Inspirational quotes

About the host's famous words

1. A woman does not rely on beauty to conquer the world, but her noble personality. ——Meng Tong

2. Because of confidence, it is perfect. —— Jingwei

3. Serious, dedicated and cooperative. - Wang Xiaoyu

4. Opportunities only pay attention to those who are prepared. - Guan Wei

5. Be serious and work hard, live happily. ——Liu Fangfei

6. Don't be good or small, don't be evil. ——Zhou Tao

7. Do what you can and do your best. - Dong Qing

8. The biggest spur to yourself is the greatest love for yourself. To be a normal person, you must have a normal heart first. ——Li Ruiying

9. I am pure, so I am happy. ——Fang Qiong

10. Relaxation is a happy and peaceful. ——Zhang Quanling

11. To achieve your stated goals, you must be able to withstand loneliness.

12. The world will give way to those who have goals and visions.

13. In order not to leave regrets and regrets in life, we should try our best to seize all opportunities to change our lives.

14. No matter how unfortunate you feel, someone will always be more unhappy than you.

15. No matter how great you feel, there will always be someone stronger than you.

16. Combating and defeating are the stumbling blocks to success, not stumbling blocks.

17. Successful people learn from others, and those who fail only learn from their own experiences.

18. Failure is a matter, and it should never be human.

19. Defeating yourself is the saddest failure, and defeating yourself is the most valuable victory.

20. Never fall is not a glory. It is the greatest glory to stand up after each fall.

21. There is only one failure, and that is halfway.

22. When you can't get from the first floor to the third floor, don't forget to take the stairs. Remember that great success is often not done overnight, you must learn to break down your goals and implement them step by step.

23. No sowing, how to harvest; no hard work, no success, no grief, no glory; no setbacks, no glory.

24. Belief is strong, suspicion only suppresses ability, and faith is power.

25. A person gives others confidence unless they have confidence.

26. A person's success does not depend on his wisdom, but on perseverance, Never quit, keep up with it.

27. Be stressed, but not overwhelmed; confused, but never desperate.

28. Start working hard! You have to give up a lot of things in the process, but you have to understand that they are not what you ultimately want. You have to believe that after you succeed, one day they will come back again and be better than now. !

29. Think carefully before making a decision. Once you have made a decision, you must go forward and stick to it.

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