Inspirational article

I understand why the road is still inactive.

These days, because of work, the whole person is very tired. After working overtime for two days, I will come back to two or three in the morning. I will continue to watch all kinds of materials on the road. Today, my friends asked me that I was so tired and went to find materials to write articles. Not tired? I said

I just want to do something well.

In a blink of an eye, I am really at the age of my boss. I will meet all kinds of envious people around me, eager to be as successful as they are, eager to make myself better, and look back to see if I have achieved good results. It seems that Become shy in the bag.

Talking to colleagues, he and I said that you are reading less, if you don't know what to do, the book will tell you the answer, so I will slowly pay attention to some self-promotion books, not just tell you the truth, but also Will give you a viable plan.

This society is too impetuous, and in a blink of an eye, scholars have said that China is now in an era of doing nothing to make money, because everyone is thinking about speculation, there is no way to do something steadily, but now, Just want to see yourself,

Can you do something well?

There is a friend who has known for more than ten years. Because of his work in the clothing trade category, he often comes into contact with the customers of some garment factories. A few days ago, I suddenly felt that I often saw a lot of clothing factories in the customers. The tailor kept working on the sewing machine, as if the machine was normal. There were piles of cloth waiting to be cut next to it. The same movement was repeated for several decades. For them, for decades, it was really in the sewing machine. Spend on.

Everyone should have this kind of experience, doing repetitive things every day, feeling that every day has been slow, but when you look back at this repeated year, as if time passed by, he sighed and sighed with me. Every time I see these scenes, I feel that I am fortunate that I am not one of them. I will not have such boring things for decades. I don’t think of their work, or that life should not be so wonderful. .

So whenever you feel that life is meaningless, you will go to see their work, even if they watch the hour, they keep stepping on the sewing machine, so that they realize that -

Now, I have the opportunity to work hard to change the good.

Cai Kangyong said that at the age of 15, you feel that swimming is difficult. You choose to give up swimming. When you meet a person you like at the age of 18, you will go swimming. You have to say "I won't be yeah." At the age of 18, you feel that English is difficult, you give up English. At the age of 28, you have a great job but want to work in English. You have to say "I don't know." Many people are like this. They missed the tempting people and things and missed the new scenery.

After reading English for many years, are you still stuttering? The guitar has been playing for so long, how much dust does it have now? After working for so long, have you become an expert in this field? Find a book online and see a good article. Praise and collection, is it now digested? Many things have been thought in the brain for so long, and the project has been pushed back for a few years. Have you started the first step?

In fact, the truth understands, why is it still inactive, still not good for this life?

Time and growth will take us a lot, but please don't let it take your fighting spirit and pride.

When you want to be sure of someone who knows who you are, when you urgently need to have a qualitative one, it means that you are escaping from reality. You must accept the essence and uncertainty of reality so that you can recognize the truth of life. You have to accept your own uncertainty and can't be defined, so that you don't set limits on yourself, you can realize that you have countless possibilities, and you can jump out of the current short-term obstacles and problems. The whole picture of the facts and the world itself. Then you can know where your future life will lead.

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