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Happiness stems from the busy life

Are you planning to retire? Before that, ignite the passion that has been hidden for many years and do what you always wanted to do.

Although the population is becoming more aging, many unrealistic claims about retirement and old age still exist.

The first argument is to equate aging with frailty. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the MacArthur Institute in the United States, 40% of the elderly over the age of 65 are in very good health. Of the elderly over the age of 65, 89% do not have any mobility disorders. To convince yourself that everyone can stay healthy, it is recommended that you think about the surge in older sports. In the 2001 Olympic Games, Antonio Dandis from Obakuk won the 200m track and field championship with 51.15 seconds, which does not pose any threat to Mavis Greene, but for the age of 90 to 94. The group's game is already quite good.

The second argument is that older people are no longer learning. This is not the case. Research shows that older people are one of the people who are passionate about using high-tech new products. Grandparents realized that by e-mail they could communicate with their grandchildren who are not around.

In fact, retirement can be the best time of your life. More and more spiritual models have shown this.

What is the secret? It's very simple: you can do what you like to ensure the fulfillment and happiness of retirement. This is the first and most important foundation.

The secret of a happy retirement depends on whether people can create an environment that enhances positive emotions. Life needs to concentrate on what they like, which can lead to a positive psychological experience.

In order to achieve the above realm, you need to list a list and write things that bother you or be happy. If possible, eradicate things that make you unhappy from your life. If a painting you don't like very much is hanging on the wall for a few years, why not throw it away? Look at your wardrobe and throw away all your unloved and undressed clothes.

Of course, pain and joy cannot be separated. I once met an older Chinese writer and he left a deep impression on me. He swims in the lake every day, and that has become a part of his daily life – even in the winter season when he needs to be frozen.

Another important step in ensuring a happy retirement is to stay in touch with the outside world. Get information through newspapers, magazines or the internet. This will help you to dig out more things from your life, and your contribution will be better rewarded, just like investment.

Staying busy is also an important step. Perhaps, a busy and full-ticket retirement life will give you a sense of accomplishment more than a retirement that has nothing to do. The question is, can you find interesting and creative activities, whether you have paid or not, whether you are casual or not. Retired, but human desire for the necessary fun will not stop, Skinner even recommends gambling, because it can give people a stimulating effect - of course, this refers to moderate gambling. A little excitement and instability are good for you.

Of course, everything is inevitable. The pleasure of one person may be the pain of another. People's perceptions of a successful retirement life vary from person to person. In fact, only when people finally understand themselves can they get happiness.

Be brave to pursue it!

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