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Half seed also has spring

At the age of 13 years old, her fate suddenly turned a corner. When she was doing an ankle surgery, her nerve injury caused her right knee to be injured and her left leg to squat down from the buttocks. Since then, she has been keen on sports since she was tied to a wheelchair. When the flower buds were born, they suffered this misfortune. This made her extremely painful and mournful. She allowed her parents to encourage and encourage her to gradually become a helpless sigh, letting her desperate and eclipse herself.

In the early spring, the parents sent her to the relatives and friends of the farmer. Although the care of relatives and friends is in every possible way, she still rejects all enlightenment and persuasion. One day, relatives and friends brought a small cup of wheat seeds and said they would compete with her for wheat. The land for the wheat plantation was chosen in the garden in front of the family and friends.

Before planting, she noticed that many of the granules were damaged by the wheat seeds brought by relatives and friends. She picked out the damaged seeds one by one, threw them away, and the relatives and friends picked them up. When she sowed the carefully selected, granulated, full-bodied seeds into the field that belonged to her, the relatives and friends were in front of her, throwing away the seeds that were thrown away by them, or missing one or less than half of the damaged seeds. Planted in another field. She wondered strangely, can those damaged seeds sprout? Friends and relatives seem to see her confusion, smiled and said, will see if there will be a miracle happen!

She began to pay attention to the wheat fields in the garden.

As the spring became more and more concentrated, she noticed that the field she planted had drilled a green wheat seedling, and to her surprise, the field planted by relatives and friends also smashed the wheat seedlings. . The young shoots grow a little bit taller, and then grow out of the leaves... Day after day, the wheat in the wheat field she planted is already green, and the wheat fields planted by relatives and friends are also flourishing. The damaged seeds can also sprout and grow up, which makes her very confused. One evening, she and her relatives and friends sat in the sunset in front of the house, and my relatives and friends said to her a sentence that changed her fate: "As long as you can carefully cultivate, those damaged wheat varieties can have spring, you are the same, as long as not Give up hope, you can have your spring."

Since then, she has changed like a person.

She renewed her hopes for life, actively carried out rehabilitation training, and participated in disabled bicycle training. Two years later, she participated in the disabled bicycle race for the first time and won the championship. Since then, her figure has continued to appear on the podium of various disabled bicycle races.

About six years later, she won the World Road Championship in Switzerland. Just when she thought that bad luck had been defeated by her strength and tenacity, a sudden car accident caused her lower body to be completely paralyzed. However, with the belief in the pursuit of spring, she once again competed with doom. After rehabilitation, training and competition, two years later, her figure began to appear on the podium of the world's major disabled bicycle races. However, the bad luck once again exposed her to the sharp teeth. She was once again injured by a car. This time she injured her spine. She could only participate in two hand-cranked bicycle races. Even so, two years later, she still began to win two world championships in the world of bicycles.

She won her spring, one after another.

However, not long ago, in a training for the Paralympic Games, she was knocked down from behind by a player's bicycle, and she had to be hospitalized again. But this time, bad luck is just a sly mask, and there is an unexpected surprise hidden under the mask. She feels that the leg actually has consciousness and tingling during the treatment, and can be slightly active, not long after, the legs actually You can move and walk. After a few months of rehabilitation, she actually bid farewell to the wheelchair that accompanied her for 13 years. At present, she has fully recovered as an ordinary person, obtained a contract provided by a women's professional team, she began the training and pursuit of a healthy bicycle athlete.

Her name is Monique van der Woster, a legendary Dutch bicycle athlete.

Half seeds also have spring. The bad luck is just a fragile night between the day and another day. The strong people let the troubles fall and let the hopes go to the dawn. The new goal of Monique Vandervoast is to hope that he can stand on the podium of the Rio Olympics in 2019. She said she has confidence. I think we have no reason not to have confidence in her.

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