how others break through, and how to achieve goals...

43. Whoever learns first is today, the future will be the first!

44, on learning: failure to learn, lazy without learning, disease without learning, all bad habits do not have to learn;

45. Success is to learn, health is to learn, entrepreneurship is to learn, and all the habits that make people positive are to learn.

46. ​​The poor can eat anything, that is, they don’t want to eat the hardships of learning; and the rich can’t eat anything, that is, they can eat and learn!

47. The poor do not learn the roots of the poor, and the rich do not learn to live for a long time!

48. Learning is the only way to increase your horizons.

49. There is no difference in the physical body between people. The difference is in the soul, how big is your spiritual world, how big your vision is, and how big your career is.

50, swearing at others, like blood-sucking people, first polluted their mouths.

51. If you save your heart and do things convenient, then there is nothing in the world. Compassionate, compassionate, and peace of mind.

52, the mind is small, it is more trouble, the heart is vast, wisdom and fertility.

53. There is nothing in life that can be awkward. This is a big deal.

54. The world is busy as a stream of water, and Hugh will hang on the fame and fortune. The rough tea and the light meal have passed, and the rich and the glory are strong.

55, peace is fortunate, contentment is a blessing, clear heart is a luke, widowed is a life.

56, life is evil is good talk about people; life is stupid to smell.

57. All evils are done, and all good deeds are done, not to be good and small, but not to be evil.

58. The mind of the person is narrow, and the desire is narrow.

59, rather poor and happy, can not be turbid and rich.

60. It is advisable to retreat in the depths of thought.

61, the potential can not be exhausted, the blessing can not be enjoyed, the cheap can not be exhausted, the smart is not available.

62, dripping water through the stone, not the power, but the kungfu.

63, life does not frown, the world should have no teeth.

64, must pay a person with a road, no knot friends. Drink quiet tea, Mo greedy wine. Open the door to convenience, leisure is right.

65, the multi-door room is a wind, more words of life.

66. "I want" is a sign of poverty. Things can be constant, and my heart is always awkward.

67. If he is long and long, he will be short. If you don't care for yourself, you will not be long.

68, do things do not have to be the same, and should not be different. It doesn't have to be awesome to do things, and it's not embarrassing.

69, do not beg, then peace of mind, do not do, then body.

70, do not self-important, insult. If you are not self-sufficient, you will be responsible. Not complacent, benefit. Not self-sufficient, UBM.

71. The accumulation of gold is left to the children and grandchildren, and the children may not be able to keep them; the books are written to the children and grandchildren, and the children may not be able to read them. It is not as good as the accumulation of yin, this is the treasure of the patriarchal family.

72. Jide is an industry, stronger than the beautiful house.

73. Being able to give love is a blessing, and being able to eliminate trouble is wisdom.

74, the body is not as good as the peace of mind, the width of the house is not as wide as the heart.

75. There is fun in the dream, and there is no big space after the feeling.

76, children and grandchildren have their own children, Sun Fu, do not worry about children and grandchildren.

77. Choose good people and pay, choose good books and read, choose good words and listen, choose good deeds.

78. A person's happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less.

79. Being angry is to punish yourself with the fault of others. Forgive others is to treat yourself.

80. It may not be more money, more money, and more troubles. The poor music is really comfortable, and there is no interest in it.

81, do not have to work hard, no effort is merit. No need to feel the virtues, no complaints are virtue.

82, hate others, but the pain is their own.

83. Helping the crisis is a good thing. Can not boast, then its virtue is thick!

84. In case of good times, the situation is indifferent, in case of adversity, it is calm.

85, is not every day, do not listen to nature.

86. The five senses are not really enjoyable. Inner peace, is the starting place.

87. Man is good, but if the blessing is not reached, the evil is far away; man is evil, but if the evil is not yet, the blessing is far away.

88, big belly can tolerate, but many troubles and obstacles are broken, smiles can be awkward, and a happy joy is formed.

89. Changing yourself is self-help, affecting others, and saving people.

90, lies like a blooming flower, beautiful appearance, short life.

91. Only those who respect themselves can be more courageous to narrow themselves.

92, people do not seek blessings, no evil. People don't want to be profitable, and they are harmless.

93. The wise man seeks the truth in time, and the fool moves against the clock.

94. People who often blame themselves often get the understanding of others.

95. See you, not the door to Wanshan. Seeing people is not the root of all evil.

96, learn a point of concession, to discuss a point cheap. Increase one point to enjoy, minus one point of Fuze.

97. The hunter who tracks the deer can't see the mountain.

98, ambition is the Big Dipper in the dark night.

99, aspirations and perseverance are the wings of the cause.

100. Poverty is the mother of all art professions.

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