Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Steve's famous sayings

1. Your time is limited, so it is best not to waste it on imitating others.

2. There is a saying in Buddhism: the mentality of beginners; the mentality of having a beginner is a great thing.

3. Every life comes to the world and is destined to change the world. Such a change should make every living life cry out from the heart when it comes back: "I have been here!", "I am a legend."

4. Please follow your inner voice and they already know what kind of person you want to be.

5. Dream, just like tomorrow will not come again. In a life without regrets and no return, use dreams as our fulcrum to resist the secular, challenge mediocrity, realize the "big self", live according to our own "dreams", do what we want, change ourselves, Change others and change the world!

6. The difference between a leader and a follower is innovation.

7. Becoming synonymous with excellence, many people are not suitable for an environment that requires an outstanding quality.

8. The only way to achieve great success is to love your career. If you haven't found a career that you love, keep looking and don't give up. Follow your heart and you will find it someday.

9. Not everyone needs to grow their own food, nor does everyone need to wear their own clothes. We speak the language invented by others, use the mathematics invented by others... We have been using the results of others. It is a great thing to use human experience and knowledge to invent inventions.

10. I think that when watching TV, the human brain basically stops working. When the computer is turned on, the brain starts to work.

11. I am willing to exchange all my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.

12. Is there any other reason to live to change the world?

13. Your time is limited, so don't live for others. Don't be limited by dogma, don't live in the minds of others. Don't let other people's opinions influence your inner voice. The most important thing is to bravely follow your own mind and intuition. Only your own mind and intuition know your true thoughts. Everything else is secondary.

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