Classic quotes

Ostrovsky's famous sayings, Paul Kochakin's famous sayings

1. A person's life should be spent like this: When he looks back at the past, he will not regret his vain, and he will not be ashamed of his inaction! In this way, when he is dying, he can say: "My entire life and all my energy are dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the liberation of mankind."

2, people should hurry to live, because of illness or other accidents, will take away your life at any time. --"How the Steel Was Tempered"

3. Happiness lies in the creation of a new life. It is to reform and re-educate the great wisdom who has become the master of the country and the socialist era.

4. The main tragedy of life is to stop the struggle.

5, the beauty of man is not in appearance, clothes and hair style, but in his own, lies in his heart. If people do not have the beauty of the soul, we often hate his beautiful appearance.

6. Self-interested people are the first to perish. He lives by himself and lives for himself. If his "I" is damaged, then he can't survive.

7. A common cause and a common struggle can make people endure the power to endure everything.

8. The so-called friendship, this is first and foremost, and it is a mistake to criticize comrades.

9. I have experienced the pain of being abandoned and betrayed in my own life. But there is one thing that has saved me. My life is always purposeful and meaningful. This is to fight for socialism.

10. Always feel that the land of the motherland is firmly at your feet, and you must live with the collective. Remember, it is the collective education of you. If you are separated from the group one day, that is the beginning of the end.

11. Real friends should tell the truth, no matter how sharp the words.

12. The great power of man is here - I feel that I am in a friendly group.

13. For me, being a warrior is the greatest happiness... All personal problems are not as permanent as the socialist cause.

14. A common cause; a common struggle can make people endure the power to endure everything.

15. The best and most valuable medicine for treating all sickness is labor.

16. Life is a kind of huge and infinitely noble gift given to us. This is youth, full of strength, full of expectation, volunteerism, full of ambition for seeking knowledge and struggle, youth full of hope and confidence.

17. Braveness arises in the struggle, and courage is cultivated in the stubborn resistance to difficulties every day. The rumors of our youth are brave, tenacious, and determined, that is, to remove all obstacles.

18. Only those who love life, love struggle, and love the construction of a new, better world like me, only those who have seen the full meaning of life will not die, even if there is only one point. Opportunity cannot give up life.

19. The best thing about life is that when you stop living, you can also serve people with everything you create.

20, in any occasion in life must stand in the ranks of the first line of soldiers.

21, the great power of man is here - I feel that I am in a friendly collective.

22. I only believe in one, and the inspiration is generated during labor. ... labor, this is the best doctor for all insensibility.

23, happiness is multifaceted. I am also very happy. The creation has produced incredible joy, and I feel that my hand is also building a beautiful building for all of us - bricks, so my personal grief is ruled out.

24, do not stay in the achievements, but work bravely, and strive to hold the standard of labor for a long time in their own hands.

25, friendship, lofty and beautiful friendship based on mutual respect, deep sympathy, never maliciously embarrassing others' achievements, and cultivate a sense of collective interest above all else.

26. People dominate habits, not habits.

27. No matter how talented a person is, the collective is often smarter and more powerful than him.

28, people should dominate the habit, not the habit of dominating people. A person can't get rid of bad habits, it's simply worthless.

29, Bright gives us experience, reading gives us knowledge.

30. Patriotism and the hatred of the enemy are multiplied by multiplication. Only such patriotism can lead to victory.

31. A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn!

32. The only shortcoming we will not correct is weakness.

33. People's lives are like floods. Without islands and reefs, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves.

34. Whoever is separated from the group, whose fate will be sad. Excerpted from:

35. Whoever thinks that he is a saint is a buried genius, and whoever is separated from the collective will be sad. When the collective can improve you and keep your feet steady.

36. Happiness lies in the creation of a new life. It is to reform and re-educate the great wisdom who has become the master of the country and the era of socialism.

37. For me, being a warrior is the greatest happiness... All personal problems are not as permanent as the socialist cause.

38. Steel is trained in fire and rapid cooling, so it can be hard and not afraid of anything. Our generation is also trained to struggle in the struggle and in the terrible test, and learn not to surrender in the face of life.

39. Ideal has an extraordinary charm for me. My ideal... is always full of life and earth. I never think about things that are impossible to achieve. Whoever thinks that he is a saint is a buried genius, and whoever is separated from the collective will be sad. When the collective can improve you and keep your feet steady.

Ostrovsky Introduction

Nikola Alekseyevich Ostrovsky (1904 ~ 1936), Soviet writer, strong Bolshevik warrior, famous proletarian writer. Born in the workers' family on September 29, 1904. Because of his poor family, he began to work as a child at the age of 11. At the age of fifteen, he was seriously injured at the age of 16. He was physically injured at the age of 25 and died at the age of 32. His novel "How Steel is Made" is one of the best works of the Soviet proletarian revolutionary literature in the 1930s.

Introduction to "How Steel Is Made"

Paul Kochakin is the youngest son of a poor worker in a town in Ukraine. His father died early, and his mother took a laundry to support his family. His brother Alqing was a railway worker. Paul of the national hour hated hatred. Want to dare to do it once, he was fired from the school's dough of the stupid and fierce priest.

After the outbreak of the October Revolution, the Red Regime was subjected to joint intervention by foreign forces and the reactionaries of the country. The political situation in Ukraine was also unprecedentedly turbulent. Zhuhlai, who lived in the Baoer family, was an old Bolshevik. He stayed when the Red Army retreated. In the town. Zhu He came to teach Paul Boxing and cultivated the revolutionary enthusiasm of Paul. Once, because of the rescue of Zhu Helai, Paul himself was imprisoned. Then the stupid enemy quickly dismissed him: after he was released, Paul was in a hurry and jumped into the garden of the home of Dongia (the daughter of Forest Officer). Tony is very fond of enthusiasm, stubbornness, and strong personality. Paul is also deeply attracted by the pure, beautiful, clean and elegant Dongia.

Later, his brother Al Qing sent Paul to Kachading to participate in the Red Army. In the army, Paul was a cavalry and the battle was extremely brave. In addition to fighting, he also likes to read novels such as "Buffalo" and "Spartacus", and tells his comrades when he has time. In a fierce battle, he was seriously injured in the head and was taken to the hospital: After leaving the hospital, Paul lived in the relatives of Dongnia. One of his eyes had problems and he couldn’t go back to the front line, but he immediately invested in all the hard work in the place. Once at the meeting of the comrades of the workers, Paul was ridiculed and ridiculed by the workers with the beautiful and neat Dongiya. Paul realized that Dongia and himself were not a class, and they made up their minds to cut off. Their feelings.

In order to supply urban wood, Paul participated in the construction of the railway. Autumn rain, mud, heavy snow, frozen soil, working conditions are getting worse and worse, armed gang harassment and disease, hunger also threaten Paul and comrades. However, the railway was still repaired as scheduled. Zhu Hewei, who has been promoted to the provincial party committee, was deeply touched by their revolutionary enthusiasm and said that "steel is like this."

Due to his outstanding achievements, Paul was appointed as the secretary of the Communist Youth League of a railway factory. Lida, the female political commissar, often helped Paul to help him raise awareness and do his job well. Paul gradually fell in love with Lida, but sacrificed his second love for the revolution. Paul was admitted to the hospital because of pneumonia. Pneumonia was good, but the doctor found shrapnel on his spine. Scars. During his illness in his hometown, Paul swayed his comrades in front of the tomb of the stalwart, and he was filled with emotions. He sent out a touching and eloquent rhetoric: "The most precious thing for human beings is life... The life of a person should be spent like this... After he recovered, Paul was ecstasy and devoted himself to the revolutionary work: in his work, he resolutely struggled with various non-mainstream thoughts and "hurricane evil spirits". He was very sad about the "deterioration" of his comrade Dubawa. Resolutely gave criticism...

Paul's physique is getting worse. In 1924, the party organization had to remove all the burdens on him and let him have long-term care. His vision is getting worse. During the thalassotherapy, Paul met Daya, the youngest daughter of a worker's family: in the house of Daya, Paul instigated the rebellion of Daya against the old stubborn father and led her to join the Soviet, Daya and Paul. It is.

In 1927, Paul was completely paralyzed and then blinded. He was once frustrated and wanted to commit suicide, but his strong revolutionary beliefs made him out of the bottom. Under extremely difficult conditions, Paul began his literary creation. In 1934, with the help of his mother, wife and comrades, his autobiographical novel "How Steel was Made" was finally published! Paul was very happy, and he had a new revolutionary weapon - writing.

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