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Love quotes

1. Only the love of the motherland, the painful suffering of the motherland, and the hatred of the enemy have given us the strength to participate in the struggle and victory. —— A. Tolstoy

2. The motherland is more important to life, our mother, our land. —— Neruda

3. We Poles, when the country is enslaved, have no right to leave their homeland. —— Mrs. Curie

4. Patriotism and the hatred of the enemy multiply by multiplication - only such patriotism can lead to victory. -- Ostrovsky

5. I praise the current motherland and praise it more than three times. —— Mayakovsky

6. Jinxiu Heshan is packed up and the people are the masters. —— Zhu De

7. It is a matter of course to love your country. —— Heine

8. Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return to his hometown; although the paradise is good, it is not a place to stay. Go back to you. —— Hua Luogeng

9. It is generally in the part; who does not belong to his own country, then he does not belong to human beings. —— Belinsky

10. How great is the power of patriotism! In front of it, what is the meaning of human love and sorrow, what is it? In front of it, what is the person itself? —— Chernyshevsky

11. Science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries. —— Pavlov

12. If I have some abilities, I have an obligation to dedicate it to my motherland. —— Lin Nai

13. Night vision is too white to receive light, and the country wants to die without a battlefield! —— Lu You

14. The North and South rushed to report the main feelings, Jiang Lai grass smiled. On the three hundred and sixty days of the year, all of them were on the Henggema. Qi Jiguang

15. We serve the motherland, and we cannot all use the same method. Everyone should do everything they can according to their qualifications. —— Goethe

16. The motherland, I will always be faithful to you, to dedicate myself to you, to sing and fight for you with my piano sound. —— Chopard

17. No matter what I do, I am always thinking, as long as my energy allows me, I will first serve my country. —— Pavlov

18. For the benefit of the country, to make my life's life a useful life, even if it can only be effective, I will be excited. —— Gogol

19. Love is the flame of life. Without it, everything turns into night. -- Roland

20. Love is pure, there must be no dross in the content of love; love is perfect and sincere, and there is no desire for selfishness in the scope of love. --Duke of Shakespeare

21. The combination of sincere love is the purest of all combinations. --Fa Rousseau

22. It is always a beautiful thing to love a lover for morality. --Greece · Plato

23. Is it not too ugly to have money in love?--Fa Balzac

24. Only the kind of love that the evangelist loves in a noble way is beautiful, and it is worthy of praise. -- Plato

25. Love has absolutely no patterns and laws, and love cannot be said clearly. What is said clearly is not love, but a combination of interests. I never believe that the marriage will be happy, but I don’t believe in age matching, similar knowledge, and the marriage of male and female looks will be happy. Love should be like a sweet nectar. --Mei Lusen

26. I don't mean to say that social relations can be ignored in terms of marriage. I mean that the influence of natural relations is much greater than the influence of social relations. It can even determine the fate of our lives, and in hobbies, Temperament, feelings and personality are so strict that the two sides match each other... such a pair of matching couples can withstand all possible disasters, when they live together in a poor life They are much happier than a couple of centuries who share the world’s property. --Fa Rousseau

27. If love loves for self-interest, this love is not true love, but a desire. --Edmen

28. The love between the father and the son and the brother, this is instinct, but to pay attention to the interests, the family's warmth is lost. Couples, this is love, but to be economically conditioned, it loses the original intention of love. --Greek Socrates

29. Love others, love others, this is everything, this is the law of the universe. For love, we exist. People with love and comfort, no fear of anything, anyone. --Fam Penshall

30. People who understand love tend to strengthen their will and enterprising spirit because of the sublimation of love. --英·Bacon

31. Love is a great mentor who teaches us to be a new person. -Fr. Moliere

32. I have my personality and conscience, not money I can buy. My music is dedicated to the motherland and dedicated to the working people and the masses to serve the national crisis. —— 冼星海

33. After I died, I sent my ashes to my hometown... I buried it, planted an apple tree on top, and let me finally repay the land of my hometown and repay my father and my family. —— Peng Dehuai

34. A person’s service to the people does not have to stand in the conference or make a big earth-shattering career. Anytime, anywhere, telling people what they know and think about, invisibly planting and planting for the country. . —— Fu Lei

35. The theory put forward by the Chinese must first serve the Chinese. —— Wu Zhonghua

36. As a person, be respectful to your parents, be kind to your children, be generous to your poor relatives, and be polite to everyone. —— Russell

37. We love our nation and this is the source of our self-confidence. —— Zhou Enlai

38. The people are not only entitled to patriotism, but patriotism is an obligation and a glory. —— Xu Te Li

39. I love my country, love my people, leave it, leave them, I can't live, and I can't write. —— Ba Jin

40. The so-called virtue in the Republic refers to the love of the motherland, that is, the equality of love. This is not a moral virtue, nor a Christian virtue, but a political virtue. —— Montesquieu

41. Love the motherland, this is the purest, most sensitive, noblest, strongest, gentlest, most affectionate, warmest and most harsh feelings. A person who truly loves the motherland is a real person in every respect. —— Suhomlinski

42. I am yours, my motherland! It is yours, my heart, this soul; if I don't love you, my country, which one can I love? —— 裴多菲

43. Only by loving the motherland, suffering from the grave suffering of the motherland and hating the enemy, has this given us the strength to participate in the struggle and to win. —— A. Tolstoy

44. Love is a fulfilling life, just like a wine glass filled with wine. --India Tagore

45. Love is the harmony and tacit understanding of two intimate souls in life and faithfulness, kindness, and beauty. --Russin Belinsky

46. ​​Love is equal to... life, and life... is a responsibility, an obligation, so love is a responsibility. --Russia Goncharov

47. Everyone has the right to enjoy happiness in life, and getting love is a kind of happiness in life. --Fa Stenda

48. When people meet the person they are looking for, they will be filled with surprise and joy. If the time is longer, the harder it is to find, the more intense this feeling will be. --Mongolia · Luojing Danba

49. Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, the coincidence of the soul. If human emotions can distinguish between levels, then love should belong to the highest level. --British Shakespeare

50. Love is an alias for understanding. --India · Tagore

51. The meaning of love is a common pursuit, a useful life and a heart. -- Kuwait Nasov

52. What does it mean to love someone? This means being happy for his happiness, doing everything he needs to do to make him happier, and getting happiness from it. The meaning of love is to help each other improve, at the same time Also improve yourself. Only those who have become clear-eyed because of love, the hands of the healthy hands are counted as love. --Russian Chernyshevsky

53. Love stirs up active emotions, it can resurrect the heart of death, it can make people inhabit the desert, it can make the illusion of the lover reappear...

54. If the light is the first object of love in life, isn't love just the light of the heart? Love is our second reincarnation. --Fa Balzac

55. Love can make a great soul greater. -- De Schiller

56. When the god of love shoots your shoulders, even those who don’t know what poetry will be on a regular basis will suddenly become a poet. Fantasy love is more active than honest love, but the warm time is short. . - France Stendhal

57. Those who want to be loved must first love others and make themselves cute. - Beauty Franklin

58. Being unloved by anyone is a tremendous pain; if you can't love anyone, you will be like death. - De Greenbeck

59. Love comes naturally, not bought. - May Longfellow

60. The initial indifference will make the future love more intense; if she wants to give birth to you, it is not because she hates you, but because she wants you to love her more. - Ying. Shakespeare

61. All sincere love is built on respect. - Platinum Khan

62. Love gained by beauty alone, that love is very fragile. - Riheal

63. Love can not only buy and sell, but money will inevitably kill love. - Law Rousseau

64. Love cannot be customized. - Law Balzac

65. Fantasy love is more active than honest love, but the warm time is short. - France Stendhal

66. Those who want to be loved must first love others and make themselves cute. - Beauty Franklin

67. Being unloved by anyone is a tremendous pain; if you can't love anyone, you will be like death. - De Greene

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