Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms

Art education maxim

1. Be honest and teach people seriously.

2. Good shoots are good bamboos, good teachers are good.

3. Human nature, teaching also; human feelings, education also.

4. The things that are forced to learn are not preserved in the heart.

5. Education is difficult, and it is difficult to return to common sense.

6. Dedicated love can make children bloom early!

7. The best education is to make educators themselves feel that they are superfluous.

8. No one can educate others if they cannot educate themselves.

9. Teaching and learning, we will learn a lot in the process of education and teaching. The greatest happiness of teachers is to see children growing up!

10. If you want to teach your child how to be a decent person, the teacher should start with his own decent person.

11. All disciplines should essentially begin with the inspiration of the mind.

12. Stupid teachers will only teach the truth, and intelligent teachers should teach their children to discover the truth.

13. It is customary to be like a cable. We are entangled with a new rope every day, and it will take a long time for him to become unbreakable.

14. Teacher Shi Aiyi is between strict love and love.

15. Preserving the child’s nature and using the knowledge to arm the child’s nature in the direction it points.

16. A touching conversation that heals the wounds of the child's heart.

17. The cultivation of desire is the key to education.

18. When you blame the students for being too stupid, you should also ask yourself: What is swearing?

19. The reason why a teacher is great is that he always consumes himself and illuminates others.

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