Classic quotes

Leo Tolstoy's famous sayings

1. Ideal refers to streetlights. Without ideals, there is no firm direction, and without direction, there is no life.

2. Life is not a game. Therefore, we do not have the right to give up on its own will.

3. A person must use all his strength to try to improve himself, and not to waste his power on anything else.

4. Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job.

5. The life of a person without faith is nothing more than the life of an animal.

6. There is no intelligent mind, like a lantern without a candle.

7. The establishment of civilization is not a machine but an idea.

8, remember: only one time is important, that is now! It is so important because it is the time we make a difference.

9. The hour you didn't use it most effectively and put it over is never coming back.

10. Have a life goal, a lifetime goal, a period goal, a stage goal, a year goal, a month goal, a week goal, a day goal, an hour goal, a one-minute goal.

11. A person who is burying his mind and labor, if he does not move his limbs regularly, it is extremely painful.

12. Heroism is about sacrificing oneself for faith and truth.

13. The cause of science is to serve the people.

14. The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

15. What matters is not the quantity of knowledge, but the quality of knowledge. Some people know a lot, but they don't know the most useful things.

16. We not only live on this land today, but also lived in the past, and we still live there forever, in the whole.

17. Fortunately, not always do what you want to do, but always hope to achieve the purpose of what you do.

18. People are too accustomed to using force to maintain order, so it is impossible to consider social organizations without repression.

19. Pure, complete mourning is impossible with pure, complete joy.

20. What is needed for successful teaching is not coercion, but the desire to stimulate students.

21. If the teacher only has love for the cause, then he is a good teacher. If he combines the love brought about by education with the love of the students, he is a perfect teacher.

22. Human beings are given a job, that is, spiritual growth.

23. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth.

24, all changes in life, all charm, all beauty is composed of light and shadow.

25. The main obstacle to understanding truth is not fallacy, but plausible truth.

26. The life of any one person should be subject to certain regulations.

27. If the result of a student's study at school is that he or she will not create anything, his life will always be imitation and plagiarism.

28, if a girl wants to marry a rich man, it is not love, property is the most insignificant thing, only the pain that can stand the separation is the true love.

29. The greatest truth is the most ordinary truth.

30. The fun of doing good is the only reliable happiness in life.

31. Happiness lies in the life of others.

32. Try to be as useful as possible to the motherland.

33. The more things a person gives to others, the less he asks, the better he will be; the less a person gives to others, the more he asks, the worse he will be.

34. There is happiness when you have life. Excerpted from:

35. Happiness does not manifest itself as causing even a little bit of pain for others, but as a direct contribution to the happiness and happiness of others. In my opinion, it can be expressed most concisely in this respect: happiness is not to be evil, to forgive and to love others.

36. Love and goodness are truth and happiness, and they are the real existence and the only possible happiness in the world.

37. Being loved and loving others is the same happiness, and once you get it, it will last for a lifetime.

38. Yes, the best way to achieve true happiness in life is to spread the cozy web of love from all over the world like a spider, and capture everything that falls on the Internet.

39. Don't think of learning as a crown for decoration, and don't think of learning as a cow for milking.

40, should not be for their own needs, but should live for the truth.

41. I don't know that it is not terrible and harmful. No one can know everything. The terrible and harmful is not knowing and pretending to know.

42. There are three characteristics of a wise man: one is to persuade others to do things by themselves, the other is to never do things against the natural world, and the third is to tolerate the weaknesses of people around them.

43. It is impossible for an individual to leave the society to be happy, just as a plant that leaves the land and is thrown into the desert cannot survive.

44. The harder and harder the environment, the more perseverance and confidence you need, and the greater the harm of slack.

45. You are a shameful feeling, and people should be trusted.

46. ​​Strive to fulfill your obligations, you should know how much value you have.

47. Labor can evoke human creativity.

48. Ideal is the road light. Without ideals, there is no firm direction; without direction, there is no life.

49. Everyone has deep things in his heart that he only understands.

50, always with a pencil and a notebook, all the wonderful places and words encountered in reading and talking, write it down.

51. Anything is better than hypocrisy and deception.

52. The so-called life is constantly changing. It is the weakness of physical life and the expansion and expansion of soul life.

53. Breaking away from labor is a crime.

54. In order to live happily, we should believe in the possibility of happiness.

55. A person seems to be a score. His actual talent is like a numerator, and his valuation of himself is like a denominator. The larger the denominator, the smaller the score.

56. A person with conscience and purity feels that life is a sweet and happy thing.

57. All self-interested lives are irrational, animal life.

58. All that unites people is goodness and beauty. All that divides people is evil and ugliness.

59, should do good deeds, in order to be a happy person.

60. Courage is the inevitable result of wisdom and a certain degree of education.

61. I am convinced that there is no such thing as a person's appearance (not so much as the appearance itself, but rather a conviction that the external appearance is immovable). This will have such an amazing impact on human development.

62. People with pure souls, life is full of sweetness and joy.

63. Doing good must work hard. However, abhors must work harder.

64. Happiness is not due to external reasons, but to our attitude towards external causes. It is impossible for a person who is used to working hard to be unfortunate.

65. Happiness exists in life, and life exists in labor.

66. Happy families are similar, and unfortunate families have their own misfortunes.

67. In the love of wealth, power, honor and monopoly, to find happiness, not only will not get happiness, but also will lose happiness.

68. The right path is this: draw on what your predecessors did and then move on.

69. When you are hungry, it is beneficial to eat. Similarly, only when you have love, it is beneficial to go to the same person.

70. Where there is no simplicity, kindness, and truth, there is no great place to talk about it.

71. You must sweat on your forehead to get your bread.

72, should not be exaggerated. It’s better to say nothing than to say too much.

73. Human happiness exists in life, and life exists in labor.

74. Life is not a game, so we have no right to give it up at will.

75. Vanity and true sorrow are completely contradictory feelings, but this kind of feeling is so deep-rooted in human nature that even the most painful sorrow is hard to rule out. In sorrowful moments, vanity manifests as hopes of sadness or strength; we do not recognize this despicable desire, but they never; even in the most painful sorrow, we cannot do without us, it weakens the power of sorrow. Virtue and sincerity.

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