Love famous words

People need more attention to love words for a lifetime.

In the journey of life, there are too many things that divert our attention away from what should be of concern.

Jack's life is busy. He rarely has time to recall past events and has no time to spend with his wife and son. He is fighting for the future, nothing can stop him.

Mom called and told him, "Mr. Belser passed away last night, and the funeral is scheduled to be held on Wednesday." Jack remembered his childhood and recalled that a long-awaited documentary flashed in his mind. "Jack, have you heard me talking?" "Ah, sorry, Mom. I heard. I haven't thought of him for a long time," said Jack. "He can't forget you. Every time I see him, he asks how you are doing. I will remember many good times with you," Mom said. "He spent a lot of time teaching me what he thought was important... Mom, I will go to his funeral," Jack said. Jack fulfilled his promise and attended the funeral of Mr. Belser.

Go back to the past. Every step into the house carries too many memories, every photo, every piece of furniture... Suddenly, Jack stopped. "What's wrong, Jack?" Mom asked. "The box is gone," he said. "What box?" Mom asked again. "He has a small box on the table. The box is always locked. I asked him countless times, there is something in it. He always told me, 'That is me. The most precious thing. 'Now, I can never know what is so precious to him,' said Jack.

Two days after Mr. Belser’s death, Jack found a parcel in his mailbox. Early the next morning, Jack retrieved the parcel. The handwriting on the parcel was difficult to identify, but the address of the sender caught his attention. The address on the parcel is: "Mr. Harold Berser." Jack unpacked the parcel, inside the gold box, and a letter. Reading and reading, Jack's hand trembled. "After I die, please pass this box to Jack Bennett. This is the most precious thing in my life." Jack's heart beats faster, tears blur his eyes. He carefully opened the box with a beautiful gold pocket watch inside. He opened the cover and engraved: "Jack, thank you, thank you for spending time with me! - Harold Belter." "His most precious thing... is... with me Time. Jack thought for a while with the cup watch, then called the office and cancelled all the work appointments for the next two days. He had to spend some time to accompany his wife and children...

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