Inspirational quotes

a famous saying about loneliness

1. I don't think of you because of loneliness, but because I miss you, the feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because I think you think too deeply. - Wood has not yet

2. When forced to be in the crowd, it is often the time to stay alone. - Epicurus

3. Love is for the sake of gathering, so that it is no longer separated; if there is a kind of love that can never be seen, never open, can never think of it again, like a kind of fire that can never be ignited, lonely, gazing The dark sky. ——Xi Murong

4. Fame means loneliness. Fame is like the crystal displayed in the shop window, you are placed there for exhibition, for the world to enjoy, all on the road. - Moravia

5. People who can talk to themselves will never feel lonely. - Maxwell Maltz

6. Ordinary people can't stand loneliness. People who are in adversity are more sensitive to this isolation because they don't trust anyone. - Balzac

7. In fact, everyone has a sense of loneliness. People in the middle of the world may be lonely. This kind of loneliness is born with it. Some people have fewer people, but they are eager to be comforted and understood. - Zhang Yimou

8. People can learn in society, however, inspiration only emerges when they are alone. - Goethe

9. The first big thing in life is to find yourself, so people need to be lonely and contemplative from time to time. - Nansen

10. The pain of life is endless. It has all kinds of forms, but the most pitiful and most irreparable pain is loneliness. There is no companion forever. ——Huang Qiugeng

11. Tolerate loneliness or need more perseverance than to endure poverty. Poverty may reduce people's worth, but loneliness may ruin people's character. - Diderot

12. Leisure in a social field is disgusting because it is forced; leisure in a lonely life is enjoyable because it is free and voluntary. - Rousseau

13. People who regard others as happy are able to win friends; those who do not want to hear the honor of others will feel lonely. - Anonymous

14. We are always alone, only need to be with us, no need to fall in love! - Annie Baby

15. I would rather go alone to experience the turmoil of the world, to taste the bitterness of life, I don't want comfort and sympathy, but I want to give comfort and compassion to other people. I have been through this for a few years. This kind of life is not pleasant, but I am doing well. - Ba Jin

16. I embarked on a path longer than memory. Accompanying me is the pilgrimage-like loneliness. I have a smile on my face, but my heart is full of sorrow. ——Chee Guevara

17. A person who has no friends is lonely, but if he is too busy to face himself, he may be more lonely. - Rhodes

18. A group of sheep graze on the grass, a car drives, and only one sheep does not go to the car to graze quietly. This sheep is particularly lonely. ——Guo Jingming

19. The more great, the more original, the more people like loneliness. - Huxley

20. Among all kinds of loneliness, people are most afraid of spiritual loneliness - Balzac

21. The history of this family is a machine that can't stop after a long time. It is a rotating wheel. This gear will rotate forever if it is not inevitable. - "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

22. True loneliness is an emptiness deep into the bone marrow, an emptiness that makes you crazy. Even in the cheers, I feel the inner emptiness, jealousy and depression. - Gu Long

23. Only gods and beasts like loneliness, and people want friends. ——Liang Shiqiu

24. Wisdom does not feel lonely because it can even be combined with the most dissimilar things. - Russell

25. Self-enjoyment or love for women, of course, requires loneliness, but to succeed, you must rely on the world to be widely involved. - Stendhal

26. TV, the entertainment media, can make countless people laugh at the same joke at the same time, but it still makes people feel lonely. - Elliott

27. Those who do not have friendship will be lifelong poor loner. A society without friendship is just a bustling desert. - Bacon

28. In a sense, being the CEO of Yahoo is a lonely job, and many times you have to make a dilemma. Sometimes I feel that I have been training for the past 13 years. ——Yang Zhiyuan

29. They know how to look for the twinkling of interest from life, they will not feel hard and lonely. - Roland

30. Genius is often born in isolation and has a lonely destiny. Genius is impossible to inherit, and genius often has a tendency to self-abandon. - Hesse

31. In order to engage in creative work, human beings need loneliness, but in loneliness, the broad human beings still exist in the heart. - Austrian

32. Loneliness is a sorrowful companion and a close friend of spiritual activity. - Gibran

33. Loneliness is not in the mountains but in the street, not in one person but among many people. ——Sanmuqing

34. Loneliness can make people competent or clumsy. - Hugo

35. Loneliness is the fate of man. Love and friendship cannot eradicate it, but it can be comforted. —— Zhou Guoping

36. Loneliness - Everything that has died is still a living tomb in our hearts. - Ray Nielen

37. Those who are lonely and noble thoughts will never be alone. - Philippe? Sidney

38. If you are lonely in the world and completely lonely, you use this loneliness as your comfort and your strength. - Howard. Fast

39. Optimism makes you tend to be happy and healthy, and pessimism makes you tend to despair, illness, failure, depression, loneliness. - Anonymous

40. On the other hand, if you don’t let the mind become your own prophet, let it go through a lonely test of the process of self-recovery, let it accept the truths found by other souls, then no matter how brilliant the truth is, it also Can cause fatal injuries. If genius influences the genius of others too much, it will be enough to become the enemy of genius forever. My statement can be testified by the literature of each nation. British poetry have followed Shakespeare for more than two hundred years. - Emerson [beauty]

41. Everyone needs someone to talk openly with him. Although a person can be very heroic, he may be very lonely. - Hemingway

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