Inspirational quotes

World celebrity classics

1. Bi Shumin: A person can be educated, but he is still uncultivated. Just like a person can keep eating, but his stomach is not absorbed, the bamboo basket is empty, and it is still skinny. - Bi Shumin, "Evidence of Parenting"

2. Shi Tiesheng: Smiling, singing the song of life. Don't complain that life has given too much suffering, and you don't have to complain about too many twists and turns in your life. If the sea loses the tumbling of huge waves, it will lose its majesty. If the desert loses the mad dance of flying sand, it will lose its grandeur. If life only seeks two-point and one-line smooth sailing, life will lose its charm.

3. Zhou Guoping: What makes the desert look beautiful is the water well where it is hidden. Because the heart hides the source of never-ending love, the most desolate desert has also turned into a beautiful scenery.

4. A few meters: When you like me, I don't like you. When you fall in love with me, I like you. When you leave me, I fall in love with you. Are you walking too fast, or I can't keep up with your steps. We missed Noah's Ark, missed the Titanic, missed all the thrills and no thrills, and we will continue to miss it. I don't know where my loneliness comes from, but I really feel lonely. You are also lonely, everyone in the world is lonely, but everyone's loneliness is different.

5. An Yiru: Everything is so clear, but it has been separated for too long. Time is like water, and there seems to be a river in the middle. You can't go. The traffic flowed through her, and she smashed in the crowd. When you look back, you see how much you know in your dreams? Think about it, think about it, don’t think about it?

6. Ma Yun: Think about Qiandao Road at night, wake up in the morning and walk the original road.

7. Zhou Guoping: Those who have never used their feet to step on the road will not find a way that truly belongs to them.

8. San Mao: A friend is very good, two friends are a little more, and three friends are too much. You know, you can have one that is already very good, not too much. If you don’t have it, you still have yourself, treat yourself well, get along with yourself, and be a friend...

9. An Yiru: Time, memory, people often involuntarily forget. The memory fades and it is difficult to control. In the end, I can only remember some subtle and in-depth details. They are also a kind of plant that fell on the earth during the Cretaceous period. It is its own definition and existence value.

10. Mo Yan: Therefore, in the age when I was used to the sad spring and autumn, how many Xiaoshan’s scenery you watched with me, I watched you with many broken nights, we sat silently, not talking .

11. Xi Murong: Love, it turns out that there is no name. What is waiting before the encounter is its name.

12. Mao Zedong: The world is yours and ours, but in the end it is yours. Your young people are full of vigor and vitality, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Hope is pinned on you!

13. Zhou Libo: A woman, can't be too beautiful, too beautiful to be called a vase; a woman, can't be too smart, too smart to be called an invisible killer; a woman, can't be too sexy, too sexy will be called a swaying city; Women, not too gentle, too gentle will be called no opinion; women, not too strong, too strong will be called a man; women can not be too cute, too cute will be called childish ignorance. It’s really hard to be a woman!

14. Shi Tiesheng: Happiness is to find out for yourself. No matter where you are in the corner of the space, at any moment in time, you can enjoy happiness. Even if you are experiencing a big catastrophe, you should be happy too. Because you can see the dawn in the catastrophe, you can learn from the catastrophe a lot of things that others may not learn in a lifetime. When you have something that others have not owned, you are the only one.

15. Liu Xinwu: Don't expect that the sparrow will fly very high. The sky above, the eagle's territory. If the sparrow is right in its place, it will still be very happy!

16. Liu Xinwu: Sorry is a kind of sincerity, it doesn't matter is a kind of demeanor. If you pay for sincerity, but you don't get the demeanor, it can only explain the other's ignorance and vulgarity!

17. San Mao: Some people's love is just a kind of "sentiment at the time." If the other party mistakes this emotion as a long-term love, it is childish.

18. Yu Qiuyu: Knowing that it is wrong, but also insisting, because you are not willing; some people, knowing that they are love, have to give up, because there is no ending; sometimes, knowing that there is no way, but still moving forward, because got used to.

19. Zhou Guoping: You can kill the vitality by stimulating the machine; you can hone your will, you can destroy your will; you can enlighten your wisdom, you can also blind your wisdom; you can raise your personality and depreciate your personality, this is all about the suffering. How is the quality?

20. Bi Shumin: Some things, when we were young, could not understand. When we know it, it is no longer young. There are things in the world that can be made up, and some things never make up.

21. Han Han: If you are tired again, you will be two hundred and five and then you will be a second face.

22. Xue Xiaochan: I thought that one day, I will completely forget love and forget you, but suddenly one day, I heard an old song, my tears will come down, because this song, we are together I have heard it.

23. Zhou Libo: There are only three days in life. People who live yesterday are confused; people who live tomorrow wait; those who live today are the most practical. You can never predict the accident and which one will come earlier, so what we can do is to do our best to live today. Remember: Today is always the tomorrow that the people who died yesterday are looking forward to.

24. Mao Zedong: The spirit of civilization, barbarism and its body!

25. Bi Shumin: There is always a disaster in life. In fact, most people have already practiced the calmness of the disaster, we just have not learned the joy of the disaster. We pay too much attention to our own vigilance, and we neglect to remind us of happiness. Please pay attention to happiness from now on! Do you need a reminder for happiness?

26. Zhang Xiaoyu: If you can't forget him, don't forget it. Really forget, there is no need to work hard.

27. San Mao: Don't be afraid to reject others if your reasons are justified. When a person asks for a request, his mind has prepared two answers. So, giving him any of the answers is expected.

28. Annie Baby: When a woman is watching the sky, she doesn't want to look for anything. She is just lonely.

29. Xi Murong: This smile, exhausted the strength of pain; this time relieved, use the place to remember; this farewell, use the courage to love; this time cry, use your expression of love; because this - is I love you the last time

30. Shakespeare: Everything else has a lost day. A memory that is etched in our mind will be forgotten one day. Those who love again have a day to go. There is also a day of waking up in the dream of beauty. never retain if it want to give up. The cherished will never let go, after breaking up, you can't be friends, because you have hurt each other! You can't be an enemy, because you love each other deeply.

31. Xu Zhimo: Because we are too accustomed to wearing masks in front of others, it eventually leads to disguising ourselves in front of ourselves.

32. Yi Shu: The biggest mistake people make every day is to be too polite to strangers, too harsh to intimate people, to change this bad habit, and to be peaceful.

33. Xu Zhimo: Love, I am lucky. No, my life, that's all.

34. Li Yanhong: In China, silent is not management, it is technology. Too few people really care about the progress of technology. Too many people are obsessed with making management a war and treating themselves as Mao Zedong.

35. Zhang Ailing: The red rose has been smashed. Over time, the red rose becomes a mosquito blood on the wall. The white rose is still “the moonlight in front of the bed”; the white rose is the white scum, the red rose is the red slag on the clothes, red Still a cinnabar on the heart.

36. Yu Qiuyu: We feel that we have come to an end, but in fact, the heart has come to an end. Deep despair is a process. When there is always an end, avoiding is always not a solution. Courage to march forward, perhaps the opportunity in the next second. A few meters have said that I always see the most beautiful scenery in the deepest despair.

37. Mo Yan: Even if the world has forgotten you, there will always be a few people at the beginning of your life, and say: Happy birthday!

38. Li Yanhong: Successful people must use their dreams to ignite other people's dreams. They are the ones who plant their dreams at all times.

39. Zhang Xiaoyu: Love has always been a thousand-turn thing. Have never been abandoned, have not been hurt, how can you know how to love someone?

40. Rao Xueman: This world has deceived me. I have to give back. I will not let go of any happiness that belongs to me. Even if the price paid is to fall into hell, I will not hesitate.

41. Mao Zedong: Strategically despise the enemy and pay attention to the enemy in tactics!

42. Yi Shu: No matter what, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall for a reason. The more people don't love, the more they love themselves.

43. Xuanzang: The grievances that can be said are not grievances; the lover who can steal is not a lover.

44. Zhang Ailing: Love is not complicated. There are only three words coming and going. I don’t love you, I hate you, but forget it, how are you, sorry.

45. Zhou Libo: Learn these things: 1. Others are proud of themselves, but you are vain. 2. Others show off their eloquence. You are more cautious. 3. Others are desperately explicit, but you are keeping a low profile. 4. Others fight you, but you are far from right and wrong. 5. Others go straight, but you are in the circle. 6. Others smash their heads, but you retreat. 7. Others can't afford it, but you can bend it. 8. Others are arrogant, but you are not showing off. Low-key: It is attitude and wisdom!

46. ​​Li Yanhong: We must always remind ourselves that in such an uncertain time, we are still a small company with a big ideal in our hearts.

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