Good sentence Daquan > Discourse Daquan

Blessing a friend's words 2019

1. May you have a good dream!! Good mood every day!! Be brave to face every day, because the sun is new every day.

2. Pain is others', happiness is your own, trouble is temporary, friends are eternal, love is managed with care, the world is no big deal, I like the colors after the years of rinsing, like the songs that have not been sung, more I like to be friends with you forever!

3. I decided to send you a dime: one point to miss, one point to care, one point of attachment, one point of care, one point of happiness, one point of warmth, one point of blessing, one intimacy, one point of tolerance, one point to cherish!

4. I miss the bottom of my heart like moss, which is densely layer by layer. Miss you, in the daytime at night.

5. Delete yesterday's troubles! Determine today's happiness! Set tomorrow's happiness! Save forever love! Cancel the world's hatred! Stick to the beautiful mood! Copy the intoxicating scenery! Print your charming smile * Good luck!

6. The happiness that flows out of the stream, the suffering that flows away does not look back; the sentimental intentions can last for a long time, the ruthless and unjust waters flow; the sea has no water to change the beach, people have no friends to become lonely; only wish friends to be more precious, Gao Peng full seat will never worry!

7. I look at the full moon, like staring at you: Dear, in the bright moonlight, I saw you who are the same god.

8. Without your day, not blue! Without your flowers, not beautiful! Without your meal, not fragrant! Without your sleep, not sweet! Dear, why are you still not coming back?

9. Not every wave comes for the beach. Not every star comes for the night. Not every drizzle comes for the wheat seedlings. Only my newsletter is for you!

10. In the moment of inadvertently, you walked into my sight naturally and gracefully, gently pulling my heartstrings. I know that your figure will be the focus of my life.

11. It takes five minutes to wait for a MRT, three hours to watch a movie, one month to miss the full moon, and one year to go to spring. It takes a lifetime to miss someone.

12. Thank you for the autumn morning, let me miss you cold and cold; thank you for the autumn night stars, let me care that you sleep sweet and unsweetened; thank you for your clear smile, let me indulge in your happiness!

13. It’s like a dream, the wind is gone, but I still can’t hide my thoughts and send a blessing to you.

14. Life doesn't need to be earth-shattering, happiness is good; friendship doesn't need sweet words, just think about it; money doesn't need to be on the car, it's enough; friends don't have to be all over the world, you are good!

15. It’s too late, but I’m sleepy! I’m thinking of you! How are you? Thinking about me? You’ll be better tomorrow!

16. You in the heart and her around me are my love; the same feelings can only be buried deep in my heart. Although life is helpless, I hope that the greetings of the festival can be compensated, I wish you also have a side around him.

17. Missing makes me mature, miss makes me hope, miss makes me intoxicated, miss makes me fantasies, but miss is better than seeing...

18. Tea has the taste of life; wine, has the feeling of feeling; the alternation of the past and the future, the lost is the meeting of the years; not the no one to accompany, just blame the coffee is not enough; the road is tired, the rain touches It’s broken, only friends are the most precious!

19. The snow flakes are the notes of flying dances. They are thought to be a movement, and they are expected to be blessed with blessings, bringing you a happy and happy year.

20. Concerned is a beautiful bouquet of flowers; missing, is the sublimation of emotions; send my blessings: May you be happy today, this year you are smooth, you are happy in this life!

21. I hope you know that there are individuals who care for you from time to time, and individuals who miss you from time to time. Like a shining star, it is your eyes that laugh and tease. It is adorned on my heart, and it shines at night.

22. Friends, this is an informed, confidant, friendly lover, I miss you very much in one day, I don’t see much in two days, I miss it very much for a few days, I wish you a happy New Year’s fortune, good luck!

23. There is a hundred flowers in the spring and the moon is watching. If there is no trouble in your heart, it is a good time in life. May you have a clear morning, a leisurely, a dream, a heart, a dream, and a happy heart, sweetheart!

24. No matter where I am, whether or not I am at your side, the angel guardian heart will not leave, I wish you happiness for a lifetime.

25. When you receive this newsletter, you will also receive the forgotten grass and lucky grass that I have given you. Forgetting grass can make you forget your troubles. Lucky grass can bring you luck and happiness.

26. When you turn on the phone in the morning, you can see my blessings to you, a rose in your heart, bring you good luck for a day, and wish you happiness forever.

27. On the streets of the wind and rain, how long the signboard can be hung, the old songs you love, you can remember a few songs, don't forget to have a friend like me, I wish you happiness forever.

28. Good friends are simple and simple, good friendship is clear and refreshing, good for a long time. Have a good friendship, a few blessing friends are really happy, I hope you have a sunny mood every day!

29. The home is a sheltered harbor, and friends are the blasty coast. The home blocked the bitter rain and frost, and the friend sent a sweet heart in the sun. No family is cool, and friends are bright.

30. I am very happy to see you, there are thousands of stars in the sky, one is my heart, I want to see the stars when I am thinking, I will count the stars when I am insomnia, I will wait for a meteor when I am willing, and my good friends will be happy every day.

31. Messages sent to Ganlin, bit by bit to run my heart, words are not much friendship, and the truth is as precious as gold.

32. Every move of yours will surprise me. I didn't expect that a happiness will fall from the sky. I sincerely hope that happiness will bring happiness to all my friends.

33. You open the window, my blessing will come in with the wind, you pull the curtain open, my blessing will come in with the sun, I will open your space, my blessing will follow me Step into the door.

34. I woke up and missed you. I sent a brief message to you. I haven’t seen it for a few days. I wish you a good mood every day.

35. I miss you, just like a piece of white clouds, floating in the sky; more like a flowing water, want to stop

36. Mind, unload your packaging; fingertips flying, breaking the silence of winter; warmth and warmth with deep greetings, so let us embrace, embrace, and embrace each other's dreams!

37. Some people say that the lake in the mountains is a tear lying on the surface of the earth, so that the tears on my side are the water lying on your side of the heart.

38. Happiness is the rice vinegar in Shanxi, the pepper in Sichuan, the kimchi in Korea, the burger in the United States, happiness or the care I give you, the smile you give me, I like the taste of happiness!

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