Celebrity famous words

Celebrity's famous sayings about ambition

People who grow up in hardship often lead to abnormal deviations due to psychological shadows. This kind of deviation is a hostility to the society and people who always have a hatred. They do not believe in any one person, and they are more sympathetic to any one person. The love of money is like a fatal phenomenon, or a secondary phenomenon in psychopathy. On the contrary, there are skilled and knowledgeable people. Although he grows up from hardships and difficulties, he is more compassionate and generous. Because he knows life, knows the hardships of the world. —— Nan Huaiqi

Who gave me a drop of water, I will return his entire sea. —— Huamei

Do not be competent, do not easily agree to others, once you have promised others, you must practice your promise. —— Washington

The gentleman is more embarrassed in the lower position, but more praised in the upper position; the villain is more famous in the lower position, and more in the upper position. —— Liu Zongyuan

If you want to love your own value, you have to create value for the world. —— Goethe

The gentleman gives people words, and the monks give people money. —— 荀 荀

Time will pierce the color of the youthful face, and will dig deep trenches on the forehead of the beauty; will eat the rare treasure! Naturally beautiful, nothing escapes his sweeping sickle. —— Shakespeare

If we want to make friends, we must do something for others - things that take time, energy, thoughtfulness, and dedication to do. —— Carnegie

Forgiving the enemy is easier than forgiving friends. —— Mrs. Dilwich

The ancient gentleman is not hiding in the city like a beautiful jade, but the latter is a stone and jade. —— Zhu Xi

We love our nation, and this is the source of our self-confidence. —— Zhou Enlai

I hope that every time I remember, I will not feel guilty about life. —— Guo Xiaochuan

The gentleman does not mirror the water, but the mirror is human. Mirror in the water, meet the face, mirror the person, then know the good and fierce. —— 墨翟

Two people talk, one can listen. However, the three people can't talk about each other's most serious things that should be studied. —— Emerson

Disrespect for people, the first is disrespect for oneself. —— Whitman

The real greatness of a person is that he can recognize his own insignificance. —— Paul

The pure soul, life is full of sweetness and joy. -- Leo Tolstoy

A real life can only be achieved after a difficult and strenuous struggle. —— Seneca

I am yours, my country! It's all yours, my heart, this soul; if I don't love you, my country, which one can I love? —— 裴多菲

Self-control is the instinct of the strongest. —— Shaw

Sensitive to one's own pain, and extremely insensitive to the suffering of others, this is one of the sad features of human nature. —— Ikeda Daisaku

Respect for the opinions of others. Don't say: "You are wrong." - Carnegie

Don't be evil, don't be small. Only Xiande is able to serve people. —— Liu Bei

Those who betray their companions often unknowingly destroy themselves together. - Aesop

Society is like a boat, and everyone has to be at the helm. —— Ibsen

To make others like you, first of all, you have to change your attitude towards people, make your spirits relaxed, your expressions are natural, your smiles are so embarrassing, and others will feel like you. —— Carnegie

On the journey of life. the future is very long and dark. But don't be afraid. there is always a path for the fearless. —— Lu Xun

It is better to reform yourself than to ban others. —— Lu Xun

Sexual idiots, then they are condensed; therefore, the book idiots will work, and the art idiots will be good. - The world's fall and no one, they all say that they are not crazy. —— Pu Songling

We should not spend a lifetime, we should be able to say: "I have done what I can do." - Mrs. Curie

We are the masters of the country and should be considered for the country everywhere. —— Lei Feng

The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. -- Leo Tolstoy

A person should only think of one thing at a time and persevere, so that there is hope for it. But I think everything, and I can't catch anything. Every time I find out that when a thing I am looking for is at your fingertips, I am pursuing something else. too late. —— Andrew Gard

Those who are modest, happy, and sincere, while at the same time add patience, are very fortunate. —— Seneca

We serve the motherland, and we cannot all use the same method. Everyone should do everything they can according to their qualifications. —— Goethe

Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job. -- Leo Tolstoy

When asking for help, it is easier to ask the poor than to ask the rich. —— Chekhov

Believe in yourself, then others will believe in you. ——Roman Roland

A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn! -- Ostrovsky

Life is like a story. The important thing is not how long it is, but how good it is. —— Seneca

People can only devote themselves to society in order to find out the meaning of life that is actually short-lived and risky. —— Einstein

Famous artists are constrained by fame, so their earliest works are often the best. —— Beethoven

The journey of a gentleman, quietly to cultivate, to cultivate morality, not indifferent to Mingzhi, non-quiet and far-reaching. —— Zhuge Liang

Whoever wants to play life, he will accomplish nothing, who can not dominate himself, will always be a slave. —— Goethe

The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just to survive. —— Aristotle

We should pay attention to not using language to hurt other comrades, but when others use language to hurt themselves, they should also be able to afford it. —— Liu Shaoqi

Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return to his hometown; although the paradise is good, it is not a place to stay. Go back to you. —— Hua Luogeng

Fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the weak. —— La Rochefoco

As a person, if you have not experienced the joys and sorrows of the world, and you have not played against life, you cannot understand the meaning of life. —— Yang Wei

Life is like a book, stupid people are overturned, and smart people read it carefully. Why is it? Because they can only read it once. —— Paul

Anyone who is well-educated has a ban: don't lose your temper. —— Emerson

Those who have made great achievements in the ancient times must not only have the talents of the world, but also have the steadfastness of perseverance. -- Su Shi

I have always hated people who plan for their own food and clothing. People are higher than food and clothing. —— Gorky

For those who want to check the hearts of others, Plato asks him to have three things: knowledge, kindness, and courage. —— Montaigne

If happiness lies in the pleasure of the flesh, then it should be said that the cow is happy when it finds the forage to eat. —— Heraclitus

Life is the school. There, rather than being happy, Suining is unfortunate to be a good teacher. Because survival is in the loneliness of the abyss. —— Heidegger

What really a great scholar really is, is that he has done a lot of great work secretly and he is not famous for his life. —— Balzac

Be kind to people, but don't be jealous. —— Shakespeare

Life is a school without graduation. —— Li Kai

Fighting for the truth is the greatest pleasure in life. —— Bruno

Good temper is the best dress a person can wear in social. —— Dude

No matter how angry you are, don't make anything irreparable. —— Bacon

We must now fully maintain the party's discipline, otherwise everything will fall into the mud. —— Marx

Less and eager to learn, such as the sun of sunrise; strong and eager to learn, such as the light of the sun; old and eager to learn, such as the light of the candle. —— Liu Xiang

Life is short, and this sentence should awaken everyone to do everything he wants. Although diligence does not guarantee success, death may destroy a thriving cause, but those who have failed in their careers have at least been honored to participate in the military, even if he does not win, it is a battle. —— Jensen

The only drawback we will not correct is weakness. -- Ostrovsky

If you jump, you can't take ten steps; you can't give up if you are a horse. If you don't give up, you can't give up the dead wood. —— 荀 荀

Habit is a giant cable - we make one of the lines every day, and in the end we can't break it. —— Mei Yin

Life is a gamble. Regardless of whether the wealth of life is a loss, as long as there is one pound left in the meat, I will bet it. ——Roman Roland

Instead of frowning to give someone a valuable gift, it is better to give someone a small gift with a smile. -- anonymous

I am a descendant of Yanhuang, and of course I want to dedicate all the knowledge I have learned to my dear motherland. —— Li Siguang

Those who sacrifice their freedom to sacrifice themselves are not worthy of enjoyment or security. —— Franklin

Ah! Noble demeanor! What a terrible thing! Demeanor is the enemy of creativity. —— Picasso

If you have true morality, you will be born with courage. Those who are afraid of fear and fear of ghosts will be ghosts in their hearts, and they will be misbehaving. —— Xuan Yongguang

I learned silence from people who talked a lot, learned tolerance from a narrow person, and learned love from this cruel man, but the strange thing is that I am not grateful to these teachers. -- anonymous

There is a death in the country, and both of them are no longer green. —— Lu You

Listen more, talk less, accept everyone's blame, but keep your final ruling. —— Shakespeare

Silence is more conducive to socializing than words that are insincere. —— Montaigne

Life is like chess, one step is wrong, all loses, this is a sad thing; and life is not as good as chess, it is impossible to come to another game, and can not repent. —— Freud

When you are angry, close your mouth so as not to increase your anger. - Socrates

Don't try to live forever, you won't succeed. —— Shaw

If the smoke is forgotten, the heart is unselfish and wide. —— Tao Zhu

The road is footed out, and history is written by people. Every movement of a person is writing his own history. —— Ji Hongchang

If the sage can reflexively, then there is no good or bad; if the sage is not rebellious, it will be more resentful for the Son of Man and more violent for the Father. —— Yuan Cai

We can't live with the grass and rot, we can't be drunk and dream, we will live our lives, we must do what we do! —— Fang Zhimin

Think about it later, so as not to make stupid things. Because sloppy movements and words are all despicable features. —— Pythagoras

Even if you are in heaven, it would not be pleasant to walk alone in the great and sacred Heavenly Palace without a partner. —— Axis

The most essential value of life is the independence of man. —— Budiman

As long as everything is seen lightly, there is nothing to worry about; as long as it does not exaggerate the state of affairs by anger, there is nothing to be angry about. —— Turgenev

Whoever wants to receive assistance in distress should be treated as wide on weekdays. —— Sadie

If we pile everyone's misfortune into a pile and divide it by everyone, most people will be willing to accept one and will leave. - Socrates

Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright. —— Xiao Chu female

You have to be measured between the two enemies, lest they will be self-confident after they have reconciled. —— Sadie

There is nothing in the world that is more happy than taking care of each other and trying to care for each other. —— Cicero

Habits are not suppressed, and soon it will become a necessity in your life. —— Augustine

In order to play our part in life, love life! —— Rodin

There are two tragedies in life. First, all of them are gray; the other is full of ambition. —— Shaw

Bad habits can hinder you from going to fame, profit, and enjoyment. —— Shakespeare

People like to get used to it, because it is their own. —— Shaw

The beneficiaries must keep the grace in their hearts, but the one who is merciful cannot remember it. —— Cicero

Habit, each of us is more or less a slave to it. —— Gao Ting

It is easy to get angry, which is the most obvious weakness in character. —— Dante

If a person is too lucky, he does not know how high he is, and he does not know how much his ability is. If he is too unfortunate, he will be silent in his life. —— Fuller

Life is an endless, uninterrupted, ruthless battle. Anyone who has to be called a human being must fight against an invisible enemy. The powers of instinct in the instinct, the desires of chaos, the thoughts of sorrow, the thoughts that make you fall and make you destroy yourself are all kinds of enemies. ——Roman Roland

Don't treat everyone with a distrustful look, but be cautious and firm. —— Democritus

You have to remember to always be happy to give more to others and less to others. —— Gorky

Work is the value of life, the joy of life, and the place of happiness. - Rodin

Burnout is a big problem in life. People often sigh that life is short. In fact, life is long, just because I don’t know its purpose. —— The Pooh people feel less happy than they feel pain. —— Li Wei

You should give help when your friends are in trouble. Don't gossip after things are hopeless. - Aesop

Open-minded: Don't be upset and pessimistic about the unpleasant trivialities. —— Franklin

For an immature teenager, a bad partner plays a much larger role than a good teacher. - Aesop

People should dominate their habits, and they must not let habits dominate people. One cannot remove his bad habits. It is simply worthless. -- Ostrovsky

When people live, they must have a firm belief, not only for their own food and clothing, but also for their contribution to society. —— Zhang Zhixin

The head can be broken, the limbs can be folded, and the revolutionary spirit cannot be destroyed. The head of the patriot is the party, and the body of the hero is broken. —— Zhou Wenzhao

It doesn't matter if you cut your head, as long as it is true. Killed Xia Minghan, and later people. —— Xia Minghan

In the political understanding of theory, stand firm and not be able to shake your revolutionary beliefs for certain phenomena or rumors at any time! —— Fang Zhimin

The enemy can only cut our heads and never shake our faith! Because our belief in religion is still the truth of the universe! —— Fang Zhimin

When marching, there are people who are retired from time to time, some are in the wild, some are in Sui and Tang, and some are rebellious. However, as long as they are not hindered, the team will become a pure and elite team. —— Lu Xun

If you don't suffer, you can't be soft, but you can't just get it; but Gangs is not afraid, but it just starts. —— Luo Xueyu

The revolution is like a fire, letting the snow cover the mountains, the birds and beasts, as long as we have fire, we can drive away the cold and bring light and warmth. —— Yang Jingyu

We should praise the firmness of the rock. We should learn the firmness of the rock. We should have a strong belief in the revolution. —— Tao Zhu

The action that governs the warrior is faith. He can endure all the hardships and pains and reach the goal he has chosen. —— Ba Jin

The ideal of revolution is not a dispensable item, but a driving force for one's life. With an ideal, it is equal to having a soul. —— Wu Yunqi

A few flies bite a few mouthfuls, and must not leave a heroic running horse. —— Voltaire

Deciding a person's life, as well as the entire fate, is only a moment. —— Goethe

Dieting is harder than hunger strike. A proper amount of food needs to be clear-headed, and dripping water does not require a hard-willed will. —— 荪 多 · McNapo

Because we eagerly want to avoid the mistakes, we are often more likely to fall into ridiculousness. —— Horace

When you are angry, count to ten before you open your mouth. If you are very angry, count to one hundred. —— Jefferson

People are dead personally, and on the whole they are immortal. —— Apulia

Whoever plays the game, he will accomplish nothing; whoever does not dominate himself will always be a slave. —— Goethe

One should develop the habit of trusting oneself, and believe in your bravery and perseverance even in the most critical times. - Napoleon

I am also a person, listen to his words and believe in his actions. Today, I am also a person, listening to his words and watching his actions. —— Kongqiu

Just saying no, it is important to do it. —— Lu Xun

If you have faith, you will be young, doubts will be old; if you are confident, you will be young, if you are afraid, you will be old; if you are hopeful, you will be young, and if you are desperate, you will be old; the years will make your skin wrinkle, but if you lose your enthusiasm, you will hurt your soul. —— Carnegie

We must have perseverance, especially with confidence! We must believe that our talents are used to do something, no matter how expensive it is, this kind of thing must be done. —— Mrs. Curie

The person who sacrificed for the good of the future is a stone statue. —— Fucik

Faith is generated by a desire, because it is willing to believe, it will be believed, and if we believe, we will believe that there is a kind of interest to believe. —— Strindberg

The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief. ——Roman Roland

If you don’t work hard and seek quick results, you’ll only be able to live on a small day. —— Zheng Banqiao

Huge buildings are always stacked with one stone and one stone. Why can we do this wood and stone? That's the reason why I often do odd jobs. —— Lu Xun

Faith is spiritual labor; animals are unbelievers, and barbarians and primitives have only horror and doubt. Only a noble organization can achieve faith. —— Chekhov

The brave and winning beliefs often end the battle. —— Engels

Empty talks, etc., are talked about in the near future, and there is nothing to talk about. It is always taken out of the original form by the mirror of facts, dragging its tail away. —— Lu Xun

Without faith, there is no veritable character and life; without faith, there is no veritable land... —— Whitman

Faith has no boundaries between the land and the language. Anyone who supports the truth is a brother and a friend. —— Henrich Mann

Faith is what people need. People who don't believe in anything will not have happiness. —— Hugo

A person's activities, if not inspired by noble thoughts, are unhelpful and small. —— Chernyshevsky

On the day of victory, we may live and may have died, but our program is eternal and will liberate all mankind. —— Liebknechsi

Faith is an oasis in the heart, and the camel team of thought can never be reached. —— Gibran

Because we eagerly want to avoid the mistakes, we are often more likely to fall into ridiculousness. —— Horace

To make a person truly educated, you must have three qualities: profound knowledge, habits of thinking, and noble sentiments. Not much knowledge is ignorance; not accustomed to thinking, is rude or stupid; no noble sentiment, is vulgar. —— Chernyshevsky

No matter what, please be quiet and happy! This is life. We must accept life as we are, bravely, boldly, and smile forever. —— Luxembourg

People are dead personally, and on the whole they are immortal. —— Apulia

Keep up with the future, seize the essence of it, and turn the future into the present. —— Chernyshevsky

The future is bright and beautiful, love it, rush into it, work for it, greet it, make it as realistic as possible! —— Chernyshevsky

Without participating in the struggle to change society, ideals are always a phantom. —— Wu Yunqi

The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. - Owen

Too fast is one of the biggest dangers of doing things. —— Bacon

A person who does not pay attention to small things will never succeed in a big business. —— Carnegie

Killing "now" will kill "the future." ---- The future is the age of the children. —— Lu Xun

Our struggle and labor are to constantly turn advanced ideas into reality. —— Zhou Yang

Speak less words, do more everyday things... —— Lenin

Everyone knows that turning language into action is much more difficult than turning action into language. —— Gorky

Make life a fantasy, and then turn fantasy into reality. —— Mrs. Curie

To achieve a great cause, we must start small things. —— Lenin

Who is dedicated to the great goals of the times and dedicated his life to the struggle for the human brothers, who is immortal... —— Nekrasov

I would rather have a pear, not a basket of rotten pears. Even if there are only two or three people who are willing and loyal, they are stronger than ten people who are full of vitality. —— Lenin

Judging a person is not based on his own confession or his own opinion, but on his actions. —— Lenin

Whether literally or in reality, happiness is the sacred origin and foundation. —— Di Cigen

The warrior is always pursuing the light. He does not lie under the clear sky to enjoy the sun, but ignites the torch in the dark night, lighting the way for people to make them go to dawn. - Bajin

Every bit of progress is slow and arduous, and one can only tackle a limited goal at a time. —— Beveridge

For a person, what is expected is nothing else, but only that he can go all out and dedicate himself to a good cause. —— Einstein

People who want to build their hopes and desires will be disappointed in nine out of twenty times. —— Dumas

The sacred work in everyone's daily affairs, the ideal future is to start from scratch. —— Xie Juezhen

The cause is often persevering and ruined. —— Sadie

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