Celebrity famous words

100 sentences about ideal celebrity quotes

1. Ideal means the road light. Without ideals, there is no firm direction; without direction, there is no life. --Leo Tolstoy

2. The happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal. - Socrates

3, the ideal realization depends only on dry, not on empty talk. - Democritus

4. An ideal, socially beneficial, and purposeful life is the most beautiful and meaningful life in the world.

5, men do not show up the wind, empty and natural eight feet. ——Feng Menglong

6, Tian Xingjian, gentleman to self-improvement. - "Zhou Yi"

7. The ideal is the eye that reflects the beauty of the heart.

8. The ideal is the thinking of finding the target.

9. The ideal is like the morning star, we can never touch it, but we can sail like a voyager by the position of the starlight.

10. Only by knowing the way to today can we plan the future clearly and intelligently.

11, the ideal is lost, the flower of youth will also die. Because ideals are the light and heat of youth.

12. Everyone has a certain ideal, which determines his direction of effort and judgment.

13, the ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken without compensation; ideal is a flower, thank you can be reopened.

14. The ideal is in ourselves. At the same time, the obstacles that hinder us from achieving our ideals are also within ourselves.

15, determined to be like a mountain, the road should be like water. Not as good as mountains, not firm, not as good as water, not to Quda.

16. The ideal is the source of strength, the cradle of wisdom, the flag of the battle, and the sword of the thorns.

17. The real joy of life is to be committed to a goal that I consider to be great.

18. The ideal ambition of a person is often proportional to his ability.

19. The ideal of life is for an ideal life.

20, the more noble a person's ideal, the more pure life.

21, people need ideals, but they need people's natural ideals, not supernatural ideals.

22. There is no ideal person in life, it is pathetic.

23. Your ideals and enthusiasm are the rudders and sails of the soul of your sailing.

24. In the ideal and beautiful world, everything is designed for good purposes.

25. The ideal person must not only be satisfied in the satisfaction of material needs, but also in the satisfaction of spiritual interests.

26, life can not be without ideals. There should be a healthy ideal, an ideal from the heart, and an ideal from the people of the country.

27. The fun you enjoy in hope is much greater than the fun you actually enjoy in the future.

28. The ideal is beautiful, but there is no will. The ideal is just a fleeting rainbow.

29. A great ideal can only be achieved through the struggle and sacrifice of selflessness.

30. Those who have sacrificed for the good of the future are statues of noble stone.

31. If you apply your ideals to real things, you will have civilization.

32. Killing the ideal talent is the most evil murderer.

33. The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

34. The ideal is like the sun, attracting all the mud on the ground.

35. A contemplative person has a goal, but a fanciful person does not.

36. There is no end to people's wishes, and the power of people is inexhaustible.

37. The human heart is comforted by hope and has lived to the last moment of life.

38. The avenues of art are thorny, which is also a good thing, and ordinary people are discouraged, except for those with strong will.

39. A person without a great ideal is like a machine tool without a motor.

40. The whole life is thought and labor. Although labor is ignorant and ordinary, it cannot be interrupted. - Goncharov

41. A noble ideal does not lose value because of silence; selfish pursuits are not great because of yelling.

42. A person's activities, if not inspired by noble thoughts, are unhelpful and small. - Chernyshevsky

43. Without ideals, you will not achieve your goals; without bravery, you will not get anything. - Belinsky

44. There are no ideal people in life, poor people. - Turgenev

45. The highest ideal in life is seeking truth. ——Li Dazhao

46. ​​If you do not dedicate yourself to a great ideal, life is meaningless. - Jose Rizal

47. Everyone has a certain ideal, which determines his direction of effort and judgment. In this sense, I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this theoretical basis, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. - Einstein

48. Just because of the ideal, life has become so sweet; just because of the ideal, life is so precious. Because not all ideals can be achieved! I will take my love for life, keep on going to life, and go on forever... ——Aitmatov

49. Life should be like a candle. From the top to the end, it has always been bright. - Xiao Chu female

50. Everyone has a certain ideal, which determines his direction of effort and judgment. In this sense, I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. - Einstein

51. Hope is an oasis in the desert sands, indicating a new life; hope is a bright light in the raging waves, guiding the direction of progress; hope is the engine of life, continuously conveying energy; hope is difficult The tough cane is an inspiring piece of music when it is sad. It is an inspiring agent for despair.

52. The ideal is the torch, igniting the enterprising heart. The ideal is the sweet spring, the nourishing and dry heart. The ideal is the tree, which holds up the shade for you. The ideal is light, illuminating the front for you.

53. If you can live with your ideals, and in the spirit of integrity and freedom, the perseverance of courage, honesty and self-deception, you will be able to succumb to the perfection. - Mrs. Curie

54. I believe that we should look for spiritual power in an idealism that does not make us proud, but enables us to put our hopes and dreams high. - Mrs. Curie

55, life can not be without ideals. There should be a healthy ideal, an ideal from the heart, and an ideal from the people of the country. - Dimitrov

56. The ideal is the master of the world. - Hawthorne

57. Ideal has an extraordinary charm for me. My ideal... is always full of life and earth. I never think about things that are impossible to achieve. --Ostrovsky

58. Ideal is the road light. Without ideals, there is no firm direction; without direction, there is no life. --Leo Tolstoy

59. There is no ideal, that is, without some kind of good wishes, there will never be a beautiful reality. - Dostoevsky

60. Without ideals, you will not achieve your goals; without bravery, you will not get anything. - Belinsky

61. The reality is this shore, and the ideal is the other side. There is a rushing river in between, and the action is a bridge over the river. - Krylov

62. With ideal people, life is always hot. ——Stalin

63. The ideal life of a person is much longer than the life of their body. Our flesh is short-lived in the universe, but our ideals can pass through the limits of time, in the historical field of the Bruns. ——Liu Ling

64. A person who has no lofty ideals and noble life goals is like a bird without wings, a machine without a motor, and a light bulb without tungsten wire. ——Zhang Hua

65. A person can't have no ideals in a day, but with luck, he is afraid of hardships, and he has no real talents to learn. No matter how good the ideal can be. ——Zhang Hua

66. How to test a person's ideals is not to see what he gets from society, but to see what he has given humans. ——Wang Boxun

67. People who have no lofty ideals of life, like a small boat in the sea, will always be attacked by squally waves and sink into the sea. But if one has the ideal of communism and is loyal to this ideal infinitely, he can withstand the test of any storms and difficulties. ——Wu Yunyu

68. Our struggle and labor are to constantly turn advanced ideals into reality. ——Zhou Yang

69. A person with a very fulfilling spiritual life must be a very ideal person. He must be a noble person. He must be a person who only acts as a material master and not as a material slave. - Tao Zhu

70. No matter what kind of society, the ideal of one person is for the benefit of the majority, and for the progress of society, it promotes the development of social productive forces. That is to say, in accordance with the law of development of social history, it is great. ideal. - Tao Zhu

71. The steps are built layer by layer. The current reality is the basis of the future ideal. Just thinking about the future, not starting from the reality of the near, there is no foundation, it will flow into fantasy. ——Xu Teli

72. On the basis of the narrow reality of the present reality, there are noble ideals and comprehensive plans. In step-by-step action, thinking of the great future and steady progress on the ground, can we achieve something. ——Xu Teli

73. A person has a lofty ideal, that is, he will feel happy in the most difficult times. ——Xu Teli

74. The ideal is what is needed, and it is the direction we are heading. Reality has ideal guidance to have a future; in turn, it must be achieved through realistic efforts. ——Zhou Enlai

75. If you do not dedicate yourself to a great ideal, life is meaningless. - Jose Rizal

76. Sometimes the ideal is like the clouds of the sky. At the beginning, it will feel so beautiful, so spectacular, but as time goes by, it will fade, and eventually disappear.

77. I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. - Einstein

78. Optimism is the bright light of hope. It guides you from the dangerous canyon to the road, so that you can get new life and new hope, and support your ideal will never be annihilated. - Darwin

79. Those who avoid reality will be less ideal in the future.

80. Love is synonymous with friendship and a reliable guarantee for our common cause. Love is a good companion to life. You and your beloved woman sleep together because the common ideal binds the two hearts tightly. together. - Faraday

81. The ideal is the navigation light that guides the direction.

82. The ideal wind is full of the sails of life; the pillar of struggle raises the ideal flag. Www.geyanw.com collection

83. Ideal is a solid pillar of life. If you lose your ideal of life, your spirit will follow.

84. The meaning of life flashes in the glory of ideals; the value of life flashes in the life of creation.

85. The ideal life of a person is much longer than the life of their body. Our flesh is short-lived in the universe, but our ideals can pass through the limits of time, in the historical field of the Bruns. ——Liu Ling

86. There is no ideal, that is, without some kind of good wishes, there will never be a beautiful reality. - Dostoevsky

87. Knowledge can make people's eyes brighter; ideals can make people's hearts better.

88. The establishment of the socialist system has opened up a path to reach the ideal realm, and the realization of the ideal realm depends on our hard work. - Mao Zedong

89. The noble moral sentiments and moral behaviors and the ideals of pursuing beauty are often united and inseparable. ——Zhou Yang

90. Labor is highly respected. Serving society is a highly appreciated moral ideal. - Dewey

91, the glory of youth, the key to the ideal, the meaning of life, and even the survival and development of mankind... are all included in these two words... Struggle! Only by struggling can we heal the wounds of the past; only struggle is the hope and light of our nation. - Marx

92. Love is the ideal unity, the fusion of will; not the synonym of matter, the slave of money.

93. If you regard love as an ideal person, you will not have a true ideal.

94. The flowers that open in the sunshine are beautiful, and the love with the revolutionary ideal is sweet. ——Mo Guiying

95. The peak of climbing must be fearless and difficult, and it is necessary to be brave in achieving the ideal.

96. Ideal is the road light. There is no firm direction without ideals; there is no life without direction. - Tolstoy

97. The happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal. - Socrates

98, an ideal is a force! -Roman Roland

99. The ideal social state is not the equalization of wealth, but each person extracts the reward it deserves from the total wealth of society according to the size of its contribution. - Hen George

100, the ideal is light, the silk is warm; the ideal is the spring, leading the hope of new life; the ideal is the song, the heart is comforting; the ideal is the dew, the moisturizing and wilting the soul; the ideal is the wind, the thick cloud is rolled; the ideal is the cloud, Turn into rain in time; ideal is rain, moisturizing trees with long drought; ideal is tree, prop up the green shade for you; ideal is light; snow that dissolves cold winter; ideal is snow, water that moistens the land; ideal is water, The formation of the boundless sea; the ideal is the sea, tolerating all faults; the ideal is the stone, knocking out the fire of the stars; the ideal is the fire, igniting the extinguished lamp; the ideal is the lamp, illuminating the road of the night; the ideal is the road, leading you to dawn.

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