Inspirational speech

Dragging and escaping is a bad habit

If those who think about how to bully all day long can use half of these energy and creativity on the right track, they can make great achievements.

An important feature of lazy people is drag and drop. It is a very bad work habit to delay the completion of the day before yesterday to the day after tomorrow. For a person who is eager to succeed, delaying the most destructive and dangerous habits makes them lose their initiative. Once you start to delay, it is easy to delay again until it becomes a deep-rooted habit. The only cure for dragging is action. When you start to do things - anything, you will be surprised to find that your situation is changing rapidly.

Habitual procrastinators are often experts in making excuses and excuses. If you stop escaping, you can find thousands of reasons to justify why things can't be done, and think about the reasons why things should be done. Rationalizing the reasons such as “it is too difficult, too expensive, and too time-consuming” is much easier than thinking that “as long as we work harder, smarter, and confident, we can do anything”.

Such people cannot accept the promise and just want to find an excuse. If you find yourself making excuses for not doing something, or trying to argue for thousands of reasons why things don't work as planned, it's best to reflect on yourself. Don't make any unnecessary explanations, do it yourself!

Procrastination is a squandering of life. Procrastination is commonplace in people's daily lives. If you record a day, you will be surprised to find that delays are consuming our lives unconsciously.

Procrastination is because people's inertia is at work. Whenever we have to pay for work, or when we have to make a choice, we will always find some excuses to comfort ourselves. We always want to make ourselves more relaxed and comfortable. Some people can decisively defeat the inertia in an instant, and actively face the challenge; some people are deeply trapped in the "fierce battle" quagmire, pulled by the initiative and inertia, overwhelmed, unable to determine ... time is such a point Wasted in a second.

People have this kind of experience. The early morning alarm clock wakes you up from your sleep, thinks about the plan you have set, but feels the warmth of the bed, while constantly saying to yourself: It’s time to get up, and keep giving Look for excuses yourself - wait a little longer. So, in the restlessness, I lay for another five minutes, even ten minutes...

Procrastination is a connivance of inertia. Once a habit is formed, it will kill people's will, make you lose confidence more and more, doubt your own perseverance, doubt your own goals, and even make your character hesitate.

Procrastination is sometimes caused by too much hesitation and hesitation.

Appropriate caution is necessary, but being too cautious is indecisive, not to mention that things like getting up in the morning are not necessary to consider. We need to do everything we can to stop without delay. When we know that we have to do something, we must immediately start and leave ourselves a second room of thinking. Don't let yourself pull out and inertia. The best way to deal with inertia is to not let inertia appear. Often at the beginning of the matter, always positive thoughts first, and then when the question "Is it possible..." emerged in the mind, inertia appeared, and "war" began. Once opened, the results are hard to say. Therefore, when positive thoughts appear, they will act immediately, so that inertia does not take advantage of it.

It is a very strange thing that people are so good at making excuses but not being able to do their jobs well. If those who think about how to bully all day long can use half of these energy and creativity on the right track, they can make great achievements.

Overcome the habit of procrastination and eradicate it from your own personality. This habit of dragging things that you should do last week, last year, or even a dozen years ago to do tomorrow is consuming your will, unless you get rid of this bad habit, you will have difficulty getting any achievement. There are many ways to overcome this abuse:

First, do a clear job every day, and you can take the initiative to complete without waiting for instructions from others;

Second, look around, find at least one thing that is valuable to others every day, and don't expect to get paid;

Third, tell others about the value of developing this active work habit every day, at least tell a person.

Do it now!

If you want to circumvent a certain chores, then you should start with this chores and proceed immediately. Otherwise, things will continue to bother you, making you feel cumbersome and unwilling to do it.

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