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See new teacher

Saturday, February 21, 2019

On Saturday, my mother accompanied me to see a new piano teacher. The new teacher surnamed Chen, looks very beautiful, has big eyes, seems to speak, and the small nose and mouth grows on the red face, it looks very kind, I like this very much. teacher.

Teacher Chen was very meticulous in class. As soon as I walked into the piano room, the teacher said that I was ten minutes late. I feel very embarrassed. The teacher told me to play the Etude first. After a small section was not finished, the teacher told me to stop. She was really powerful. She caught three bad things at once: the wrist was shaking, the hand was not fixed, and the speed of the bomb was Too fast, she told me to play slowly and correct my mistakes. After an hour, my mistakes were much better corrected.

Today, my harvest is really big.

Second grade of Wuxing Guoxiao, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province: Hainan Beach

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