Inspirational speech

Inspirational speech: fly with your dreams (1)

Inspirational speech: fly with your dreams

Hi! Everyone! Good evening, everybody! I hope to bring you a good memory tonight!

Let me start with a simple self-introduction: I am from the performance department of Jiangnan Film and Television. My name is Zhang Li, Zhang Kai's "Zhang", Dawn's "Li", open arms and embrace the dawn.

Ok! At the beginning of the speech, I want to tell you three secrets. I hope that you can listen carefully.

First, although I may not be qualified to say this, I still have to say that I want to welcome all of you to Jiangnan Film and Television on behalf of all citizens in Wuxi.

Second, I arranged my speech in this way: good first, better second, best last. So you should all stick to the last moment, because then you can get the best things. Can you say that?

Finally, I want to tell you: Iveryveryloveyour! I am willing to share my knowledge to you without reservation, I hope you can do better! Then everyone said, do you want to stick to the last moment?

I have seen no less than ten performances on this venue, but what makes me chilling is that every performance is often an applause from the opening, a few rounds of applause in the middle, and the people at the end have already astigmatized, many of us will not Applauding the people standing on the stage, many of us don't like to identify with others. In fact, your applause determines the standard of your personality success. Applause is to cheer for others, but also to cheer for yourself, but also reflects your arrogance. I believe that everyone is a self-cultivating person. You will give me the most encouragement and the best cooperation. We will definitely complete one together. Wonderful and memorable speech, are you saying yes?

Ok! Action is the best proof. When I say "喔", you say "yes"!

Today's opening is really perfect, so I want to bring you a more exciting process!

If life is to be divided into many stages, then university is a new beginning. If you want to ask me how to make your university a better place, then my answer is to continue to take effective action.

There is such a story in the Bible:

One day, a father with two sons said to his eldest son: "Child, you are going to work in my vineyard today."

"I don't go, I don't want to work." The boss replied.

When the boss refused to listen to his father, he walked away. After a while, he sat down and thought about it, and he regretted his behavior. He thought: "I am wrong, I should not violate my father. Although I can't say it, I should still work in the vineyard."

He immediately got up and went to the vineyard to work hard to make up for his fault.

At this time, the father went to the younger son and said the same thing to him: "Children! You are going to work in my vineyard today."

The younger son promised: "I am going, father. I will go."

But after a while, the younger son thought, "I said I went, but I don't want to go! Do you think I will work in my father's vineyard? No."

After a few hours, my father went to the vineyard to see. Unexpectedly, I found that the boss worked hard in the garden, but did not see the little son.

I ask everyone: "Which two sons, what did you do according to your father?"

Yes, it is the eldest son.

That's right! This story tells us that the line is better than words, and only by taking active and effective actions can we achieve our goals in life. Maybe you have set a lot of plans before you enter the university, and there are many wonderful dreams, but no matter what we do, what good ideas, or what vows are made, only by taking action, we can pass our own positives. Act to create everything we want.

I never think of myself as a genius, but I am a person who can act positively. Maybe you have heard that there are many associations in the university, you can show yourself well and improve yourself, but there are very few people who will act, but I am a person who will act positively. When I have the idea to build a society. At that time, I immediately went to do it. In two weeks, I almost ran all the rooms in Jiangying. Of course, apart from the female bathroom, I finally established my own club in Jiangying. I gave it a Nice name: called the music group! Recommend it: interested students can join!

I know that we are not good enough at first, but I believe that action will bring about change. Finally, we have completed four special performances in one year. From criticism to praise, we are using the power of positive action, according to me. I know that in the year I came here, the Lele Group is the club that holds the most performances in the Jiangying community!

In order to improve my speaking ability, I took the initiative to go to the parks I have not been to, take the initiative to find people I don't know, bring them together, listen to my speech, and make myself progress faster. I know it takes a lot of courage and it's hard, but I know that action will bring change!

All the results are caused by actions, and what kind of actions will be taken will lead to what kind of results. What kind of action you must take to get what you want.

Do you want to study hard in college? ! Study hard to pay tuition, then it is not good to learn? Since you have to pay tuition for studying hard and not learning well, do you think it is good to study well? Yes or no? But the shovel should be ground into a needle, we should work hard - deep! So we should act now, from the freshman year, you can study well, yesorno?

When you participate in a competition, how many results? One won the ranking, one failed, did you say that you won? Yes! What did you lose? No! No is no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So be sure to act now, because it is possible to act immediately, yesorno?

friends! How many results have I made in my speech today? Can one bring you inspiration and help? Is this good, yesorno? Another one is not to help you, so yesorno? Then you said that I want to act, of course, I have to act. If I succeed, I can help you, share my knowledge, and make you progress. This is what I have been pursuing, of course I have to do it! Can fail, do I still have a face in Jiang Ying? What is the relationship, who can succeed casually? How can you see the rainbow without going through the storm? Even if I fail, I can improve my speaking ability. I can also let you know about Zhang Li. Do you want to act like this? But will I not do well next year? not good! So I should act now!

What is the result of coming to Jiangying? Realize your dreams, or simply learn to learn to make money in the future! Do we all want a good life - the result? Exercise is for health - the result, makeup for beauty - the result! In order to get results we should act! But the results are both good and bad, but is there no result of not acting?

Let me give you an example. I just assume that there is a girl you like very much, but she is beautiful and has connotation, and you are average and have no money, although you love her at a glance, but she has never seen you at a glance, you Say you want to chase, do you want to act? But how many situations are there? One is to agree, it seems that the girl wants green leaves to set off, one is no! It seems that you still have to sip your urine to look after yourself! Of course you can comfort yourself like this: Hey! She is really blessed, like me, who looks like a flat person, and she has no great potential for development in the future. She didn’t want to let her hold my hand in the class reunion: "I regret not having started!" The third case? The answer is: My mother told me not to talk casually with strangers, but seeing you so active, we can get along! Friends, you found that there is no, in fact, you are chasing only the first one is a failure, the other two are successful, so do you want to act? As the saying goes: After passing this village - no shop, in order to prevent her from putting this flower on other cow dung, do you want to act now?

I have been observing a girl since the speech, because I think she listened to my speech very seriously. In order to thank her, I really want to hug her in the past? But I am afraid she refuses. Do you want me to go? Going to have several results? A yes! If you agree, then hold it! A no! Although the young mind is unacceptable, she does not belong to you, nor should she hold it! Then you said that I should act, but I still have no chance after I don’t wait now. Not necessarily, in order to ensure the possibility, should I do it now? So I should act now! I have always been a person who believes in the people, so I decided to express my gratitude now!

My favorite thing is to read a book, but there is no action to use that knowledge. Do you think it makes sense to read those books? In fact, knowledge itself has no value. Just apply it to practice and the value will be reflected. In other words, life will not give you a return because of what you can do, life returns to you because of what you did! So don't forget to act.

There is a successful person, many people ask him:

"Are you so successful, have you ever encountered difficulties?"

"Of course," he said.

“What to do when you are in trouble?”

"Action immediately," he said.

“When you are experiencing significant economic or other pressures?”

"Action immediately," he said.

“If you encounter setbacks or poor communication in your marriage?”

"Action now," he still said.

"Do you deal with difficulties in your life?"

He still said... yes, he only has one answer: act now!

I want to talk to you now to share the slogan of my motivational speech with you. I don't know if anyone still remembers the slogan and four actions? Let's find out the memories of that time. You must be curious why there are so many people laughing? Today, I also brought that action, do you want to learn?

College students, the university is very exciting, but it does not mean that your university is very exciting, so in order to live this three, four or five years, you must: act now!

When you have an idea, tell yourself – act now, then you do it – everything possible;

When you have trouble, tell yourself – act now, and the difficulties are overcome by you – everything possible;

When you are not happy, tell yourself – act now, then become active – everything possible;

When you want to give up, tell yourself – act now, then you focus on passion – everything possible;

When you have a goal, tell yourself – act now, and the goal can become a reality – everything possible;

When you find flowers, even if you are cow dung, tell yourself – act now, so the flowers are really inserted in your yak dung – everything is possible!

Ok! Today, I brought a good thing. I asked my assistant to bring it up, a jar filled with water, and some pebbles filled with cans. May I ask you, "You said, is this jar full?"

"Yes?": "La, everyone, are you saying that this jar is full now?"

"ok! Verygood!": "Now tell me, is this jar full?"


"What have you learned from doing these things?"

"ok! You are awesome, I think you are talking about time management! But this is not important information that I want to tell you!"

"The important message I want to tell you is that if you don't put big cobblestones in the jars first, you may never have the chance to put them in again in the future!"

Friends are very short-lived. You have known that most of us have already spent a quarter of our lives. We should do more things with limited time.

Ask you a question: You believe that your time is unlimited, and that you are immortal, so what you want to do most can be extended indefinitely?

Do you believe it?

But we often say that when I am a junior, I can do that. When I have perfect knowledge, I can compete for that position; if I graduate, I can do that job; wait until I have Money, I can go after the girl; when I am old, I have to travel around the world; when I retire, I have to do what I want to do; when the child grows up, I can... We all think that we have unlimited Time and effort. Do you really think that there is still a chance to do something at that time? What are the colleges doing? There is no doubt that the first thing is to learn knowledge. Yes, you can say: I have to enjoy my college time now, go out and go out and gather with friends. Anyway, I will have the opportunity to study again after work. The university is not too tired.

Then let me ask the teacher in the front row. Do you think there is still ample time like us to study a good thing?

What do you think is the big cobblestone that we should put in this jar now? Just study hard. Can you still have another childhood? Can you come back to the country again? Don't let yourself always regret in endless regrets; don't wait until the flood is overwhelming to know the change; don't say: If I work hard in high school, I can go to a better school, and the past will pass forever, don't think about it again. - Grasping today is the most important thing, let us be together - action! Learn from now, ok?

Let me follow you along:

I only have one time in my university. I am the master of my university. I want to cherish every day and try my best to learn everything. Maybe I will miss a lot of fun, but I will be happy.

Ok! If I remember correctly, I just put in five big pebbles. Now I have to take it out. If these five pebbles have become the jewels that open the door to your life, they represent wealth, interest, and Happiness, honor, success, and make a wonderful assumption: You have become Bill Gates, then I think you must have the five gems now: wealth, interest, happiness, honor, success, but I have to say You didn't get these five gems at once. At first you only got one, but slowly you opened the door to your successful life and got the other four, then I want Ask you which jewel you got the first to get the other four gems?

"Interest! Happiness!..."

Ok! In fact, this is a question that was made during the exam at Madison High School in Nevada. I have been adapted. Maybe you have a lot of answers. Which gems should we get first? I don't think there is a standard answer. It is right for you. But, interestingly, Bill Gates personally returned a letter to the school. There is only one sentence in the letter: the secret of your life is hidden in the things you are most interested in.

Life, for this reason I chose to fight in college!

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