Classic quotes

Plato's famous sayings

1. Truth may be on the side of a few people.

2. Thought is always the ruler of the universe.

3. If we fight by faith, we will be armed.

4. If we fight by faith, we will be armed.

5, no matter how difficult, can not be pity!

6. Patience is the foundation of all intelligence.

7. Respect for people should not be better than respecting the truth.

8. I will survive as much as I can, and I will never give up the study of Aizhi.

9. Start is the most important part of the job.

10. If the will is not pure, then the knowledge is enough.

11. Conquering yourself requires more courage, and its victory is the most glorious victory of all victories.

12. Whereever courage, restraint, and impartiality are established, they are independent of wisdom.

13. Beauty has the role and power to attract people.

14. Beauty is a natural advantage.

15. I believe that an appropriate education, as long as it is maintained, will transform the humanity of a country, and those with a sound personality will become better people.

16. Education is to discipline and guide young people and cultivate their legitimate reason.

17. The direction in which each person is initially educated is easy to determine the nature of the behavior in the future. The power of inspiration is not small.

18. You should learn to look at the beauty of the soul more precious than the beauty of the form. If you meet a beautiful soul, even if he is not beautiful in form, he should also love him. It is best for him to make young people The truth of benefit.

19. It is always a beautiful thing to love a lover for morality.

20. It is only the kind of love that the evangelist loves in a noble way is beautiful, and it is worthy of praise.

21, skill has no knowledge, he can not make a correct judgment on the language and function of that skill.

22, do not know their ignorance, is double ignorance. Excerpted from:

23. If a person's passion, whether in happiness or distress, keeps the creed of what should be feared and what should not be feared by reason, then we will call each such person because of his passion. brave guy.

24. Many victories will bring murder to the winners. In the past, this must be the case in the future.

25. Respect for people should not be better than respecting the truth.

26. Beauty is really shining.

27. When the soul of beauty and the appearance of beauty are harmoniously integrated, people will see that this is the most perfect beauty in the world.

28. The most ethical people are those who are ethical but do not have to be expressed by their appearance and still feel satisfied.

29, the human heart can be divided into two, one is better, one is more evil. If you are good, you can stop evil, and you are enough to be independent of the cloud, but to be praised for beauty; to set up a bad education, or to be tainted by the wicked, to cause evil, this part is increasingly invading, Sri Lanka is a slave to himself, and everyone is abandoning his people.

30. Wisdom must have a more sacred quality, which never loses its effectiveness; however, because of its different orientation, it is either useful or beneficial, or useless and harmful. It is necessary to force those who are endowed to get the knowledge we think is the greatest, so that they can see "good" and help them keep moving forward.

31. The most physically strong person is not easily affected by diet or labor, and the most robust grass is not easily affected by the wind.

32. Children's education is the foundation of society.

33. Unborn is better than no education, because ignorance is the root cause of disasters.

34. Unless men and women receive the same education, they cannot make women have the same responsibilities as men.

35. I don't know my ignorance, but double ignorance.

36. It is not human nature to be kind and evil.

37. The reason why a good person is good is because he is wise, and the bad person is because people are stupid.

38. The wise men speak because they have something to say; the fools speak because they want to say.

39. Procrastination is the best way to suppress anger.

40. The beauty of language, the beauty of music and the beauty of rhythm all show good temperament. The so-called "good temperament" is not the meaning that people usually use to compliment stupid people, but the soul is truly perfect.

41. Those who have knowledge are more daring than those who lack knowledge; and their people are more daring than they were before they learned.

42. My so-called education refers to the cultivation of good habits for children's appropriate habits; when the happiness, friendship, pain and hatred are properly rooted in the minds of children, they still cannot understand these qualities. But once you get the rationality, you will see that these are harmonious. When the harmony of the mind reaches perfection, it is morality; and the special training based on happiness and pain--is guiding you to hate what you should hate, love what you love,- From beginning to end, it can be separated; I think this can be called education correctly.

43. Beginning with the individual beauty of the human world, gradually elevating to the highest realm, it seems to ascend the ladder, step by step, from a beautiful form to two beautiful forms, from two beautiful forms to the whole form of beauty; From the form of beauty to the behavioral system of beauty, from the behavioral system of beauty to the knowledge of knowledge of beauty, and finally from the knowledge of beauty to the kind of knowledge that only the beauty itself, to understand the beauty itself.

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