Celebrity famous words

100 sentences about happy celebrity quotes

1. True happiness is intrinsic. It can only be found in the human mind. - Bremer

2. There are no cosmetics in the world that are more beautiful than happiness. - Breton

3. Only faith makes happiness true. ——Montaigne

4, the greatest happiness in life is to commit to a goal that I think is great. - Shaw

5, the greatest happiness in life is not in possession, but in the process of pursuing what. - Bunsen

6. Laughing is a sedative with no side effects. - Grasso

7. Happiness is not bad, but some happy producers bring many times more trouble than happiness. - Epicurus

8, no one's happiness is no trouble. - Foley

9. Doing good is the only action that is truly happy in life. - Sidney

10. Happy is the greatest thing in life! - Gorky

11, happy, so that life can continue. Happiness is the vitality of the spirit and the body. It is the hope and the faith. It is the confidence of the present and the coming, and the confidence that everything should be done. - Gogol

12. Happiness lies not in things but in ourselves. - Richard Wagner

13. People need to be happy, just like they need clothes. - Margaret Collier Graham

14, as much as possible to create happiness to fill the time, which can live to tie the time to accompany happiness. - Wen Yiduo

15. Is it better to allow children to be happy in their own way? ——Sie Jensen

16. Happiness and pain never come to a person at the same time, but if you pursue one of them and experience it, you almost always have to experience the other, they are like two under the command of the same brain. The same as the body. - Plato

17. All people regard happiness and happiness as their purpose; no exception, no matter how different the methods they use, everyone is moving toward the same goal. - Pascal

18. Everyone has a certain ideal, which determines his direction of effort and judgment. In this sense, I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. - Einstein

19. The brightest festive flame is probably ignited by an unexpected spark. The fragrant flowers from time to time on the road of life are also naturally grown by accidentally falling seeds. ——Sie Jensen

20. The happiest people seem to be those who are happy without special reasons. They are happy only because they are happy. ——William Ralph Inge

21, I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. - Einstein

22. The happiness of the home is the ultimate goal of all ambitions; it is the end of all the hard work of the cause. - Sey John Johnson

23. For those who are filled with happiness, all the processes are wonderful. - Rosalind de Cassio

24. A person with real talents will feel the highest level of happiness in the course of work. - Goethe

25, the real laugh is to be optimistic about life, happy for work, excited about career. - Einstein

26, laughter is a symbol of benevolence, the source of happiness, the medium of being close to others. With laughter, human feelings are communicated. - Shelley

27. Be happy, you will do well, be more successful, healthier, and be more kind to others. - Maxwell Maltz

28. The greatest happiness of all happiness exists in the meditation of the truth. - Aquinas

29. The so-called happiness refers to the painlessness of the body and the confusion of the soul. - Epicurus

30. The real happiness of life lies in its ability to contribute to a cause, and it is recognized that this is a great cause. - Shaw

31. The greatest happiness in life is not in possession, but in the process of pursuing what. - Banting

32. All the joys of life are the joy of creation: love, genius, and action—all by the creation of this group of fires. -Roman Roland

33. Everyone who lives in life will have joy in his life, and his life will be lost, and his anger will be lost. There will be nowhere in sorrow and anger. Love is quiet, in the face of chaos, do not lead to do not destroy, blessing will return. - Guan Zhong

34. The so-called inner happiness is the happiness that a person feels when he lives a healthy, normal, harmonious life. -Roman Roland

35. When we love others, life is beautiful and happy. --Leo Tolstoy

36. When you are happy, friends will know us; when you are in trouble, we will know friends. - Collins

37. Family harmony is the happiest thing in life. - Goethe

38. No one can feel deeper sorrow and decline than people who laugh too much. - Rickett

39. A person becomes himself, and that is the culmination of happiness. ——Desidu Erasmus

40. Happiness is like perfume, not on others, but on yourself. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

41. The so-called happiness refers to the painlessness of the body and the confusion of the soul. - Epicurus

42. Sadness can be cooked by yourself. If you want to fully understand the taste, you need someone to share it. --Mark Twain

43. The secret of happiness is to let interest expand as much as possible, and respond to people as much as possible from good intentions rather than malicious interests. - Roland

44. Everyone has an ideal paradise for everyone. There is a world that they are happy to enjoy. Pursuing in the direction that they are willing to pursue is the road of your life. You don't have to complain about the environment, and you don't have to envy others. - Roland

45. If one can let himself maintain a pure heart like a child, do things with optimism, treat people with kindness, be fair and frank, his life must be much more happy than others. - Roland

46. ​​Happiness is a state of mind that has nothing to do with wealth, age and the environment.

47. How can I be happy? Abandon hatred, stay away from troubles, live simple, indifferent to fame and fortune, stand alone for others, smile and open, and have love in my heart.

48. Some people say that the best way to make yourself happy is to make others happy first.

49. Happiness is a by-product of success.

50. Every day, like a headless flies, they are looking for happy people. In the end, they always get nothing. The reason is that happiness is not omnipresent, but it depends on oneself to make it. Available in Xiaoyu.com ( www.geyanw.com ).

51. In the noisy urban jungle, you are almost not happy. At this point, you may wish to take a short walk to the country. Breathe in the fresh air, smell the aroma of the earth, look at the green earth, listen to the sonatas of nature - hum, birds, streams... you will have a different feeling.

52. If we just want to pursue personal happiness, this desire is easy to achieve; but if we want to be happy than others, it is too difficult, because we always think that others are more happy than us.

53. Some people say that the best way to make yourself happy is to make others happy first.

54. Love yourself will only make us more lonely, and loving others will make us happier.

55. Happiness is like a butterfly. If you reach out and catch it, it will often fail; but if you sit quietly, it will stop on you.

56. If happiness can be bought with money, most people will be unhappy because the price is too expensive.

57. People who never know how to be grateful can never experience the true meaning of happiness.

58. How can I be happy? Abandon hatred, stay away from troubles, live simple, indifferent to fame and fortune, stand alone for others, smile and open, and have love in my heart.

59. In order to find happiness, you have traveled all over the world and never seen it. In fact, as long as you have a contented heart, happiness is on you.

60. If you want to be happy, don't let yourself be languid.

61. A healthy body with bad memories will make us live happier.

62. When the sun shines into the window every day, I am happy; when I have overcome my problems after some meditation, I am happy; when I see others showing my smile because of my help, I am happy. I am a person who loves to create happiness, happiness, and will flow because of me or you.

63. Happiness is like a breeze, blowing away the dark clouds that hang over people's minds; happiness is like wine, the longer it is brewed, the more fragrant the taste is; the happiness is like a creek, only when it flows into the sea, it can feel its own existence; happiness is like a drink, once opened There is a seductive bleakness.

64, happiness is like a cup of water, it is so simple, it can be seen everywhere around us, but sometimes we often ignore its existence. There is no reason for happiness. We can't change the weather, but we can change our mood and make ourselves happy. It is the best way to be kind to ourselves. Sometimes we don't need to stick to other people's words, maybe they just have no intention to affect our mood, so when others misunderstand you or laugh at you, then raise your head and smile, it is the best way to fight back.

65. Happiness is always accompanied by generous people. Wealth is always accompanied by honest people. Wisdom is always accompanied by noble people. Charisma is always accompanied by humorous people. Health is always accompanied by open-minded people!

66, the cause does not need to be shocked, there are achievements; money does not need to be incomplete, enough to spend on the line; friends do not have to shape, think about it; children do not need more and less, filial piety; life does not have to be over a hundred years old, healthy on the line!

67, no friend is comparable to health, no enemy is more than a disease, and it is darker than tears for illness, not as good as sports and fitness for life!

68, there is nothing to be sick, nothing to lose money, lack of health, health is not everything, no health, there is nothing!

69, senior officials are not as good as Kochi, Gaozhi is not as good as high salary, high salary is not as good as high life, high life is not as happy! Not afraid of low treatment, they are afraid of returning to the West. Not afraid of making less money, afraid to go early!

70, anything can be bad, the mood can not be bad; nothing can be lacking, self-confidence can not be lacking; nothing can be, happy can not be; anything can be forgotten, every day fitness can not forget!

71. Choosing the right cause can make a lifetime, choosing a friend can be a smart life, choosing the right environment for a lifetime, choosing a partner can be a happy life, choosing a lifestyle can be a healthy life!

72. Happiness is a feeling from the heart, a clear and clear inner feeling.

73. Three things that are extremely important in life: Treat the world with a tolerant heart, treat life; create a world with a happy heart, change life; feel the world with gratitude, feel life!

74. Pedestrians full of joy and fighting spirit, always with happiness, welcome thunder and sunshine...

75, be kind to yourself, be extremely happy, be kind to others, be very happy, be kind to life, and be very healthy!

76, life is only 30,000 days. Success and failure are calm, no grievances care. Health and happiness are the most valuable!

77. The house is also a temporary residence. Only the small wooden raft is a permanent home. Therefore, the width of the house is not as wide as the heart, and the body is not as good as the peace of mind!

78. The biggest mistake in life is to exchange health for the things outside of the body. The greatest sorrow in life is to exchange personal life for personal troubles. The biggest waste of life is to solve the troubles of self-made with life!

79. A wise man can understand, a savvy person can see it right, a wise man can see it far, and a wise man's voice is a fool's direction. If you can't give up the ignorance of the past, you can't walk into the temple of wisdom, treat health, and prejudice is more terrible than ignorance. !

80. Happiness is a great medicine for longevity. Diligence is a healthy spirituality. Exercise is a healthy investment. Longevity is the reward of fitness.

81. The way to happiness is as follows: Make your interests as broad as possible, and do not react hostilely to people and things that cause interest, and do a friendly response.

82. Selfish people are often unhappy because they protect their own character and confidence even if they protect their interests and safety.

83. Action does not necessarily bring happiness, but without action, there is certainly no happiness.

84, smart people laugh at fools, fools also laugh at smart people, both sides will feel the same happiness.

85. If you are dissatisfied with everything you have, you will not be happy when you have more.

86, fame and fortune, can only bring us a short happy; only a calm mind and love of work can bring us eternal joy.

87. To be happy, not to increase wealth, but to reduce desire.

88. Selfish people can never find happiness.

89. Happiness is a precious resource. You can't just enjoy it, not discover it.

90, busy people are often the happiest people, because he does not have time to think that he is not happy.

91. Life is not about the long and short life, but the early and late of the epiphany. Life is not used to correct the right and wrong of others, but to practice their wonderful life!

92. Happiness is a profound thing, and it should be slowly engraved on the heart of bronze.

93. True happiness does not come from wealth or honor, but from doing something worth doing.

94, the true meaning of happiness is to develop a good habit to store health, indulgence of bad habits is overdraft life, excuses to make time to go to fitness, sooner or later will make time to see a doctor!

95, diligence is a healthy spirit, happiness is a good medicine for longevity, sports is a healthy investment, longevity is a gift of fitness!

96, Yang Xin will make the body get adjusted, exercise can make the spirit rest, health should have an open-minded optimism, fitness needs a tenacious will!

97, wealth and fame and fortune will not be equal, time is fair to people, you have Jinshan Yinshan, not necessarily life than Nanshan, he is a thick tea cloth, will be happy for a hundred years!

98, three layers can not match a layer of cotton, good clothes and hats can not match the beauty, young age by the United States, old age by health and beauty, inner and full of life, is a long life!

99, happiness makes the body disease-free, the mind is disease-free.

100, laughter brings sweetness to life, making it as fragrant as the flowers in the rose garden.

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