Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms


1. Enjoy extreme freedom - this is a dangerous and harmful thing. Without discipline, there will be no convictions of calmness, no obedience, and no means of protecting health and preventing danger. —— Herzen

2. It is wrong to think that the artist's freedom lies in what he wants to do. This is the freedom of being a sinister. - Stanislavsky: "The stage is the place for performance life"

3. If we want to realize our own life, we should use the relationship and time between the past and the future in our lives for life activities, without the impulse of animal desire. - "Selected Works of Li Dazhao"

4. For the liberation of class and nation, for the success of the party's cause, I am not fascinated by the magnificent building, but prefer to live in a desolate and moist shed; not a delicious Western food, rather than swallowing a prickly Kunyu millet and vegetable roots; not comfortable and soft wire bed, prefer to sleep in a pig-like dog-like residence! - Fang Zhimin: "Lovely China"

5. Poor, white, and simple life is where our revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties! - Fang Zhimin: "Lovely China"

6. It is impossible for a person to have a material life without a spiritual life. With a fulfilling revolutionary spiritual life, even if the material life is poor, even if the difficulty is greater, it can be tolerated and overcome. —— Tao Zhu: “Ideal, Sentiment, Spiritual Life”

7. A person, if he is pursuing food, drink, and play, and indulging in the small world of individualism all day long, then what he pursues will inevitably become a heavy burden one day, leaving himself in a quagmire and unable to extricate himself. Wu Yunqi: "Let the roots of reality be gleaming"

8. There are two kinds of people in the world, one is a person, and one is a young man; the other is living a meaningful life. In the eyes of the first kind of person, life is a sleep. If the sleep seems to him to sleep on a soft and warm bed, he is very satisfied; in the second person’s eyes, Say, life is to build merit... People enjoy their happiness in completing this feat. - "Bellinsky on Education"

9. Human beings also need dreamers who are fascinated by the unselfish development of a cause and therefore cannot materially benefit. —— Mrs. Curie: The Story of Madame Curie

10. We have to eat, sleep, travel, love, that is, we have to touch the sweetest things in life; but we must not succumb to these things. —— Jolio Curie

11. I have experienced the pain of being abandoned and betrayed in my life. But there is one thing that has saved me: my life is always purposeful and meaningful. This is to fight for socialism. This is the highest love. If a person's personal problem occupies a large position and the social problem occupies a small position, then the failure of personal life is almost completely bankrupt. At that time, this person would doubt, why is the person alive? The warrior will never see this problem in front of him. It is true that if the warrior is betrayed by someone close to him, he is also suffering, but he will always have something else, more than how many times he lost, and how many times better. - "Ostrovsky Two Volumes"

12. Those who have benefited are the first to perish. He lives by himself and lives for himself. If his "I" is damaged, then he can't survive. - "Ostrovsky Two Volumes"

13. Do you not see the beauty of the young people wearing their place and hurt their beauty? You don’t see the women in the mountain village, how much is it better to wear a simple and unadorned dress than a woman dressed up? Da Vinci

14. Talent is like a gem, it is best to use a plain thing. - "Bacon's Anthology"

15. People should behave like their clothes, not too tight or too particular, and should be a little more comfortable to work and exercise. - "Bacon's Anthology"

16. The ornate decoration can show the richness of a person, and the elegance can show the taste of a person; but the health and strength of a person must be identified by another sign; only one worker is under the cloth, not a lucky one. Under the wear, we can only see a strong body. - Rousseau: "On Science and Art"

17. Simplicity is a must for art works; by its very nature, it rejects any external decorations and carvings. —— "Bellinsky essays"

18. The true beauty is that beauty can show its embarrassment in itself. Fashion is a bad fashion, because her appearance is not changed because she is fashionable. - Rousseau: "Ai Mier"

19. The journey of the gentleman, quietly to cultivate, to cultivate morality, not to be ambiguous, not quiet and beyond. ——《诫子书》《诸葛亮集》

20. Looking at the former sages and homes, the successes are lost. —— Li Shangyin: “History of History”

21. Poor, white and plain life is where our revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties. —— Fang Zhimin: "Lovely China"

22. The life of a servant can not only make the spirit happy, but also cultivate the quality of revolution. —— Xu Te Li

23. The inevitable consequence of luxury – the disintegration of weathering – has in turn caused a corrupted interest. - Rousseau: "On Science and Art"

24. It is important to be accustomed to sleeping in bad places at the beginning. This is a way to avoid encountering bad beds in the future. Generally speaking, once a hard life becomes a habit, it will greatly increase the feeling of happiness, and a comfortable life will bring infinite troubles. - Rousseau: "Ai Mier"

25. Happiness, if it belongs to me, the property of one of thousands, then go away from me! - "Letter to Botkin"

26. The joy and happiness of life are not in money, in love, but in truth. Even if you want to get an animal-like happiness, life will not listen to you while drinking, while happy, it will always hit you against it. —— Chekhov carefully chooses friends

27. Three-person, there must be my teacher: choose the good person from it, and change it if it is not good. —— Confucius: The Analects of Confucius

28. The three friends of the beneficiaries, the three friends who are hurt, the friendliness, the friendliness, the friendliness, the benefits, the friendship, the friendliness, the friendliness, the friendliness, the loss. —— Confucius: The Analects of Confucius

29. The husband cannot take care of friends. Friends, so there are also. —— Xunzi: "Large"

30. Make friends with good people, get help from friends, and you will be with you. The so-called "with the good people, such as entering the room of Zhilan, long time without smelling it"; making friends with bad people, being eroded by friends, If you go with it, it will be broken. The so-called: "With the people who are not good, if you enter the abalone, you will not smell it for a long time." So we must know how to make a choice; to make friends, not to "loss friends." —— Xie Juezhen: “The Theory of Making Friends”, “Xie Jue’s Miscellaneous Selected Works”

31. Don't treat everyone with a distrustful eye, but be cautious and firm. —— Democritus

32. Choose friends must be cautious! Authentic selfishness, wearing a mask of friendship, but set up traps to hang you. - "Krylov's Fables"

33. It is precious to get help in an emergency, but not everyone will give timely help; I hope that God will let us not make foolish friends, because diligent and overly stupid is more dangerous than any enemy. - "Krylov's Fables"

34. When you have the power and fame, the despicable person does not dare to raise your eyes and look at you; however, when you are plummeting, the most sinister is the ones. - "Krylov's Fables"

35. A person should not be handed over to someone who has been destroyed by wealth... - Mrs. Curie

36. I only ask you one thing: If you can live this age, don't forget, don't forget good people and don't forget bad people. - Fucik: "Report under the Gallows"

37. Freedom is the right to do everything the law permits. —— Montesquieu: "The Spirit of the Law"

38. Don't be overly fascinated by the freedom of letting go, the freedom that is not restricted at all, and its harm and danger are many. - "Krylov's Fables"

39. Being the most distressed thing in the world is the most enjoyable thing. ——《韬奋文集》

40. People who think they are smart are often not playing. The smartest person in the world is the most honest person. Because only honest people can stand the test of facts and history. —— Zhou Enlai

41. Life cannot be deceived, and one must live a bright life. —— Feng Xuefeng

42. What the lie person gets is just that no one believes even if he tells the truth. -- "Aesop's Fables"

43. Being honest and diligent should be your permanent companion. —— Franklin

44. Everything must be done in a down-to-earth manner, not in the air, not in vain, but only in a pragmatic manner. If you study at this attitude, then the truth can be seen. If you work with this attitude, you can do it. —— Li Dazhao

45. If you have a considerable plan, take the courage to move forward, don't be self-sufficient, don't give up in the middle. Walking the curve is not a failure, and there is no need to be sad in the mood. ——《韬奋文集》

46. ​​It is best not to fantasize about what happens when the sun sets, but to work when the sun rises. —— Xie Juezhen

47. Climbing the peak of science, just like mountain climbers climbing Mount Everest, to overcome countless difficulties and obstacles, cowards and lazy people can not enjoy the joy and happiness of victory. —— Chen Jingrun

48. Success = hard work + correct method + less talk - Einstein

49. Some people want to get more because of greed, but they have lost everything now. -- "Aesop's Fables"

50. The greed of money and the greed of pleasure make us become slaves to us, and we can say that we put our whole body and mind into the abyss. Mercy is a picture, it is a kind of dysentery, it makes people mean, but greed for pleasure, it is a kind of extremely shameless and incorrigible. —— Langanas

51. The vulgar goal that people strive to pursue - property, vanity, extravagant life, I always feel abominable. —— Einstein

52. Regardless of the trend of the times and the fashion of the society, people can always take their own right path by taking advantage of their noble qualities, transcending the times and society. Now, everyone is rushing, chasing, and competing for electric freezers, cars, and houses. This is a feature of our time. But there are also many people who do not pursue these material things. They pursue ideals and truths and gain inner freedom and peace. —— Einstein

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