Inspirational quotes

Life attitude, inspiration, famous words

1. You can't decide the length of life, but you can control its width; you can't control the weather, but you can change your mood; you can't change your looks, but you can show your smile; you can't control others, but you can control yourself; You can't predict tomorrow, but you can use today; you can't go well, but you can do everything you can.

2. Life is not a water stop, there will always be many unexpected things. It is very important that the Taishan Mountain collapses in the front and the color does not change. Turning to safety often requires a superb mind and a good attitude. More thoughts and less excitement, more love and less hatred, life becomes more beautiful.

3. When you choose for you and bravely accept everything that comes with life, you gain a self-esteem and self-confidence. Here you don't have to use the value orientation of others as your own standard of success; you don't have to build self-esteem on the approval of others; you don't have to put your self-confidence on the balance of money. Happiness is not rich or poor, and self-confidence is not dependent on others.

4. The initial stage of the market economy, when the value of the embryo is formed. We must be aware of opportunities, and at the same time as freedom comes, low-level ethics face major challenges. Do not kill, do not lie, do not defraud, do not commit adultery, do not steal in the market economy to be reiterated. You can't do self-denial, but you can't harm others; you can't be sages, but you should be moral and human; you can't climb the highest realm of morality, but you must stick to the lower minimum of morality.

5. Work should be done; family should be careful; wealth should be taken; words and deeds should be tasted; consumption should be controlled; time should be arranged reasonably; reading should be cultivated; good hobbies should be cultivated; Participation; sustainable development to support.

6. Before the disease, you are healthy; before the imprisonment, you are free; before suffering, you are happy. . . This is simple? Unfortunately, you always feel the former and recall the latter.

7. The reason why a river can reach its destination is because it knows how to avoid obstacles.

8. Where is the difference between celebrities and mortals? The things that celebrities have used are artifacts, the mortals have used waste; the celebrities have eloquently called eloquence, mortals are sophistry; celebrities and people call for approachable people, mortals are to marry others; celebrities dress up Do not trim the margins, call the artist's temperament, deny it? The words in the words; celebrity drinking is called drinking, mortals are called greedy cups; celebrities are called Wang Lao, mortals can only call Lao Wang.

9. We can not be beautiful, but we are healthy; we can not be great, but we are solemn; we can not be perfect, but we work hard; we can not be eternal, but we are sincere.

10. Don't complain about fate, life is hard, the key is yourself. It is a drop of water, it will not be annihilated when it is put into the torrent; it is a grain of sand, which can also be flashed by the waves. It is an inch of true gold, and Guanghua will never die.

11. A person who wants to know his or her position is like a person who knows his face. This is the most sober consciousness. Washing lead is always better than casual grease. So doing what you can do and doing it best is the important thing to be a human being.

12. When you are in the most painful time, there are birds singing happily outside the window; when you are happiest, some people are suffering from illness, fighting and fighting with death. The world is always the same, but our moods and experiences are different.

13. Everyone is looking forward to a feeling of death. But you must understand that feelings like a house, when you build a workmanship, will become a dangerous building; if you are in disrepair, you will grow wall cancer, sometimes it will leak due to poor construction; sometimes a large typhoon will blow glass; sometimes May encounter an earthquake to destroy. If there is no arson escape equipment is not small to strain. . . . . . And all the houses are the same, even in prison, there is a door that can enter and exit.

14. There is always a lack of life. Whatever you get, you lose something. What matters is that you should know what you want. Those who chase two rabbits will inevitably get nothing.

15. Life is not perfect, if you find it wrong. Come back again, others will not forgive you, you can forgive yourself. Never use a mistake to cover up another error.

16. The meaning of human beings should be in the process, not the conclusion. Therefore, one should not influence another person with his own experience and opinions, not to mention that he is not you, you are not him. Everyone grows up in a different process. The ups and downs of life should be tasted by themselves. Trying is life.

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