Insights on life

What can you accept, what will life give you?

With the flow, or the standard course, there is a huge difference here.

Obviously, it is much easier to follow the trend, so most people do this most of the time.

Dad used to say: "What can you accept, what life will give you." This sentence is too important! I really hope that he will say it a few times, and I hope that I will pay more attention to the meaning of this sentence!

Sometimes, life is like a battle, so as long as we can quickly reduce the burden on our shoulders, we are willing to accept any solution. For example, we just graduated from school and are eager to find a job. At this time, any job is better than nothing; however, our starting point determines our income and has a great impact on future development. Therefore, it is the most important thing to know what you want and to grasp the direction of life.

I encountered such a problem when I graduated from high school. Before I entered college, I found a summer job at a life insurance company in downtown Dallas. I am in the accounting department and are responsible for registering the incoming health insurance premiums on the books.

At that time, the bookkeeping work was entirely by handwriting and could be learned in less than a week. Needless to say, you also know that this is a boring, repetitive, and non-challenging job! I only did it for two weeks. When I was eating one night, my father asked me if I liked my new job. I am very determined. Answer him: "Hey! To be honest, I really hate this job! I only hope that I can live for three months, and the university starts just fine!"

I think Dad seems to be shocked by my strong emotions. I didn't tell him that the ladies who worked with me, young or old, shocked me! Obviously, they have different values ​​and ethics. The attitude of the department head to treat customers is extremely bad, which makes me feel so sad! This kind of disagreement is too big, so I look forward to the five-hour ringing of work every day. During work hours, I am very polite to people, but I try to talk less, just pay attention to observation.

It is because of this holiday work that I began to realize that it is really lucky to be able to go to college! I understand that going to college can give me more choices, I can choose the working environment, and work. colleague.

I clearly know what I want and what I don't want. I don't want to be forced to work with people I don't like or respect, and education gives me more choices, and I really want to get these choices.

Who is in control of our lives? Are we waiting for everything that others have thrown at us, or are we getting everything we want?

To get what you want, you first need to know what we want and then fight for it.

After many years I realized that I have a responsibility to pursue everything I want. Dreams don't automatically become reality. In life, you have to take the initiative! This is also a basic creed in the Bible, "Looking for, you can find." There is no saying in the Bible that we will wait for the opportunity to wait quietly.

If we don't know what we want, we don't know what to pursue. If we don't know what to pursue, we have to wait, hope, and finally pick up the cruelty that life has thrown at us.

Life Strategy: All major decisions in life must be carefully thought out and don't give up any opportunities. You can and should strive for more for yourself. To figure out what exactly you really want, and then, pursue it without compromise!

We must start on time...

Everything from now on

There must be no mistakes.

- Benito Mersolini

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