Love famous words

Celebrity quotes about love

1. Love is a permanent belief. ——(French) Roman Roland

2, true love always makes people up. ——(French) Xiao Zhongma

3. Life is a flower, and love is the honey of flowers. ——(法) Hugo

4, love, is to believe in it. ——(法) Hugo

5, true love is never withered. - (French) Hugo)

6. Aspirations and love are the wings of great behavior. ——(Germany) Goethe

7. Love is the driving force that really motivates people to recover. ——(Germany) Goethe

8. Love can turn the world. ——(English) Dickens

9. Love is the second sun in nature. ——(United States) Chapman

10. What do you want to say about my love? Love is a star shrouded in the morning mist. ——(Germany) Heine

11, the combination of sincere love is the most pure combination of all. ——(法) Rousseau

12, reason often corrects the too hasty judgment of love. ——(法) Diderot

13. Love is a great mentor who can teach us to be a new person. ——(法)莫里哀

14, the happiness of marriage is from the husband and wife "the heart has a little bit of a pass." - (French) Balzac

15. Excessive love pursuit will inevitably reduce the value of people themselves. ——(English) Bacon

16. Regarding love, we can say that the more pure, the more implicit. ——(英) Hardy

17. You know, love is fire, fire is always bright...-(English) Mrs. Browning

18. I would rather sacrifice my happiness for the happiness of the people I love. ——(法) Rousseau

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