Celebrity famous words

Go deep into the heart to find courage

The courage in life is not always as dramatic as the courage of an emergency, but it is no exaggeration to say that he is a great intertwined of victory and tragedy. A person to do what he has to do - regardless of personal gains and losses, fear of obstacles, danger and pressure - this is the root of all human morality.

Being courage doesn't require special qualifications, no magic formulas, and no need for a combination of time, place, and environment. This is an opportunity that each of us will meet sooner or later. Politics is just a place to set a special test of courage. In any situation of life, we are all likely to face the challenge of courage. In order to do things with your own conscience, even others respect you - everyone must decide the path they want to go. The brave stories of the past can define the composition of courage that can educate us and bring us hope and inspiration, but it does not bring us courage. Because of this, everyone must go to the depths of their souls to find, and they will get courage.

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