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Honest and trustworthy quotes

1. Maximizing honesty is the best way to do things.

2. Honesty and trustworthiness is a mirror, and dishonest people will reveal the truth in front of him.

3. Without honesty, how to be dignified? 12. Honesty is the best policy.

4. All productive work is predicated on some kind of integrity.

5. If you are dishonest, you will be tired. If you are honest, you will not be tired.

6. Integrity is the bridge to communicate with the soul. People who are good at deception can never reach the other end of the bridge.

7. Integrity is a clear spring that will wash away the filth of fraud and make every corner of the world clean.

8. Integrity, let the soul be innocent, let friendship last forever, make the world beautiful!

9. Knowledge is wealth, honesty is also a kind of wealth, having knowledge can make you rich, and having integrity can make the world a better place!

10. Honesty, the foundation of faith; no sincerity, why do you believe in it? Sincere and trustworthy, it is life.

11. Integrity, like a key, opens the lock on the door of your heart, let us open our hearts and bathe the sunshine of friendship.

12. Integrity is the ladder of human civilization; honesty is the gravestone that fills the gap between human beings.

13. Integrity is a self-disciplined quality that can be tested without an article or a sentence.

14. Integrity is the cost of people, and people without integrity are a loser.

15. Integrity is better than all wisdom.

16. Integrity is like calcium that is indispensable to human beings. Can it be counted as human without calcium?

17. Integrity is like the oars of a lifeboat, controlling the whereabouts of life.

18. Integrity is like a green fruit. You take a bite. Although it is bitter, it has a lot of aftertaste. If you discard it, you will regret it forever!

19. Life requires integrity, and with integrity, happiness can be said.

20. Life cannot make brilliant flowers from lies.

21. Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values.

22. Honesty is a symbol of strength, which shows a person's high self-respect and inner security and dignity.

23. If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest.

24. Losing integrity means that the enemy has destroyed himself.

25. An honest person must be faithful to himself, and his last patron is sincerity.

26. Integrity is the foundation of life.

27. Honest, loved and respected.

28. Integrity is a must for friendship.

29. Integrity is the forerunner of a person based on society.

30. Integrity is the first criterion in life.

31. Integrity is a virtue that will make you more perfect.

32. Being honest and trustworthy is the foundation of being a man and the most beautiful flower in the world.

33. Honest and trustworthy, happy life.

34. Integrity is inexhaustible knowledge and money.

35. Integrity, the world needs you.

36. Integrity creates wealth.

37. Those who do not speak with integrity are sad, poor, hateful and terrible.

38. There is no honesty to be dignified. - Cicero

39. When the amount disappears, the flesh has no life. - Dumas

40. If you are not enough, you may stand up again and lose your trust. You may never recover. - Franklin

41. The truth is that half of it is often a big lie. - Franklin

42. Sincerity is the opening of the heart. - La Roche Fuco

43. Keeping promises is like defending your honor. - Balzac

44. People do not believe, they do not know what they can. ---Confucius

45. Words must be believed. - Sub Road

46. ​​You must treat people with sincerity, and others will return with sincerity. ———Li Ka-shing

47. Honesty is the best character of life forever. ———Gorky

48. Being honest is the most touching. ———Shakespeare

49. No heritage is as rich as honesty. ———Shakespeare

50. Being faithful to oneself will not deceive others. ———Shakespeare

51. Honesty and diligence should be your permanent companion. ———Ben Franklin

52. The ugly truth is better than the lie. ———Suyuri Yudalev

53. A frank and easy-to-use medicine. ———Cicero

54. Honesty is better than all wisdom, and it is the basic condition of resourcefulness. ———Kant

55. Loyal and respectable, unbeatable. ———裴多菲

56. We should act honestly. ———Mao Zedong

57. To be honest, to be honest, to be honest, is to seek truth from facts. ———Deng Xiaoping

58. Integrity for people, people do not deceive me; ——Feng Yuxiang

59. The amount is both an invisible force and an intangible wealth. - Matsushita Yukisuke

60. It’s hard to catch a word. --Chinese Sayings

61. Don't lie, don't be afraid of the truth. --Leo Tolstoy

62. Confession is the product of honesty and courage. --Mark Twain

63. If you lose your foot, you can resume standing right away; if you lose your faith, you may never recover. - Franklin

64. It is more important for a person to keep his promise than to guard his property. - Moliere

65. If you are true to yourself, you will not be cheated against others. - Shakespeare

66. The degree of compliance is better than the reputation. - Roosevelt

67. If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest. - Shakespeare

68. Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values. ——Dele

69. People without trust, I don’t know what they can be - Confucius

70. There is no ordinary letter, no impermanence, but the benefit lies, everything is omnipotent, if it is a small person 矣 荀 荀

71. Sincerely forever - Haier's famous slogan

72. If you don’t believe it, you can’t do it. --Mozi

73. Conscience is determined by human knowledge and overall lifestyle. —— Marx

74. I would like to prove that anyone who acts with kindness and nobleness will be able to bear the trouble. —— Beethoven

75. Decoration is also incompatible with virtue, because virtue is the power and anger of the soul. —— Rousseau

76. I am convinced that only ethical citizens can give an acceptable salute to their country. —— Rousseau

77. Integrity is the foundation of people. - Lu Xun

78. Sincerely, the stone is open. - Wang Chong

79. Do not believe in not standing, not to be honest. - 晁 之

80. Do not deceive inside, do not deceive others. ——Hong Yi Master

81. Treating people with kindness, not being beneficial to others, benefits are already good. ——Yang cylinder

82. Life cannot make brilliant flowers from lies. ——Heine

83. Only honesty can break the falsehood of the world, but it can really break the world. - Xue Yu

84. If you don’t believe it, you can’t do it. - Mozi

85. People’s letters are not known. ——Liu Xiang

86. Honesty is a symbol of strength. It shows a person's high self-respect and inner security and unbelievers. - Mozi

87. Honesty is a symbol of strength. It shows a person’s high self-esteem and inner security and dignity. - Irene Cather

88. The people do not believe in standing. --Confucius

89. The most immoral part of human beings is dishonesty and embarrassment. - Gorky

90. There is no honesty to be dignified. - Cicero

91. When the amount disappears, the flesh has no life. - Dumas

92. The truth is that half of it is often a big lie. - Franklin

93. Sincerity is the opening of the heart. - La Roche Fuco

94. If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest. - Shakespeare

95. Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values. ——Dele

96. Honesty, the way of heaven is also true; - Mencius

97. Deception can only be a moment, and integrity is a long-term strategy. - John Ray

98. The amount is rare and volatile, and the amount of money accumulated over ten years is often lost due to temporary words and deeds. - Ikeda Daisaku

99. I would rather win the attack of one hundred enemies with sincerity, and I would not like to win the praise of ten friends with hypocrisy. ——裴多菲

100. Honest people always hate hypocrisy, while hypocritical people often appear in honesty. - Spinoza

101. Without integrity, how to be dignified? - Cicero

102. Losing faith is failure. ——Zola

103. Honesty is the most beautiful coat of man, the most holy flower of the soul.

104. Integrity is your expensive shoes, going through thousands of miles, the quality should be eternal.

105. Integrity is like a mirror. Once broken, your personality will be cracked.

106. Integrity is the way, with the pioneers' footsteps extending; honesty is wisdom, with the accumulation of scholars' knowledge; honesty is success, as the hard work of the endeavors approaches; honesty is the seed of wealth, as long as you sincerely plant, You will find the key to open the vault.

107. Integrity is the foundation of being a man and the foundation of a career.

108. Create a good faith campus, build a good faith style, and become an honest student.

109. Integrity-based, learn to be a real person.

110. Honesty is honored and dishonesty is shameful.

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