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Saturday, November 13, 2019, the weather is fine

Today, my sister and I came to Liuhou Park to play. We came to the entrance of the park and found that the trees are very beautiful, and there is a huge pond in front of the door. There are many small fish in it. Many tourists bought it. The fish food is fed to the fish, so these fish are like the landlord and are fed fat and fat. Walking into the park, we went straight to the playground, and we scanned the entire playground and found a place to play balloons not far away. After each of us took out a piece of money and handed it over to the boss, we each took a gun. "砰砰砰" I hit six balloons in a short time, and then I saw that my sister did not miss it. Balloons. Maybe it was because we were too anxious to get the first one, so I didn't score 20 rounds and only hit 12 balloons. I asked my sister, "Have you hit a few?" She looked at me and said: "Then did you hit a few?" "I hit 12 of them." I said, "I am less than you anyway." "Less, how many?" "One!" "Well, the results are good."

We are anxious to go home and report our good results, so we ran out of the park.

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