Love famous words

100 philosophical love quotes

1. No one in the world deserves to shed tears for you, because those who are worth your tears will never let you cry!

2. I love you not because of who you are, but who I am in front of you.

3. What does it mean to love someone? This means being happy for his happiness, doing everything he needs to do to make him happier, and getting happiness from it. - Chernyshevsky

4, mature love, respect, loyalty is not easy to express, its voice is low, it is humble, concession, lurking, waiting and waiting. ——(English) Dickens

5. There is no problem with naive people and naive people. Mature people and mature people have no problem together. Mature people and naive people have more problems together.

6, the principle of childish love is: "Because I love, so I love." The principle of mature love is: "Because I love, so I am loved." - (United States) Fro

7. If you can't remember the most stupid thing you made for love, you are not really in love; if you haven't talked about the benefits of your lover, and you are impatient, you don't Really loved. - Roland

8. Love is like saving money in a bank. It can appreciate the advantages of the other party, just like supplementing income; tolerating the shortcomings of the other party, this is moderation expenditure. The so-called eternal love is from red love to white hair, from flower love to flower residue. - Bacon

9. If you love someone, you must first make yourself 100% worthy of his love now or in the future. As for whether he loves or does not love you, it is his business. You can hope so, but you don't have to reluctantly pursue it. - Roland

10, love, the original is no name, waiting before the encounter is its name. ——Xi Murong

11. Some women let their boyfriends pamper themselves when they are in love. After marriage, they still want their husbands to pamper themselves, but forget what they should do as a woman. Such a woman does not know how to love.

12, lasting love stems from the true love of each other from the heart, based on equality. Anyone who cares about crazy lover regardless of whether he is loved, or who only enjoys being loved and not knowing his true love, will not have a good ending.

13, love does not need to explain, but can explain everything. Although love is only one of many emotions, it is far more profound than others, and it is helpless.

14, once the sea is difficult for water, except that Wushan is not a cloud. However, if I haven’t returned through the Bohai Sea or just got to the Bohai Sea, I haven’t been to Wushan and I’ve gotten into the besieged city.

15. What is romance? Is it a flower? walking in the rain? Can you stand in front of the building? If the two are in love with each other and do nothing, quietly and relatively will feel romantic. Otherwise, even if the two sit on the moon, they can't feel romantic.

16. It doesn't matter whether it is the right thing to do. The most important thing is to be interested in it. Otherwise, there is no common language. Even if you are together, you will still feel lonely.

17. Don't fall in love for loneliness. Time is a devil. If you are a passionate person, even if you don't love each other, you will have feelings at the end. What do you do?

18. Don't get married in order to be responsible. Be aware that it is most irresponsible not to love each other but to marry each other. Even if the other party was sad at the time, it was better than letting him be sad for a few years or even a lifetime.

19, no matter how old, no matter how family and friends urge, do not treat marriage casually, marriage is not playing cards, re-shuffling has to pay a huge price.

20, and a person who has a lot of differences in living habits does not matter, marriage should be cautious, think about whether you can endure different from each other for a long time.

21, some people say that love to find someone they like, marriage to find someone who likes them, are one-sided. Lovers don't like what they have to love? His wife do not like how to live a lifetime?

22, the time of love can be as long as possible. There are at least two advantages to this: First, full, enjoy the pleasure of love as long as possible, the feeling of marriage and love is very different. Second, the longer the two get along with each other, the more they can test whether they are genuine, the more they can see whether the two characters fit together. This way the feelings after marriage will be much stronger.

23, men are not bad, women do not love, this bad does not mean heart and soul, selfish and ruthless. It means a slick tongue and a rhetoric. The average good man thinks that love is a slick, frivolous, so unwilling to do it. It’s not right to say this to others, but to your wife, you have to slick your tongue. Why can't you be a man with a good mouth?

24, really love a person, we must try to make him happy, he will be happy when he is happy, then both sides have passion.

25, do not give up the pursuit of the intention because of their appearance is not as good as the other side, the appearance is only a temporary impression, the real decision whether or not to combine depends mainly on the character of both sides. The handsome guy I have seen is equipped with an ugly girl, and the ugly girl is too much with a handsome guy.

26, women must learn to dress themselves, do not use plain to do shields, do not use housework as an excuse, do not understand fashion, you are not a complete woman.

27. When you are alone and sad, please quietly read my name and say: Someone in the world is missing me, I live in the heart of one person. (Pushkin)

28. If you love her, let your love surround her like the sun and give her freedom. ---Tago

29, if you love her (he), let her (he) say, don't let her (he) miss, because you may have given up this opportunity, then the opportunity may never come again.

30. If you are already together, you must work hard to believe each other. Don't go to suspicion because of a small matter. There is no such thing as a benefit. It is also a form of self-confidence that you are not self-confident. Gradually lose confidence.

31. If she (he) loves you and you love her (he), then you should never lie to her, even if it is better to deceive in good faith, because she (he) is your favorite person after all.

33. Now together, maybe together, will not be together, remember my sentence: If you miss it, you may never come again.

34. Love is the beacon of the ancient Changming. It is fixed in the storm and it is not moving. Love is a fulfilling life, just like a wine glass filled with wine. - Tagore

35. The inexperienced first love is fascinating, but the love that can stand the test is priceless. - Mallinski

36. I admit that there is no more pain in the world than the punishment of love, and there is nothing more happier than serving it. - Shakespeare

37, in fact, it is like playing a taxi. First, unlike a bus, you just need to wait and it will automatically come to you, but you need to wave it to stop. Second, if you encounter an empty car, it is your luck, but often the car There are already people on the top; third, how much will it cost to go?

38. The feelings that really touch people are always simple and unpretentious. It does not speak out, is not publicized, and is buried deeply. —— Zhou Guoping

39. Girls often say: “No man is a good thing.” So when a girl says to you, “You are a good person,” you basically die because you have officially withdrawn from the ranks of men in her mind. , thus losing the possibility of further development. Only when a girl says to you, "You are a dead ghost", you are really a good person...

40. Because of the thoughts, people will write sad and moving sentences. Because of the rich emotions, people will go crazy and want to find them. Because of the sadness of a glimpse, it will make people miss it so far. Because you have passed by, it will make people feel so sad, because you never know, you will try hard to make you remember the back. Choose what you love and love what you choose.

41. There is a little monkey, the belly is scratched by the branches, and a lot of blood is flowing. When he saw a monkey friend, he opened the wound and said, "Look at my wound, it hurts." Every monkey who sees its wounds comforts it, sympathizes with it, tells it different treatments, and it continues to see the wounds for friends. Continue to listen to the comments, and later it infected and died. An old monkey said that it died because of himself. Pain, say it once and review it once.

42. It is not what you die of. Instead, I am used to a woman who is used to the snoring of a man. She never gets used to the habit until she can't sleep without his snoring. This is love; a man is used to a woman's waywardness, coquetry, and even unreasonable troubles. This is love; one person will write Weibo for another person and pay attention to him. This is love.

43. When a woman is no longer spoiled by you, she has no enthusiasm for you; when a woman is no longer urging you to go home late at night, she is already disappointed with you; when a woman no longer explains her behavior and thoughts to her, she already I am tired of you.

44. Love is not an adventure, but when we have love in such an adventure, we are already doomed to separation. Those who are suitable for the end are born for each other from the beginning. I believe this and believe in the destined encounter and separation. Those who have the heart will remember to hang each other far away; those who are unintentional are close at hand.

45. I feel happy when I miss you, and I feel a little sad.

46, you are overwhelmed by what I can't guess. I don't think it's irrelevant.

47. The so-called most memorable one is never thought of, but it can never be forgotten.

48. Don't let the person who likes you cry for you once. Because, you can get her the chance to hurt that way, only once. After that time, you will become a dispensable person from an indispensable person. Even if she still loves you, there are always some things that really change.

49. What a woman ultimately wants to find is nothing but a tolerant embrace, with her own arbitrariness in it. Losing love is the only way for women to grow up quickly. When you wait until the day, you are no longer obsessed, no longer arrogant, no more moody, then you no longer love. Some people know that they will be hurt when they fall in love. We have always been this, affectionate and cruel. Those windy months are just windy months, and that’s all.

50, I will always remember a person, will be with me on the roadside and other takeaways; I will always remember a person, will be pulling me in the crowd when I am late; I will always remember a person, will be in the corner of the room Scared me screaming. Reading famous quotes ( )

51, the most difficult to open is the heart, the most difficult road is the heart, the most difficult bridge is the heart bridge, the most difficult to adjust is the mentality. The most difficult project in the world is to transform the inner world of people! If your fingers are dirty, you don't have to cut your fingers; the hat is small, so you don't have to cut your head. When you hold on to something, you may only have it forever. If you let go, you will have other options.

52, love, the original is no name, waiting before the encounter is its name.

53. I want you to know that there is someone in the world who will wait for you forever. No matter when, no matter where you are, anyway, you know, there is always such a person. ——Zhang Ailing

54. All the endings have been written, all the tears have already started, but suddenly forgot, what is the beginning. In the old summer, no longer coming back, no matter how I go to pursue, young you are just like a cloud. And your smiling face is extremely shallow and light, and gradually disappears behind the sunset. With tears, I read it again, but I have to admit that youth is a book that is too hasty.

55. When expressing love in silence, it expresses the most love. - Garnett

56. There used to be a boy and a girl. The boy told the girl that if I had a porridge for a night, I would give half of it to you. When the girl grows up, she marries someone, but she always thinks of the boy's words, she thinks it is her favorite in her life.

57, not to achieve what purpose, love becomes love. No matter what kind of love is a good, a result. The love that is engraved in the bottom of my heart, because of selfless desire, because of indifferent sorrow, will be true eternity.

58. When you really love someone, in addition to his lofty talents, he has some lovely weaknesses. This is also the key to your love for him. ——(法)摩路瓦

59. When you love someone, you suddenly don’t know what to say when you dial the phone. Only then do you know that you just want to hear her familiar voice. What you really want to dial is just a string in your heart.

60. To love someone is to think of a thousand kinds of bad things when she is late. In the imagination, I have experienced all kinds of disasters and vowed to wait for her to come back to punish her. Once I meet, I forget everything.

61. When love is over, you don't want to draw a full stop. When you doubt whether the main animation is on a full stop, it means that you can't pick it up at all, and you can't draw this period. Every episode will always have a full stop. When the period is coming, you can't stop it.

62. Once love becomes a habit, it will not be able to get rid of it for a lifetime.

63. It is not painful to give up a person who loves you very much. Give up a person you love, that is painful. It is more painful to fall in love with someone who doesn't love you.

64, don't fall in love because of loneliness, don't be lonely for a lifetime.

65. Don't wait until you miss it before you regret it. Don't wait until you lose it before you want to save it.

66. Perhaps only when you are farthest away, can you see the most authentic and clearest days you have ever walked.

67. If there is a relationship, time and space are not distances. If you don't have a chance, you can't agree on it all day long. Don't worry too much about everything, don't even need to force it, let everything go!

68. Missing always has a time to collect, and life is the most reluctant, hiding is always the deepest, and does not let people know.

69. A person who is hurt by emotions can be slowly forgotten, but if you keep thinking about it, it will make it hard to heal.

70, women's physical strength is inherently weak, so usually they like the brawny big arm.

71. Nothing is more likely to cause women's interest than eloquence. Poor women, they don't understand that an obedient boyfriend is more than a friend who can talk.

72. Women are a major obstacle to men's future. Falling in love with a woman is not easy to do. To easily fall in love with a woman without being hindered by her, there is only one way to get married.

73. If you want to be loved by others, you must first make yourself worthy of love, not one day, one week, but forever.

74. People are not beautiful and cute, but because they are beautiful.

75. God created a man to make him alone, and created a woman to make him more lonely.

76. If someone pursues, no woman in the world is not floating. Because of this, women are so fascinated.

77. When a girl falls in love with a man, she will never see his shortcomings.

78. You can use whatever you want to get love, but you need wisdom to keep love.

79. Love should be vowed by the mountains, only the one-of-a-kind, loyal love is the true love.

80, love is attractive, marriage is binding. It would be a waste of effort to escape from both.

81. You have never been loved by others, and you will cherish the person who loves you in the future.

82. When they can't meet, they miss each other. But once they can meet, once they walk together, they will torture each other.

83. I just want to find a tear that can withstand my tears when I am frustrated. When I am happy, I can let me bite my shoulder.

84. If I don't love you, I won't miss you. I won't be jealous of the opposite sex around you. I won't lose my self-confidence and fighting spirit. I won't suffer. If I can not love you, then how good.

85. Love the fire, or should not be rekindled, rekindled, and the beautiful memories of the past will be turned into nothing. If we don't reunite, maybe I will follow him with deep thoughts until the body decays; but at this moment, I hate him. All the good days are gone far away.

86, pursuit and desire, only have happiness, but also depression and disappointment. After frustration and disappointment, we learned to cherish. You have never been loved by others, and you will cherish the person who loves you in the future.

87. What does love mean? This means being happy for his happiness, doing everything he needs to do to make him happier, and getting happiness from it. - Chernyshevsky

88. Only one man's passion can adapt to a girl's first love requirement; only the girl's first love can satisfy a man's last love. ——Heckel

89. It would be disappointing if a person built all his interests in life with the stormy emotional impulses of love. - Mrs. Curie

90, love each other, but do not make a chain of love. - Gibran

91. Men who intend to discuss their wives should have the following enlightenment: the rights will be halved and the obligations will be multiplied. - Yukawa Hideki

92, young people can not be lawless, play with love; middle-aged people eat the marrow to know the taste, the pursuit of love; the elderly lonely and bored, remember love. ——Akita rainfinch

93. Losing the future for the loss of love is a lifetime loss. - Holland

94. Love requires a thin layer of sadness and requires a little bit of sorrow, doubt, and dramatic gameplay. - Vasilev

95, frivolous playful love, just like playing with fire, there is always the danger of self-immolation. If love is a sweet wine, but casually drink, it will become a strong poison. - Ding Ling

96. Love and marriage are two cars running on the road. - Montagne

97. The most important thing in a person's life is to find himself, but in marriage it is discovered. ——冉拉尔

98. Love is only when it is free and easy. The idea that love is a certain obligation can only put love in death. Just one sentence: You should love someone, it is enough to make you hate this person.

99, love will not become indifferent because of reason, and will not be lost because of ambition. It is the second life; it penetrates into the soul, warms every blood vessel, and beats in every pulse.

100. If you can't remember the most stupid thing you made for love, you are not really in love. If you haven't talked about the benefits of your lover, and you are impatient, you don't Really loved.

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