Celebrity famous words

100 sentences about successful celebrity quotes

1. The secret of success is never changing the intended purpose. - Rousseau

2. A successful flower is cultivated by a lot of rain, blood, mud and a strong stormy environment. ——冼星海

3, if you want to succeed, when you are a good friend, you can use your experience as a staff member, be careful as a brother, and hope as a sentinel. - Edison

4. Most people are conservative and do not easily believe in new things, but can tolerate many failures in reality. ——Carlisle

5, to succeed, you don't need any special talents, just do a good job of what you can do. - Weilong

6. The only secret to success - stick to the last minute. - Plato

7. The best shortcut to success is to let people know clearly that your success is in their interest. - La Bruyère

8. Knowledge, discernment, integrity, learning, and good conduct are the main conditions for success, second only to interests and opportunities. - Anonymous

9, only victory can survive, only success has a price, only the cultivation can only gain. - Anonymous

10, honor is jealous of success, but success thinks that it is honor. - Jean Rothschild

11. If you want to succeed in this world, when you enter a salon, you must let your vanity pay tribute to the vanity of others. - Let Mrs. Liz.

12. How many "people who are about to succeed" have heard of us! Where did they go? - Joseph Pinneiro

13, desperately strive for success, but do not expect success. - Michael Faraday

14. Only by turning the mood of complaining about the environment into the power of advancement is the guarantee of success. -Roman Roland

15. Winners often succeed from sticking to the last five minutes. - Newton

16. If you ask a person who is good at freezing to succeed, he will tell you: "Fall, climb up", this is success. - Newton

17. Things that were hopeless, bold, and often successful. - Shakespeare

18, should not be eager to seek success, should be familiar with their own research objects, perseverance, time will be everything. It is the hardest to start with everything, but what is more difficult is how to be good. - Shakespeare

19. The punishment of laziness is not only your own failure, but also the success of others. - Jule Lenard

20, the secret of success - very simple, no matter what, no matter what, I will never allow myself to be a little discouraged. - Edison

21. The experience and reward that failure has brought to me is that I already know that this will not succeed, and the next time I can avoid the same mistake. - Edison

22, success - the touchstone of work and experience. - Byron

23, success is a steep step, both hands can not climb in the trouser pocket. - Anonymous

24. The highest achievement of successful artistic processing is beauty. - Goethe

25, many failures will always make a success. - Anonymous

26. Those who do not find lessons in failure, his path to success is far away. - Anonymous

27. Constant struggle is the road to success. - Sun Yat-sen

28, I am successful, because I am determined to succeed, I have not tasted. - Napoleon

29. What is the secret of success? “A=X+Y+Z”, “A stands for success, X stands for hard work, Y stands for correct method, and Z stands for nonsense”. - Einstein

30. A successful person who has obtained from his compatriots is always incomparably more than what he has done to them. - Einstein

31. With the support of a lofty purpose, keep working, even if it is slow, it will be successful. - Einstein

32. To be successful, you must create your own opportunities. You must not sit on the side of the road in a foolish way, wait for someone to pass, and invite you to the road of wealth and happiness. - Gov

33. One minute of success, the price paid is the failure of many years. - Browning

34. What is lacking in life is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed but the will to work hard. ——Guoer Wang

35. There is no way to succeed, but you will be engaged in your work, and you will not be able to save your reputation. - Longfellow

36. There are many people who have made the price of success with the happiness of youth. - Mozart

37. Failures and frustrations await people, mourning the face of youth again and again, but also adding a dignity to the prospects of human life, something that no success can do. - Thoreau

38. Suspicion of success often leads to real success. - Freud

39. The joy of success lies in the affirmation of yourself again and again, not in the long-term satisfaction of the completion of something. - Roland

40. Everyone is more or less inert. If one's willpower is not enough to promote himself, he will fail. Whoever can best promote himself will be the first to succeed. - Roland

41. What people lack is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed but the will to work hard. - Partial Wei

42. "To prepare for victory in preparation for failure," this is an attitude that must be had when a person faces gains and losses. If you only prepare for success and are not prepared to fail, you will be too late when you fail. - Roland

43. The flower of success, people only stunned its bright, but the original buds soaked the tears of struggle, sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice. - Bing Xin

44. Most people crowded their lives in a crowded world. They never knew where it was the place they wanted to reach, and those who had goals never forgot their direction, so he could open the way and succeed. . - Roland

45, do not work, of course, if you can't meet the failure, you will never succeed. ——Zou Yufen

46. ​​Easily successful and difficult to succeed can also stimulate people's wishes. - Balzac

47. When a person is single-minded in doing things, he will eventually succeed. - Rousseau

48. The secret of success is always the same. ——

49. I never believe that any innate or acquired talent can be successful without a firm and long-term quality. - Dickens

50, arrogance is the quicksand of success. - Abby

51. Always look at the bright and happy side, this is the embarrassment of my life. - Cork

52. Remember, success is a reward for hard work. - Sophocles

53. There is no misunderstanding in the pursuit of the next, and the public has no merits. ——桓宽

54. As a scientist, my success... The most important thing is: love science – infinite patience in thinking about any problem for a long time – observing and collecting de facto diligence – considerable inventiveness and common sense. - Darwin

55, the wood of the embrace, was born in the end; the nine-story platform, starting from the base soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Laozi

57. If you are not satisfied with your own affairs, you must never achieve a goal. - Daoyuan

58. A person who does not pay attention to small things will never succeed in a big cause. - Carnegie

59. Failure is the mother of success. - Phillips

60. Success is like a ladder. The "opportunity" is the long column on both sides of the ladder. The "capacity" is the crossbar inserted between the two long columns. The ladder is useless only if the long column does not have a crossbar. - Dickens

61. Once you have a simple and firm idea, as long as you repeat it, it will eventually become a reality. Refining, persisting, and repeating, this is the magic weapon for your success; perseverance will eventually reach a critical value. ——Jack Welch

62. When the opportunity is presented in front of you, if you can firmly grasp it, you can win 100% of the success and overcome the incident and find opportunities for yourself. - Carnegie

63. If you are full of warmth, you will be stunned and sullen. ——Wang Yongbin

64, since ancient times, success has been tried.

65. Success is not something that will come in the future, but it will continue to accumulate from the moment you decide to do it. Read the famous quotes ( www.geyanw.com ).

66. Whenever you are on a poor day, you will lose more than you are proud of.

67. Effort is the mother of success. - Cervantes

68. The cultivation of abilities must continue to be done, and it is necessary to improve learning methods and improve learning efficiency at all times in order to succeed. ——Ye Shengtao

69, brave, things will succeed; hard work, happiness will come.

70, rich and rich, no roots, from the diligence. ——Feng Menglong

71. There are many people who use the happiness of youth to make a successful price. - Mozart

72. Whenever you do things, you will succeed at the most. Those who are a hundred miles are half-nine, and those who are interested in the world must not stop. ——Liang Qichao

73, arrogance is the quicksand of success. - Abby

74. Pride is only a roadblock, often in the middle of a successful road. - Anonymous

75. Whoever works hard with me, who will be as successful as me. - Mozart

76. After a goal is reached, set another goal. This is a successful life model. —— Yao Lece Carnegie

77. Good things are difficult to get, and young people should not ask for easy. - Li Cheng used

78. Action is the ladder of success. The more actions, the higher the score.

79. A person can succeed in almost anything he has infinite enthusiasm.

80. Don't find reasons for failure. Find ways to succeed.

81. A shy failure is more noble than a proud success. - Gibran

82. The reason for a person's failure lies in the shortcomings of his own personality and has nothing to do with the environment. ——Maofuru

83. Obstacles and failures are the most stable stepping stones for success. If you study and use them, you can cultivate success from failure.

84. Success is when a surviving vitality suddenly rushes to the dam and merges into a suitable channel. ——He Huaihong

85. The secret of success lies in perseverance. - Disraeli

86. To be successful, you must not ignore anything... He must work hard on everything, and that may be rewarding. - Turgenev

87, persistent pursuit and continuous analysis, this is the wings to success. If you don't cling to it, you will easily go halfway; if you don't analyze it, you will easily go to the dark.

88. To be successful, we must carefully consider and decide to move forward. Once we decide to do so, we must be arrogant and arrogant.

89. Success is not an important thing. It is important to work hard.

90. A great cause is not accomplished by the speed of strength and the agility of the body, but by the power of character and the power of knowledge.

91. The firmness of the goal is one of the most necessary sources of strength in character, and one of the tools of success. Without it, genius will be in vain in the inconsistency.

92. People without failure experience cannot succeed.

93. With the support of a lofty purpose, keep working. Even if it is slow, it will definitely be successful. - Einstein

94. The biggest problem that leads to success is the lessons we have learned from our own mistakes.

95, success = hard work + the right way + less talk. - Einstein

96. People who never win will rarely fail, and those who never climb will rarely fall. - Whittier

97. Success is often the last minute visitors.

98, afraid to let go, because of fear of failure, will never succeed.

99. Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable as success to me. - Edison

100, without saliva and sweat, there is no tears of success.

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