Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Descartes's famous sayings

1. Reading a good book is like visiting the sages of the book, talking with them, and it is a superb conversation.

2. People who are very motivated to move, as long as they start following the right path, they can walk a lot more than those who leave the right path.

3. In this world, conscience is assigned the most fair.

4. Only by obeying reason can we be adults.

5. Suspicion is the ancestor of reason.

6. Indecision is the greatest danger.

7. The world is big, and it is common sense to get the most equitable distribution.

8. The support of the definition is unhelpful in both aspects. On the one hand, it makes me aware of my own mistakes. On the one hand, what a few people see is more white than what a group sees.

9. When pride is only to persuade us to do things that can be slowed down, it is necessary to suppress myself from making any discriminating immediately, and using other thoughts to make myself a certain god, until the time and rest make the mood in the blood completely peaceful.

10. In this world, conscience is assigned the most fair.

11. People who move very rot, just start by following the evil path, they can walk behind many people who are flying apart.

12. My best efforts have not lost the benefits, but I am more and more aware of my own obscurity.

13. Read the color of the book, like the best person to come and talk.

14. A good book of everything, read like talking to the best people in the world.

15. The main reason for fear is surprise. The best way to get rid of it is to think ahead and prepare yourself for all unforeseen events.

16. I think, so I exist.

17. The objections are good for me in two ways. On the one hand, they make me aware of my mistakes. On the one hand, most people see more clearly than one sees.

18. My hard work has not yielded any other benefits, but I have become more and more aware of my ignorance.

19. All good books read like conversations with the most outstanding people in the world.

20. Respect others to be respectable.

21. When I doubt the existence of everything, I don't have to doubt my own thoughts, because the only thing I can determine at this time is the existence of my own thoughts.

22. I think so I am.

23. All good books read like talking to the most outstanding people in the world.

24. Reading all good books means talking to many noble people.

25. Reading outstanding books is like talking to the most outstanding people in the past.

26. The will, the savvy, the imagination, and all the sensations are all derived from thinking.

27. It’s not enough to have excellent intelligence. The question is how to use it well.

28. To seek truth as a lifelong undertaking.

29. One is dominated by emotions, and the act has no autonomy, but is detained by fate.

30. When feelings only persuade us to do things that can be slowed down, we should restrain ourselves from making any judgments immediately, and use other thoughts to make ourselves certain, until time and rest make the emotions in the blood completely settle down.

31. Reading all good books means talking to many noble people.

32. The more you learn, the more you find your ignorance.

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