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a famous saying of the value of life

1. The value of a person has its season like a fruit. - La Roche Fuco

2. The best thing about life is that when you stop living, you can serve the people with everything you create. --Ostrovsky

3. Without struggle, life will be lonely and unbearable. - Lermontov

4. The value of life cannot be confused with the value of goods. - Anonymous

5. I believe that the whole meaning of life lies in the victory of spirit, beauty and goodness...——Kuplin

6. When the battle takes place in one heart, his survival has value. - Bai Langning

7. The meaning of life is in this process. You have to carefully understand each section of the process, whether it is a piece of gold or a piece of iron; you need to know the full value of each section. ——Fu Donghua

8. Real value is not on the stage of life

9. "A life is heavier than the earth." ——Shang Tian Geng Yilang

10. Living yourself is to make others better. - Lei Feng

11. Only when people are dedicated to society can they find out the meaning of life that is actually short-lived and risky. - Einstein

12. A person's life is precious, but the truth of a generation is more precious, life is sacrificed, and truth is revealed to the world. This death is worthwhile. - Lu Xun

13. The value of life should depend on what he contributes and not what he gets. - Einstein

14. The length of life is calculated in terms of time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution. ——裴多菲

15. I was born to fight. -Roman Roland

16. Find something that will make you worth giving your life. ——Wu Ren Xiao Lu Shi

17. To explore the meaning of life and to appreciate the value of life, it is necessary to pursue life and death, peace and danger, happiness and suffering, and often to measure the values ​​of life. - Anonymous

18. A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn! - Ostrovsky

19. The value of life is reflected in the mile of running on its own. Although human life is limited, the value created by human life can last forever. - Anonymous

20. The value of life lies in the use of life. - Thai proverb

21. People should not live like beasts, and should pursue knowledge and virtue. - Anonymous

22. Vitality is as common as human nature; however, vitality is as much as humanity and sometimes equivalent to genius...——Shaw Bernard

23. The value of human beings does not depend on whether or not the truth is mastered, or that the truth is in the grip; the value that determines the value of man is the tireless spirit of pursuing truth. - Lessing

24. The meaning of life does not care about the changes of the outside world, but the inner experience. - Anonymous

25. Selflessness is a rare morality because it is unprofitable from it. —— Brecht

26. Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright. —— Xiao Chu female

27. The value of a person should depend on what he contributes and not what he gets. —— Einstein

28. The value of life is measured by the work that one has done for the present. —— Xu Wei

29. Not confined to poverty, not worthy of wealth. —— Tao Yuanming

30. Life is only emptiness and plainness in the eyes of ordinary people. —— Chernyshevsky

31. The road is footed out, and history is written by people. Every movement of a person is writing his own history. —— Ji Hongchang

32. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. —— Lev Tolstoy classic celebrity famous words

33. Hard bees never have time to mourn. —— Black

34. The gentleman is in Yu Yi and the villain is Yu Li. —— Kongqiu

35. Society is like a boat, and everyone has to be at the helm. —— Ibsen

36. Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job. -- Leo Tolstoy

37. Only by dedicating themselves to society can one find out the meaning of a short and risky life. —— Einstein

38. Do you love all beings, don't love life? Love the extremes of life, and then love the group. —— Autumn 瑾

39. Life is like this cup of strong wine, it will not be so delicious without three times of refining! —— Guo Xiaochuan

40. In order to play our part in life, love life. - Rodin

41. Hope is attached to existence, there is existence, there is hope, there is hope, it is light. —— Lu Xun

42. People who are full of joy and struggle spirit will always have joy and welcome the thunder and the sun. —— Huxley

43. Life is fighting. —— Corroenko

44. A life is heavier than the earth - Ueda Ichiro

45. Living by yourself is to make others better. - Lei Feng

46. ​​Only by dedicating themselves to society can one find out the meaning of life that is actually short-lived and risky. - Einstein

47. A person's life is precious, but the truth of a generation is more precious, life is sacrificed and truth is revealed to the world, and death is worthwhile. - Lu Xun

48. The value of life should depend on what he contributes and not what he gets. - Einstein

49. The length of life is calculated in terms of time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution. ——裴多菲

50. I was born to fight. -Roman Roland

51. Find something that will make you worth giving your life. ——Wu Ren Xiao Lu Shi

52. To explore the meaning of life and to appreciate the value of life, it is necessary to pursue life and death, peace and danger, music and suffering, and often to measure the values ​​of life. - Anonymous

53. A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn! - Ostrovsky

54. The value of life is reflected in the miles that it runs. Although human life is limited, the value created by human life can last forever. - Anonymous

55. The value of life lies in the use of life. - Thai proverb

56. People should not live like beasts, and should pursue knowledge and virtue. - Anonymous

57. Vitality is as common as human nature; however, vitality is as much as humanity, sometimes equivalent to genius...——Shaw Bernard

58. The value of a person does not depend on whether or not the truth is mastered, or that the truth is in the grip; the value that determines the value of the person is the tireless spirit of pursuing the truth. - Lessing

59. The meaning of life does not care about the changes of the outside world, but cares about the inner experience. - Anonymous

60. The value of man has its season like a fruit. - La Roche Fuco

61. The best thing about life is that when you stop living, you can serve the people with everything you create. --Ostrovsky

62. Without struggle, life is lonely and unbearable. - Lermontov

63. The value of life cannot be confused with the value of goods. - Anonymous

64. I believe that the full meaning of life lies in the victory of spirit, beauty and goodness...-Kuplin,

65. When the battle takes place in one heart, his survival has value. - Bai Langning

66. The meaning of life is in this process. You have to carefully understand each section of the process, whether it is a piece of gold or a piece of iron; you need to know the full value of each section. ——Fu Donghua

67. Life is a great treasure, and I know the most precious jewels from this treasure. - Anonymous

68. Even if we are a candle, we should “wax the tears into tears and dry”; even if we are just a match, we must shine once at a critical moment; even if we die after the death, the bones will turn into a phosphorus fire to burn in the wilderness. . ——Ai Qing

69. The road is footed out, and history is written by people. Every movement of a person is writing his own history. ——Ji Hongchang

70. Life is not confined to the daily actions of human beings pursuing their own actual goals, but rather shows that human beings participate in a cosmic rhythm that proves its existence in a variety of ways. - Tagore

71. People, like nails, once they lose their direction and begin to bend toward resistance, then they lose the value of their existence. - Landau

72. No matter how good a person's talent is, how beautiful his appearance or heart is, he must have a heat in his radiance of virtue, and then the person who feels his heat reflects the heat on himself. Only to appreciate his own value. - Shakespeare

73. With the value of life, you don’t feel that gold is expensive. ——NI Zhibing

74. Only by dedicating themselves to society can one find out the meaning of life that is actually short-lived and risky. - Einstein

75. A person's life is precious, but the truth of one generation is more precious, life is sacrificed and truth is revealed to the world, and death is worthwhile. - Lu Xun

76. The value of life should depend on what he contributes and not what he gets. - Einstein

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