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Sentences of life

1. I think many people have the dream of sitting in a book city, not wearing a facade, not showing up, but proving that they are not alone. Because, the fate of a book is still there, the dream will not leave.

2. The mirror reflects the truth, but the truth is the opposite. Speeding on thin ice, speed is a factor of safety. The long road is not terrible, the terrible thing is to go back. There is a way to do things: nothing is not empty, there is no chaos, big things are not afraid, small things are not slow.

3. In fact, our happiness has not gone far. It is only hidden in our lives, waiting for us to find and discover.

4. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after starting; no matter when it is over, it is important not to regret after the end.

5. Regret is a mentally consuming emotion. Regret is a greater loss than loss, a bigger mistake than mistake. So don't regret it.

6. The accumulation of flowers, the fading of the leaves, is more sudden than we imagined!

7. It is the earliest time when I feel that I am too late.

8. If every change we experience in life allows us to go further in our lives, then we truly experience what life wants us to experience.

9. I finally believe that every road that comes up has a reason to have to travel that way. Every way to go is the direction that it has to choose.

10. When people are there, they always feel that there is still a chance for the Japanese leader. I don’t know that life is a subtraction, one side, one side. a little bit of quotation

11. You can never climb a mountain, but you must have a mountain in your heart. It makes you always climb high, it makes you always have a direction of struggle, it allows you to look up at any moment, you can see your hope.

12. I often want to cover my head and cry well, but when the tears reach the eyelids, they go back. Because, the one you used to say, especially like my smile.

13. You can never climb a mountain, but you must have a mountain in your heart. It makes you always climb high, it makes you always have a direction of struggle, it allows you to look up at any moment, you can see your hope.

14. It takes too much courage to guard a person. Maybe there is no vow of the Alliance, but as long as you are sincere, you can live and die. When the two go to the end, it is often a rely, you rely on me, I rely on you, walk through the sunny days and rainy seasons of life.

15. Treat life with a bold risk, because you have to lose it, why bother to get into the soil.

16. Lost yourself once, in order to make yourself better understand the road ahead.

17. A faithful life, no matter how successful it is, will at least not be confused.

18. Why take dignity to retain a person who has changed his mind. Friendship or love.

19. Human beings are so strange. If there is no sympathy, you won't care how painful the wound is; If no one laughs, you won't care how ugly the scar is; if no one compares, who knows? What is the future.

20. Sometimes you think that the sky is going to fall down, but it is actually standing on your own!

21. Life is like climbing a mountain, and finding a mountain to find a way is a process of further learning. In this process, it is necessary to study and calm down, and how to learn from the panic.

22. The inner imperfections are not materially compensated. If you turn to others, the answers given by others are always the experience of others. Unless you can think clearly, there will be regrets.

23. Feelings are sometimes like children, mischievous and lost. However, its nature is pure. As long as you can wait for the calm heart of a tree, wait for its return. Someday it owes you, it will be quietly repaid in a way that you don't know.

24. No matter how old or old, no matter how your family and friends urge you, don't treat marriage casually. Marriage is not playing cards. It takes a huge price to reshuffle.

25. Remember what to remember and forget what to forget. Change what can be changed, accept what can not be changed.

26. How can you see the rainbow without going through the storm? The brilliance of life can only be manifested after experiencing the vicissitudes of life. If you are alive, those who do not go through the storm will live quietly and quietly. Just like the warm tea brewed in warm water, you will never be able to appreciate his true taste, and those who have experienced vicissitudes and vicissitudes. The people who are floating and floating in the years, like the tea that has been brewed again and again by boiling water, will overflow the fragrance of their lives.

27. Love itself is a book. You have turned over countless times but you don’t know what it means. Maybe it’s because you don’t care, maybe you can sum up the truth, people or people, just people, people, meet, know each other, always in love. A subtle time and space stage draws different arcs.

28. Running to pursue goals is a realm, and trying to challenge the limits is a pleasure. Many times, tired and not tired, it does not depend on the event itself, but ultimately depends on our mentality of the event. We often find that doing things that we are willing to do, tired is also a kind of enjoyment, a kind of happiness.

29. When the state of mind is good, happiness is always there. The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not stop. What can really redeem oneself is not the time of hooliganism, nor the help of others, but the good attitude of self. The change of time, the old injury may have come to a new one; others can help you for a while, can not help you. Only when you really look at it, if you figure it out, your heart disease will be eradicated. The soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth, the heart will be flattened, the heart will be relaxed, and happiness will always be there.

30. For life, we tend to spend it, often giving the best wishes to the ultimate. It seems that the most beautiful scenery is only on the other side, and this shore is just a transition, so we often overlook the scenery along the way. In fact, most of the scenery in life is on the way, living for the experience, experience is the practice, perhaps it is ordinary, trivial, long, to learn to be on the way!

31. When a person is born, it is a simple stone with horns and freshness. However, in the ruthless polishing of life, people are slowly removed from the edges and corners, becoming smooth and sophisticated. To keep the stones on the cliffs and bravely endure the wind and frost, always keep your own edges and corners. Don't make stones in the river, enjoy the sensation of the microwave, and finally become a bright cobblestone.

32. Tolerance, tolerance, you will be gentle. Be a low-key person, without words, others can see your beauty. Being a low-key person, calm and calm, refined and intelligent, is a combination of patience and resilience and a virtue of virtue. Low-key is the detachment of the wisdom and temperament of life.

33. When you are depressed, it is best to be alone for a while, and then face others after calming. Otherwise, some people may suffer from the shackles because they do not know. However, in the low period of the mood, it is best not to be too long. If you think about things that are more positive and happy, you may be better than being trapped in an unpleasant situation.

34. Many times, doing something wrong, wrong for a while, missing a person; obviously wrong, we are not willing to admit mistakes, there is always reason to justify, there is always an excuse to push; in fact, the wrong is wrong, then listen The rhetoric is hard to make up, and then the beautiful cover can not be recovered; obsessively obscured, only one mistake and then wrong, dare to admit mistakes, only to understand to avoid mistakes; sometimes learn to give up, only know how to own, know how to cherish.

35. To a certain extent, life is not perfect is the normal state, and consummation is abnormal, just as the "full moon is less than a few months" is the same. By understanding the world and life in this way, then we will soon become more accessible, and we will be more comfortable, and distress and darkness will go with the wind. - Lin Yutang, "Life is not like this"

36. Life is like a car, or a long distance, or a short journey; life is like a play, or hi, or sad. Many things, when passed, are destined to become stories; many people, when they leave, are destined to become old people. The old people in life, the stories of accumulation, these are the experience. People are slowly maturing in the experience. Some things, breaking into life, happy, painful, time will eventually fade away. After a lot of experience, my heart will be strong and the road will be solid.

37. Life will inevitably meet with pain, and happy people are not without pain, but will not be affected by pain. The pain is not terrible. The terrible thing is to betray yourself and become an accomplice of pain. I want to guǎn l to my own heart, forget those unpleasant past events, dilute those contradictions and entanglements, and use pain as the whetstone of the will. In this way, the pain in the eyes of others is nothing but a cloud in their eyes.

38. Nowadays, young people are too wise to believe in cleverness, believe in taking shortcuts and take shortcuts, and do not believe in perseverance; they like to leave the principle to others and leave the little truth to themselves. If you can turn it around, leave the principle to yourself, leave the little truth to others, give it a try, you will be amazing. The principle is proved after thousands of years, you think that you are an exception, this possibility is very small.

39. If you have love, please don't have emotions, which makes you happy. Love is the need to be sincere and dedicated to the whole world. If you want someone to do things, you need to be at ease, low-key people to do high-profile work, and people who live a wonderful life with dignity and respect, and the success of one person is the quality of this person.

40. In life, each of us is eager to be respected by others and should learn to respect others. And a person who truly knows how to respect others will respect everyone around him, because everyone has his strengths, draws the essence from the merits of others, finds his own shortcomings from other people's shortcomings, is not a kind of understanding and improvement The process? When we respect others, we also respect ourselves!

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