Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms

Friendship maxim

1. Insidious friendships allow you to get some negligible little benefits, but you need to deprive you of your treasures - independent thinking and pure love for truth! - Belinsky

2. The words of benevolence, the promise of benevolence, is easy to say, and only when you are in trouble can you see the true heart of your friends. —Krylov

3. Don't rely on gifts to get friends. You must contribute your sincere love and learn how to use a proper method to win a person's heart. - Surrag

4. True friends don't hang their friendships. They don't ask each other for friendship, but do everything they can do for each other. - Belinsky

5. Stupid friends are worse than wise enemies. - Sakyamuni

6. Friendship is really the most sacred thing, not only worthy of special admiration, but worthy of praise forever. - Bujiaqiu

7. If anyone wants to get help in bad luck, he should be wide on weekdays. - Sadie

8. People who attribute friendship to interests, I thought it was the most precious thing in friendship. - Cicero

9. Some people are not complimenting you, but none of them are friends of suffering. Shakespeare’s ungrateful person is in difficulty and cannot be saved. - Aesop

10. Friendship is always the aid of virtue, not the helper of sin. - Cicero

11. Choose friends should be cautious, and discard them more carefully. -Frangreen

12. The villain who is inflamed and inflamed can't suffer together! - Byron

13. Abandon your friends in an emergency and be untrustworthy. - Aesop

14. If you are smart, don't treat that person as a friend, if he has a deep relationship with your enemy. - Sadie

15. Keep a certain distance between friends and make friendship last forever. - Charles's friendship is always a sweet responsibility and has never been an opportunity. - Gibran

16. Have trouble knowing friends. - Lenin

17. When you are happy, friends will know us; when you are in trouble, we will know friends. - Collins

18. Friends are defenders of sorrow, unhappiness and fear, and cans of friendship and trust. - "Five Books"

19. Don't treat that person as a friend, if he shows good feelings when you are lucky. Only such a person counts as a friend, if he can save your danger. - Sadie

20. If anyone wants assistance in distress, he should be wide on weekdays. - Sadie

21. To attract friends, you must have a variety of qualities. Selfishness, gadgets, jealousy, people who don't like the beauty of adults, people who don't like the reputation of people can't get friends. - Malton

22. You should give help when your friends are in trouble. Don’t gossip after things are hopeless. - Aesop

23. Those who use tricks to harm their friends will be trapped in danger. - Aesop

24. Those who are not shared with others when they are lucky will not be faithful friends in a disaster. - Aesop

25. The discord between friends is the opportunity for the enemy to attack. - Aesop

26. Those who betray their companions often unknowingly ruin themselves together. - Aesop

27. A disaster can prove the truth of a friend. - Aesop

28. Failure to respect the self-respect of others is like a gem that cannot withstand the sun. - Nobel

29. Friendship has multiplied joy and sorrow. - Bacon

30. Those who have no sincere friends are truly lonely people. - Bacon

31. Only when you are in trouble can you see the true heart of your friends. - Krylov

32. Goodwill produces happiness and civilization brings harmony. - Hugo

33. Friendship is also like a flower. It can be cultivated well, but it can be opened up. But once the waywardness or misfortunes fundamentally destroy the friendship, this blooming flower in the heart can immediately fade away. - Dumas

34. The friendship between people combines the hearts of the majority, and because of this valuable connection, it is gentle and sweet. - Augustine

35. With friends, life shows its full value. -Roman Roland

36. The reputation is an odorless sunflower, wearing a gorgeous and vulgar gold crown; friendship is a fresh rose, and the pleated petals exude a sultry aroma. - Holmes

37. When it comes to reputation, honor, happiness, wealth, they are dusty if compared with friendship. - Darwin

38. The most beautiful thing in the world is no more serious friends with a good mind and heart. - Einstein

39. Friendship can increase happiness and alleviate suffering, because it can multiply our joy and share our troubles. - Edison

40. Do not be able to promise others easily; you must practice your promises when you promise. - Washington

41. In order to get the friendship of others, you must first express your friendship to others. - Emerson

42. Friendship is the seasoning of life and the painkiller of life. - Emerson

43. It is a nature to tell yourself to others; therefore, it is a kind of education to take seriously what others say to you. - Goethe

44. A person should not be handed over to someone who has been destroyed by wealth... „ —— Mrs. Curie

45. Wisdom, love, this is the only light that illuminates our darkness. -Roman Roland

46. ​​For those who do not respect people, the first thing is that they do not respect themselves. - Dostoevsky

47. Temper is one of the more despicable natures of mankind. If a person loses his temper, it is a step backward on the ladder of human progress. - Darwin

48. Learn to love, learn to understand love, learn to be a happy person - this is to learn to respect yourself, that is, to learn the virtues of mankind. - Macalenko

49. The light of friendship is like a phosphorus fire, and it is most revealed when it is dark. - Cromwell

50. The greatest trust between people is the trust in speaking. - Bacon

51. The most preventive medicine that protects the health of the mind is the loyalty of friends. - Bacon

52. One of the main effects of friendship is to vent and relax the anger and depression in the heart. „„ For a true friend, you can convey your sorrow, joy, fear, hope, doubt, jealousy, and anything that is on you. - Bacon

53. The lack of true friends is the purest and most pitiful loneliness; without friendship, the world is nothing but a wilderness; we can also use this meaning to talk about "loneness". Anyone who is not suitable for making friends can say that his temperament comes from Animals, not humans. - Bacon

54. As long as you think about how many things a person can do in his or her life, you can know how much benefit your friendship has. - Bacon

55. Friendship is the fusion of the spirit, the marriage of the soul, and the knot of morality. - Payne

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