Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms

Celebrity maxim

1. In order to play our part in life, love life. - Rodin

2. The past is a god of death, and the future belongs to you. —— Shelley

3. When your hopes are lost, you must be firm and calm! —— Longfellow

4. Don't sigh at the end of life!---Sigh is weak... ——Gorky

5. Always seek to benefit others and not seek to benefit yourself. —— Xie Jue

6. Don't be evil, don't be small. Only Xiande is able to serve people. —— Liu Bei

7. Good temper is the best dress a person can wear in social. —— Dude

8. Less and eager to learn, such as the sun of sunrise; strong and eager to learn, such as the light of the sun; old and eager to learn, such as the light of the candle. —— Liu Xiang

9. Life is a gamble. No matter how bad the life's wealth is, as long as there is one pound left in the meat, I will bet it. ——Roman Roland

10. Oh! A noble demeanor! What a terrible thing! Demeanor is the enemy of creativity. —— Picasso

11. Listen more, talk less, accept everyone's blame, but keep your final ruling. —— Shakespeare

12. Life is like chess, one step is wrong, all loses, this is a sad thing; and life is not as good as chess, it is impossible to come back again, and can not repent. —— Freud

13. Silence is more conducive to socializing than words that are insincere. —— Montaigne

14. When you are angry, close your mouth so as not to increase your anger. - Socrates

15. Think before you do, so as not to make stupid things.

16. Because of the sloppy movements and words, they are all despicable. —— Pythagoras

17. As long as everything is seen lightly, there is nothing to worry about; as long as it does not exaggerate the state of affairs by anger,

18. There is nothing to be angry about. —— Turgenev

19. The gentleman is in Yu Yi, and the villain is Yu Li. —— Kongqiu

20. The three armies can also win the handsome, and the husband can't be ambition. —— Kongqiu

21. The old man is in a hurry, and his ambition is a thousand miles; - Cao Cao

22. Poverty is not shy, but shame is poor and unwilling. —— Lu Kun

23. A person who can think is really a boundless person. —— Balzac

24. I never think of ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of a pig pen. —— Einstein

25. If you are not competent, you should not easily agree to others. Once you have promised others, you must practice your promise. —— Washington

26. Self-control is the instinct of the strongest. —— Shaw

27. In order to play our part in life, love life. - Rodin

28. The past is a god of death, and the future belongs to you. —— Shelley

29. When your hopes are lost, you must be firm and calm! —— Longfellow

30. Don't sigh at the end of life!---Sigh is weak... ——Gorky

31. Always seek to benefit others and not seek to benefit yourself. —— Xie Jue

32. The gentleman is in Yu Yi and the villain is Yu Li. —— Kongqiu

33. The three armed forces can also win the handsome, and the husband can not be ambition. —— Kongqiu

34. The old man is in a hurry, and his ambition is a thousand miles; - Cao Cao

35. Poverty is not shy, but shame is poor and unmotivated. —— Lu Kun

36. A person who can think is really a boundless person. —— Balzac

37. I never think of ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of a pig pen. —— Einstein

38. If you are not competent, you should not easily agree to others. Once you have promised others, you must practice your promise. —— Washington

39. Self-control is the instinct of the strongest. —— Shaw

40. The road is long and it’s a long way to go. I will go up and down. - Qu Yuan

41. Quiet to self-cultivation, to cultivate morality, not indifferent to Mingzhi, non-quiet and far-reaching. - Zhuge Liang

42. It’s hard to catch a word. - Anonymous

43. The species that can survive are not the strongest, not the smartest.

44. It is those who respond quickly to change. - Darwin

45. I don’t care for the sky, I don’t care for people, I don’t care. - Han Yu

46. ​​If you shed tears when you miss the sun, then you have to miss the stars. - Tagore

47. Those who have made great achievements in the ancient times must not only have the talents of the world, but also have the tenacity. --Su Shi

48. The year is not coming back, it is difficult to get back in the morning. When you are encouraged in time, you will not be treated. - Tao Yuanming

49. Young and hard, the boss is sad. - Yuefu "Long Songs"

50. When the heavens are to be reduced to the people of Sri Lanka, they must first suffer their minds.

51. Labor, bones, hungry, lack of body,

52. It is a matter of chaos, so it is tempting and enduring. - Mencius

53. The industry is diligent and diligent, and it is ruined; - Han Yu

54. The difference between people lies in their spare time. - Einstein

55. Measuring a person’s true character,

56. It is to see what he does when he knows no one is seeing it. - Montesquieu

57. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Laozi

58. I have a glimpse of the end of the paper, knowing that this matter is going to take place. - Lu You

59. Do your best and die. - Zhuge Liang

60. When the wind and the waves break, there will be time when the clouds sail to the sea. - Li Bai

61. People must not be proud, but they must not be proud. ——Xu Beihong

62. The poor are independent and the best. - Mencius

63. I can do my best, but I want to be innocent! ——Lin Zexu

64. The happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal. - Socrates

65. A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn! - Ostrovsky

66. Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job. -- Leo Tolstoy

67. The value of a person should depend on what he contributes and not what he gets. —— Einstein

68. Only by dedicating themselves to society can one find out the meaning of a short and risky life. —— Einstein

69. You must be measured in the words between the two enemies, lest they will be self-confident after they have reconciled. —— Sadie

70. Bad habits can hinder you from going to the path of fame, profit and enjoyment. —— Shakespeare

71. Being prone to anger is the most significant weakness in character. —— Dante

72. Don't treat everyone with a distrustful eye, but be cautious and firm. —— Democritus

73. Open-minded: Don't be upset and pessimistic about the unpleasant trivialities. —— Franklin

74. People should dominate habits, and never let habits dominate people. One cannot remove his bad habits. It is simply worthless. -- Ostrovsky

75. At the time of the march, there were also people who were retired from time to time. Some people fell into the wild. Some people were sorrowful and some were rebellious. However, as long as they did not hinder the progress, the team became a pure and elite team. —— Lu Xun

76. Several flies bite a few mouthfuls and must not leave a heroic running horse. —— Voltaire

77. A person should develop a habit of trusting himself, and believe in his courage and perseverance even in the most critical times. - Napoleon

78. Those who have sacrificed for the good of the future are all stone statues. —— Fucik

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