Love famous words

Philosophical quotes about men and women

1. Men are in the Quartet and women are in the atrium.

2, men love face, women love reputation.

3, men are afraid to ask for wages, women are afraid to ask about age.

4, men are afraid to grow short, women are afraid to grow fat.

5, men are afraid that the weight will become smaller, women will fear that the waist will become thicker.

6. Men are afraid of losing their freedom, and women are afraid of losing their protection.

7, men live in reality, women live in memories.

8. Men live for the purpose, and women live for their wishes.

9, men take the world as the heart, women see the heart as the world.

10, the man is tired, the woman is tired.

11, men want to be famous in their dreams, women awake dream love.

12, men are afraid to enter the wrong line, women are afraid to marry the wrong man.

13. Men tend to use things when they are doing things, and women tend to use things when they do things.

14. When a man lie, he is serious, and when a woman lies, he looks around.

15. A man is younger than a person who is younger than himself, and a woman is younger than himself.

16. Men are dressed to show their identity, and women are dressed for reality.

17. Men hang their idols in their mouths, and women hide their idols in their hearts.

18, men often can not resist the temptation of wine, women often can not resist the attraction of flowers.

19, the man's weakness is afraid of his wife, the woman is characterized by fear of his son.

20, men are the captives of reality, women are the masters of dreams.

21, men are hunters on the field, women are prey on the field.

22, when a man is angry, his wife, when a woman is spoiled, her husband.

23, men's gifts to women are often poetic, women's gifts to men are often the most practical.

24, men envy the money in the same-sex pocket, women envy the curve of the same sex.

25, men like women's eyes innocent, women like men's eyes are unpredictable.

26. Men are often trapped by money, and women are often trapped by love.

27, men face unfortunate anger, women face unfortunate tears.

28, the man's pain and sighs merged, the woman's pain is gathered by tears.

29. When a man and his wife quarrel, they often make a big move. When a woman and her husband quarrel, they often cry.

30. Men use wisdom in their careers, and women use wisdom in their feelings.

31, men like others to say that they are old, women like others to say that they are young.

32. Men can win praises from generation to generation for the rule of water control. Women are condemned by the society for taking less than one day for children to burn a meal.

33, the higher the position of the man, the more pragmatic the wife, the greater the woman's right, the more empty the husband's mentality.

31. Men often feel lonely, and women often feel lonely.

32. Men spend money on their lips, and women spend money on their faces.

33, the man left tears in his heart, the woman will tears on his face.

34, men do not lightly tears, women cry when they have jealousy.

35, men's tears often attract contempt, women's tears often win sympathy.

36. Men have more words after drinking, and women have more words after marriage.

37, men often vent their sputum when drinking alcohol, women often talk about right and wrong when drinking alcohol.

38. After a man drunk, he brags the sea wide, and the woman sleeps without a sound after drinking.

39. A man is handed over to you as a friend because of drinking with you. A woman invites you to drink together because he has given you this friend.

40, men shopping will be famous brands, women shopping will be style.

41, men tend to be impulsive when shopping, women often heart when shopping.

42. Men like to focus on their homes, and women like to be centers at home.

43. Men sing and love singing words, and women love to sing tunes when they sing.

44, men love entertainment, women love shopping.

45, men fall in love from work, women go home from work.

46, men's laundry map is fast, women's laundry is clean.

47. When a man is bored, he smokes a cigarette. When a woman is bored, she licks the seeds.

48. Men pay attention to speed when walking, and women pay attention to rhythm when walking.

49. Men always do things first and then say that women always do things first and then do it.

50. When a man is scared, he makes big eyes, and when a woman is scared, she closes her eyes.

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