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Picking apples

On Sunday, we took a group of people to the apple orchards in the suburbs to pick apples.

I started picking apples, and each of us took a basket. I picked one from the left and picked one. After a while, half a basket was filled. Dad saw and said, "You have picked up so many and none of them are cooked." I asked my father what is cooked? Dad said: "The big red is ripe, the small and green is not cooked." I asked my father again, "Why are only one or two low in the low places, and the high ones are cooked?" Dad said: "The high places can make the sun shine slowly, and the low places can't make the sun shine later." I said to my father, "Come up and pick me up!" Dad put me on his neck and I picked a red and big pick.

After a while, Dad said, "I will help you climb the tree and pick it up." I asked: "Why?" Dad said: "I can only pick you up when you pick it up. I won't pick it up. You have to do it yourself." I said, "Okay!" I stepped on my father's hand and jumped to the tree and picked a lot of apples.

I looked at the big, red apples in the basket and smiled happily.

Inner Mongolia Baotou City Steel four small third class class Hengyu

November 25, 2019

Third grade: Ban Hengyu

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