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After-school hobbies

I am swimming in the world of books. The green mountains and green waters in the book are in front of my eyes. The clear rivers are flowing down the mountains. The small fish in the lake are swimming... "Eating!" Mom shouted. Hey! Haven't seen enough yet! My after-school hobbies are reading books. My mother said that I am a small bookworm. I can't get out of the book. The book can bring me happiness. Can I not like it?

My mother said that I am a bookworm and I have a basis. I only need to take a look at the book for a few hours. At first glance, a dictionary-sized book is finished in a week. Not only that, I study very seriously, and I am often called back by my mother many times.

The book sometimes makes me helpless, because my emotions sometimes fluctuate with the plot of the story. A few days ago, I had a fight with my mother. The reason was that my mother let me sleep at 9:00, but I didn’t see enough. I still wanted to see it. I saw that the protagonist had a bad thing that night. I don’t know why. I also feel uncomfortable, coupled with my mother's "fueling on the fire", my "small volcano" broke out, the power is not big, just lame, shouting a few times, but paid a painful price. But think about it, I am not right, it is not too good to yell with my mother! But after reading the book, I can't control my emotions. I don't read books, and I can't. How does this make me better?

Reading is so good, it is bitter and enjoyable, and using books to make extracurricular hobbies is a good choice!

Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, the new experimental national small third grade: Jin Yumeng

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