Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

The latest famous sayings to help others

1. It is not a mediocrity in the world to relieve the burden on others. - Dickens

2. The best satisfaction is to satisfy others. - La Bruyère

3. Shibi is more blessed. 18, only pay for you to have more.

4. Real happiness comes from helping others

5. Help others to forget, others help me to remember.

6. Give the person a rose, the hand has a fragrance.

7. Shibi is more blessed.

8. Helping people to be happy.

9. Helping others is a virtue.

10. Helping people is a sign of the sublimation of personality.

11. Help people to start from the daily little things, not to be small because of the small.

12. Gentlemen and nobles blame themselves, ancestors and then. - "Book of Rites, Interview"

13. The auxiliary vehicles are dependent, and the lips are cold. - "Zuo Chuan Lu Gong Gong Five Years"

14. The road is not flat, and the knife is assisted. ——Yuan·Ma Zhiyuan, “Chen Qing Gao”

15. The patient's illness, worrying about people. - Bai Juyi "Clin"

16. Every time there is an urgency, the ancestors and the others. - Chen Shou, "Three Kingdoms, Min Zhi"

17. Good things must be allowed, and evil things are pushed. ——Wang Fanzhi, “Full Tang Poetry and Compilation”

18. People help me, never forget; I help others, don’t mind. - Hua Luogeng

19. You have to remember to always be happy to give more to others and less to others. - Gorky

20. The road is not flat, and the knife is assisted.

21. Helping others also helps themselves. Giving is happy.

22. Everyone is for me, I am for everyone. Sending goose feathers in a thousand miles, the ceremony is light and affectionate.

23. A flower can't be dressed up in beautiful spring.

24. Dripping water will never dry up if it is put into the sea. I am willing to make a screw forever.

25. Whoever is a game life, he will accomplish nothing; who can't dominate himself is always a slave.

26. People's lives are limited. However, serving the people is limitless. I must devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely.

27. The nail has two strengths: one is squeeze and the other is drill. In learning, we must also advocate this "nail" spirit, good at squeezing and good at drilling.

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