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I love my class

I love my class

Our class is a big group that unites and loves. There are humorous classmates in this big group, and there are teachers who are childlike....

Humorous little d

Although the small d is small and clever, but the jokes and dialects are exported.

This is not. Just after class, I jumped onto the podium and improvised the performance: "We are all Langxi people, we have to go to school. Hey, life is hard!" Just sang two sentences and provoked the audience to laugh. Some viewers laughed at the turtles turning their heads - four feet in the sky. Xiao a classmates said: "Small d another one!" Everyone will applaud. Small d looked at the watch, time is still early. I also gave you a commentary: "When I said that, my little d is a big man, "007" is my younger brother, "Prison Break" is what I planned, and "Kung Fu" is also created by me." "叮铃铃" After class, the students returned to their seats, but the little d was not reconciled, and added a sentence: "If you want to know what happened, please listen to the next decomposition!" At this time, the teacher came in, and dissatisfied said: "What? Next time, break it down now!" Little d quickly found a step for himself: "Let's say the lesson, class!"

Childlike teacher

Teacher g is the language teacher and class teacher of our class. Don't look at her. She is very serious at ordinary times. She often "plays" with us when she is in class.

After class, I and Xiao W, Xiao Jian commented: vivid language, lively thinking, such as beating notes, compose a happy family!

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