Inspirational quotes

Zhu Yongxin's educational essay selection

Zhu Yongxin's educational essay selection

1. The essence of education is to cultivate students a positive attitude.

2. People are not to be beaten by others, but are being knocked down by themselves.

3. Without the growth of teachers, the growth of students is impossible.

4. Many people's mistakes in life are often seen as virtue problems, but they are actually psychological problems.

5. There are two important prerequisites for a person to succeed. One is to pursue success, and the other is to believe that they can succeed.

6. Education has no emotions, no love, just like a pond without water. Without water, it cannot be called a pond. Without emotion and no love, there is no education.

7. Young is not a bad thing, as long as you don't repeat every day, every day is embracing the new sun. Greatness is not far away. As long as you are a thoughtful person, you must carry out meticulous accumulation, spend more energy on teaching, and spend on the pursuit of your own career.

8. A teacher does not lie in how many years he has taught, but in how many years he has taught him.

9. On the whole, the main purpose of students' learning knowledge is not to apply what they have learned, but the process of learning knowledge itself is to become a smart person, a civilized person, and a person with a noble spiritual life through learning.

10. Knowledge concerns are ready-made answers, ready-made formulas, and the induction of ready-made historical events. Wisdom focuses on the unknown world and is the process of seeking knowledge.

11. The student's brain is not an empty container, but a deep well with abundant water resources. The mission of the teacher is to guide the students to excavate the well, so that every student becomes a well-known spring of water. ".

12. Therefore, while creating a few “successful people”, the school has also created a large number of losers, making most students a “mental gnome” with inferiority and shrinking personality.

13. The so-called "burden reduction" is not simply to arrange less assignments or reduce class hours. The essence of this is to make students become passive learning for active learning, reduce the ineffective labor of teachers and students in education, and increase the goal of student development.

14. I believe that the essence of education is to help everyone become himself, to help him realize his own life value, to maximize his individual characteristics, and to make his own unique contribution to the nation and to mankind.

15. The most ironic thing is that quite a lot of middle school students can read the titles and authors of Chinese and foreign masterpieces, but they don’t know anything about the content of the works themselves!

16. In the face of the Internet, teachers should be "leaders." The Internet is a huge database. It is the unshirkable responsibility of teachers to guide students to identify and select the most valuable information. Therefore, teachers must first familiarize themselves with and use Internet technology.

17. Educators should also be faithful to their true life experiences.

18, I appreciate the realm of this: there is a sun in the heart, a smile on his face, and a voice in his mouth.

19. A true educator should first be an ordinary educator. The concern for education is a natural extension and enhancement of their lives. It contains the most vivid forms of life, full of vitality and vitality.

20. Teachers impart knowledge to students in mental gymnastics training in order to develop their thinking, imagination and creativity. Through intellectual education, students can develop good study habits and self-learning ability, and have a long-lasting interest in learning, strong learning emotions, and strong learning consistency, laying a solid intellectual foundation for their future lifelong learning.

21. The most changeable thing in the world is people themselves. People can become great and they can become very small. As long as you keep working hard and never give up, you will continue to progress and grow. This is the most basic belief of the winner. On the contrary, the loser takes the initiative to sell the fate of decision-making, does not believe in human variability, and thus loses the possibility of change, progress and development.

22. Foreign language education: It does not emphasize grammatical structure, but focuses on language expression and communication. The function of communication is the first.

23. Change the form of Chinese education and promote the function of learning community education: vigorously cultivate students' strong information awareness

With the ability to make every child knowledge the characteristics of the information age. Learn to survive and develop in such an era.

24, history will not remember hard work, but remember the merits. History does not remember commonalities, but it remembers personality.

25. For a long time, the students' learning situation has “three weights and one lightness”—the psychological burden is heavy, the memory burden is heavy, and the work load is heavy. The burden of thinking training in the learning process is too light!

26, if you want to have a healthy mind, please participate in sports activities! If you want to have a strong body, please participate in sports activities! If you want to have a successful life, please join the sports event! If you want to have the habit of taking part in sports activities, start with your career!

27. But now our students are far from nature! When we put the students in the classroom to carry out the so-called "aesthetic education", the students have long understood what is called "two Huang Yuming Cui Liu", do not know what is called "smoke four or five", do not know what is called "shocking the shore" "I don't know what "Spring Breeze Kisses the Grassland" and "Autumn Rain Beats the Leaves" ------ Nature is an unparalleled "artificial education textbook", which is the source of aesthetic education.

28, the purpose of life's aesthetic education is to let students understand the value of life's supreme beauty, especially to accept themselves, be kind to themselves, enjoy the joy of life growth, and respect others and other forms of life. Only in this way, no matter how many life frustrations our students encounter in the future, he will not give up life easily; no matter what stage of life he is in, he can enjoy the joy of his own life.

29, the beauty of life is not equal to the perfection of life, the shadows, twists and difficulties of life are also an integral part of life, the color that life should have, and each of us creates the beauty of life through our own actions.

30. Germany is a country that advocates culture and art and attaches importance to aesthetic education. It is difficult to find people who do not understand music or understand musical instruments in the crowd. This may be one of the mysteries of why the Germans are creative.

31. We cannot ask every teacher to be excellent, but each teacher is required to attack excellence and pursue excellence.

32. Schools should make full use of the various educational resources of the society and mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized. Every effort should be made to enter the famous teachers and experts, so that teachers and students have more opportunities to listen to the voices of the masters and dialogue with the masters. This is how much the machine will yearn for the master and become the master. How much will make them feel that the master is there, and the master is not far away.

33. In fact, teachers are not omnipotent. Who said that there is no child with bad education, let him try it? Of course, it may be true that there is nothing wrong with it. However, in practice, it is subject to the teacher's own experience, wisdom, inspiration, passion and many aspects of the object of education, so perfect education is difficult. This does not prevent us from pursuing perfection. Teachers cannot easily give up.

34. Some people in life, why are there no passion? Because he can't find his cuteness and greatness.

35. Teachers should be good at discovering the joy of education, because we embrace a new sun every day. Every day we face children with different personalities. They are all individuals with unlimited prospects.

36. A teacher does not lie in how many years he has taught, but in how many years he has taught him.

37, you do not read "The Analects of Confucius", do not read Tao Xingzhi, do not read Dewey, do not read Suhomlinski, I am afraid it is difficult to become an educator.

38. Teachers should have three calendars: education, experience and experience. It is not necessary to travel all over the famous mountains and rivers. The value of Wanli Road and Wanwanshu is the same.

39. I hope that our teachers will pay close attention to the world outside the window.

40. Teachers who only teach students well are not good teachers; schools that only teach students well are not necessarily very good schools.

41. Only love can feel the joy of life; only love can create harmonious interpersonal relationships; only love can enjoy the true meaning of life; only love can feel the greatness of mankind; only love can win love.

42. No matter what happens, we should not doubt our ability. If a person does not believe in himself, who can count on who believes him?

43. Faced with the ups and downs of life, only those with strong will can live a colorful life.

44. People who treat others with a happy heart will usually get the same happiness.

45. The level of education depends to a large extent on the level of understanding of education in society as a whole. When we criticize education, don't forget to reflect on the environment in which education depends. Therefore, to change education, we must change the educational level of education in society.

46. ​​The sacredness of education is in the ordinary of education and education. To look at education too sacred, will ignore its ordinary, away from its reality. To look at education as mundane, and to forget its sacredness and to abandon its mission. Every day we walk in sacred and ordinary, we should know this characteristic of education.

47. Enjoy the happiness of education, which is a realm of education. We are sincerely asking, every day at school, am I happy? Are the children happy? The answer may not be optimistic. Happiness is an experience. On the same day, some people feel happy, while others feel that they are not happy. However, it is certain that without the happiness of teachers, there will be no happiness for children.

48. Appreciation leads to success, and complaints lead to failure.

49. Life destroys people as silent, just as dripping water slowly passes through stones inadvertently. In the same way, people who live in life are also silent and odorless. Only by paying attention to the details and progress of life can only be the master of life and be able to be accomplished by life.

50, childlikeness is a realm. Laozi’s writings and Li Wei’s articles are highly respected by Tong Xin. What is rare is that people have childhood, still have childlike innocence, look at the world with innocent eyes, and look at life. Childlike innocence may be immature or irrational, but childlikeness may have genius insight and amazing creativity.

51. Jaspers said in "What is Education": "Education is the education of the human soul, not the accumulation of rational knowledge and understanding." This proposition is not known to many times by educators, but the reality of education Life is always in the end. The education without soul is actually not much different from the training of the beast.

52. Everyone has two important worlds—the emotional world and the smart world. Whether a person is happy or happy depends to a large extent on the satisfaction of these two worlds. The same is true for teachers. Moreover, these two worlds are mutually influential. In the emotional world, if our teachers can truly give love to all children, and truly treat each of their lectures and every communication with students, he will definitely feel the joy of education and experience the happiness of education. At the same time, in the world of wisdom, he will also find a way to "leave the discovery to the students", so that students can spend every day in anticipation and surprise.

53. “If the key to the growth of adolescence is to have a good early education background, then the key to success in adolescence depends entirely on the subjective factors. It depends on whether a person has a good self-awareness and can choose a meaningful meaning. And a practical life goal; depending on whether a person has sufficient self-confidence, I believe that only oneself is the master of his own destiny; depending on whether a person has a high degree of self-control, try to control his own non-target behavior, adjust his own The whole body and mind activities are moving towards the goal. In this sense, whether or not we can become talents depends to a large extent on the training and continuous improvement of self-psychological."

54. Only by doing “doing something wrong” and adjusting all of your body and mind to move toward the established goal, you are likely to join the ranks of the winners, and only you are the master of fate.

55. Parents and teachers should not neglect the cultivation of non-intellectual factors while cultivating children's intelligence. The younger generation should have lofty goals, broad interests, warm emotions, strong will, and independent personality. As an adult, there is no need to be skeptical about your intellectual level, or even to blame yourself or blame. It should be known that the so-called "three-point day is destined, seven points by hard work, will fight to win", only oneself is the master of fate.

56. The education belief that has a deep impact on me is: to teach students what they will benefit for a lifetime: to lay the foundations of traditional essence, cultivate them with the humanistic environment, arm them with modern technology, and guide them with scientific concepts. Its development.

57. "Every great accomplished teacher should have a unique ideological education for education. To form a unique ideological achievement, it must be deeply rooted in educational practice and have in-depth thinking and research on education."

58. The difference between people is largely due to the fact that there is no spirit, just as the difference between a dead person and a living person is whether there is a “qi”. Therefore, how to cheer up and live a wonderful life is a question that every teacher should think about.

59. The highest state of education is to change. In fact, the truth of education should have an eternal side. We can't always run behind inspections and assessments. In this way, our walking will be more calm, and the mind will be more open.

60. The teacher is the course itself. In fact, whether it is a new course or an old one, as long as the teacher is a continuous learning person, a person who is good at thinking, his class will be wonderful. The best educational ideas are not necessarily up to date, they are often eternal.

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