Love famous words

Everything that returns to nature

Whether you are happy or unhappy when you are alive, you will return to nature after a hundred years.

There are many ways to return to nature, but people often respect their parents' wishes for the end of life. A friend accidentally told me about the following. It is like a little novel, very touching.

In a newly developed forest area, a plain-dressed woman walks alone on a rugged path that points to a tree in the forest. There are many different sized trees here, some of which have just been transplanted here, but all the trees are growing fast, the façade is thick and thick, and it is covered with green leaves. Obviously, someone must be responsible for taking care of these monumental trees.

We don't know how many years this woman has been doing this. She always holds a bouquet of flowers and stands quietly by the tree. She looked up at the tree and swayed her distinctive little mouth, as if she was talking to herself, and seemed to share her innermost feelings with others. She took a step back and counted the height of the tree, and gently swept away the leaves of the plaque that fell under the tree. She bent over and hugged and kissed the tree that had been transplanted here many years ago, and then stroked its wrinkled bark as if the tree was alive. Then she reluctantly turned and left, disappearing into the sunshine on the last floor of the autumn day.

A burst of autumn wind, the leaves rustling, as if secretly whispering, and as the only person who can understand the rich meaning of this whisper, the woman immediately turned back, and after the tree muttered a few words, she and It said goodbye, full of tears and set foot on the way home.

After many years, the lonely visitor on this trail slowly grows old.

A few years later, the tree grew taller, more lush, and stood tall in the wind. It looks up to the sky, seeing the sun, the moon and the stars rising and falling in the sun, and melting with the natural mother.

I haven't known how long after that, and there is a new transplanted tree next to the tree. The little tree is tenacious and serene. As time passed, the roots of the two trees were tightly connected. A beautiful wooden casket is buried under each tree. The ashes in the box eventually turned into organic fertilizers that were absorbed by the roots of the trees. These two old people have chosen the same method of returning to nature in order to make life continue in the tree.

this is a true story. This is a hymn of a song tree burial. It is not necessary to find out who these two old people are. Anyone can do this.

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