Celebrity famous words

100 sentences about inspirational celebrity quotes

1. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent of sweat. - Edison

2. A person can succeed in almost anything he has infinite enthusiasm. - Charles Scober

3, a deep look at your own heart, and then found that all the miracles are in your own. - Bacon

4. Strong beliefs can win the hearts of the strong and make them stronger. ——Bai Zhete

5, the running water will release vitality when it touches the bottom. - Goethe

6. The wisdom in the head is like the spark in the Flintstone. If you don't hit it, you will not come out. - Shakespeare

7. Most people have the abilities and opportunities they don't understand, and they all have the chance to do things they never dreamed of. - Dale Carnegie

8. Don't ask the secret of success, and do your best to do what you should do. ——Mei Warner

9. Suffering is like a dark cloud. When you look far, you can see it in black, but when you are there, it is just gray. - Richter

10. Lucky is not without fear and trouble; bad luck is by no means without comfort and hope. - Bacon

11. Unfortunately, it may become a bridge to happiness. - Japanese proverb

12, suffering temper some people, but also destroy others. - Fuller

13, the fire test gold, adversity test strong. - Seneca

14, life is like a book, stupid people turn over, smart people read carefully. Why is it? Because they can only read it once. - Paul

15. The past belongs to the god of death, and the future belongs to you. - Shelley

16, don't sigh the pain of life! Lament is weak. - Gorky

17, should not be eager to seek success, should be familiar with their own research objects, perseverance, time will be everything. It is the hardest to start with everything, but what is more difficult is how to be good. - Shakespeare

18, if the smoke is forgotten, the heart is unselfish and wide. - Tao Zhu

19, life is like this cup of strong wine, without three times and five times of refining, it will not be so delicious! ——Guo Xiaochuan

20. The value of life is measured by the work of its people for the present. ——Xu Wei

21, rich and wealthy, poor and happy, the man is here to be heroic. ——Cheng Wei

22. Adversity gives people valuable opportunities to temper. Only those who can stand the test of the environment can be regarded as the real strong. Most of the great men of ancient times have been struggling with adversity in the spirit of perseverance. - Matsushita Yukisuke

23, the road is footed out, history is written by people. Every movement of a person is writing his own history. ——Ji Hongchang

24. Real life can only be achieved after a difficult and strenuous struggle. - Seneca

25. When a person uses his work to greet the light, the light will soon shine on him. ——Feng Xuefeng

26. When people are in adversity, their ability to adapt to the environment is amazing. People can endure misfortunes, but they can also overcome misfortunes. Because people have amazing potential, as long as they are determined to play it, they will be able to weather the storm. - Carnegie

27. If you want to achieve your goals, you have to paint in your heart the vision of the goal; then, the dream will come true. - British contemporary motivation master Richard Danny

28, a person's life happiness, morality alone is not enough, we must often portray their future happiness image, and rely on the omnipotent subconscious to help achieve. Once the subconscious has accepted the matter, it will try its best to achieve it. After that, you just have to wait and feel. - World famous research spiritual law, subconscious authority Joseph Moffey

29. Everyone has a circuit with special abilities, but most people can't make full use of it because they don't know it, just like Huaizhongbao doesn't know it; as long as the ability to discover this secret is discovered, human ability will A completely big change can also show the ability to surpass ordinary people. ——The author of the Super Right Brain Revolution, the Japanese Science Association Consultant Shi Tianzhen

30. I have never worked in this life. My humor and great works come from the treasures of the unconscious mind. --Mark Twain

31. The most capable people are often those who continue to deliver successful ideas even in the most desperate environment. They not only inspire themselves, but also inspire others, fail to succeed, and swear by end. - Anthony Robin

32. Inspiration is not generated on the extension of logical thinking, but inspiration in places where logic or common sense is broken. - Einstein

33. Don't be self-sufficient because of luck, don't get lost because of bad luck. The true powerhouse is good at finding shadows from good times, finding light from adversity, and constantly calibrating your own goals. - Ibsen

34. Each type of setback or unfavorable mutation is carried with the same or a larger beneficial seed. - Emerson

35, what is called failure? Failure is the first step to a better place. - Phillips

36. Failure is the final test of perseverance. - Bismarck

37. For the indomitable person, there is no such thing as failure. - Bismarck

38. A failure is just a testament to our determination to succeed. - Bovey

39. Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable as success to me. - Edison

40. What we care about is not whether you have failed, but whether you have no complaints about failure. - Lincoln

41. What is failure? Failure is the first step to a better place. - Phillips

42. No one knows in advance how much power they have until they know it. - Goethe

43. For those who are indomitable, there is no such thing as failure. - Bismarck

44. To be successful, you don't need any special talents. Just do a good job of the small things you can do. - Weilong

45, the only secret of success - stick to the last minute. - Plato

46. ​​Only victory can survive. Only success can only have a price. Only when you work hard can you gain something. - Anonymous

47. Only by turning the mood of complaining about the environment into the power of advancement is the guarantee of success. -Roman Roland

48. Winners often succeed from sticking to the last five minutes. - Newton

49. If you ask a person who is good at freezing to succeed, he will tell you: "Fall, climb up", this is success. - Newton

50. Things that were hopeless, bold attempts, often succeed. - Shakespeare is selected from the famous celebrity quotes ( www.geyanw.com )

51. The big thing is not how much strength, but how long it can last.

52. Every time you are on a poor day, you will be victorious.

53. Destiny always comes to those who are prepared.

54, thought → concept → action → habit → personality → fate.

55. A person's attitude determines his height.

56. Only action can transform fate.

57, the machine can not be lost, time is no longer coming.

58. Things you can solve don't worry; things that can't be solved are useless.

59. People must have enough pressure to surpass the peak.

60, a little initiative can make your luck in your life increase.

61. There is no need to explain success. There are many excuses for failure.

62. Action may not always bring happiness, but there must be no happiness without action.

63. A truly great person is an action that makes others see what is extraordinary.

64, no protection is a kind of protection, excessive protection is a kind of injury.

65, there is no difficulty in the world, as long as Kenden climbs.

66. There is no such thing as luck or bad luck. Everything has its own consequences.

67. Self-request is a shortcut to success. Perseverance is the shortest path to success.

68. The biggest difference between great men and ordinary people is to cherish time.

69. The key to success lies in our response to failure.

70. Even if action leads to mistakes, it also brings learning and growth; non-action is stagnant and shrinking.

71. Failure is just not enough to represent your efforts.

72. The amount of things in your mind is related to your future.

73. As long as the enthusiasm is still there, even if the youth disappears.

74. The potential of a person's ability is far beyond his imagination.

75. Things are perfect, that is art.

76, self-abandon can not afford to support, self-improvement can not beat.

77, a long way, you can finish step by step, and then a short road, can not reach without opening your feet.

78. There is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are desperate.

79, take a risk! The whole life is an adventure, and the person who goes the farthest is often the one who is willing to do and is willing to take risks.

80. Knowledge gives weight, achievement gives glory, most people just see the brilliance, not to weigh the weight.

81. The world will make way to those who have goals and visions.

82. The name of the bystander will never climb the scoreboard of the game.

83. Don't find reasons for failure. Find ways to succeed.

84. The great man is great because when he coexists with others, he loses his confidence, but he is determined to achieve his goal.

85. Behind every effort, there must be a double reward.

86. Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to transform themselves.

87. Any restrictions are started from your own heart. Forget about failure, but keep in mind the lessons of failure.

88. It is not the situation that creates people, but the man-made situation.

89. The reason why people can, is to believe.

90. Anyone who really tries to help others does not help himself.

91. The biggest bankruptcy of a person is despair. The biggest asset is hope.

92. Action is the ladder of success. The more actions, the higher the score.

93. The environment will never be perfect. Negative people are controlled by the environment, while active people control the environment.

94. I have defeated myself more than others.

95. The world is not in the hands of those who are ridiculed, but in the hands of those who can withstand ridicule and criticism.

96. The lamp of life is ignited by enthusiasm, and the boat of life moves forward because of hard work.

97. Having a dream is just an intelligence, and realizing a dream is an ability.

98. The talent of a person is like the water of a sponge. Without external force, it is absolutely incapable. After flowing out, the sponge can absorb the new source.

99. Only those who are constantly looking for opportunities will seize the opportunity in time.

100, as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron shovel is ground into a needle.

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