Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Trustworthy quotes

1. Be true to yourself and not deceive others. —— Shakespeare

2. Truth may be sad, but better than lies. ——Wa Azayev

3. The locusts eat grass, rust eat iron, and eat the soul hypocritically. —— Chekhov

4. Honesty, the way of heaven; the person who believes in sincerity, the way of man. - "Mencius. From the 》"

5. If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest. —— Shakespeare

6. If someone is on the side of the sky, the loyalty is the clothing and the letter is the skirt. —— Lu Zhaoling

7. Being self-disciplined, in the matter, and in the next, all should be honest. —— Xue Jingxuan

8. When you betray others, you also betray yourself. —— Singer

9. Even God helps the honest and brave. —— Minand

10. No sin is more shameful than hypocrisy and discourse. —— Bacon

11. Deception can only be a moment, and integrity is a long-term policy. —— John Ray

12. Honesty, the way of heaven is also true; —— Mencius

13. When credit disappears, the body has no life. —— Dumas

14. The most unethical subscribers of humanity are dishonesty and cowardice. —— Gorky

15. Life cannot make brilliant flowers from lies. ——Heine

16. You must treat people with sincerity, and others will report with sincerity. —— Li Ka-shing

17. No heritage can be as rich as honesty. —— Shakespeare

18. Honest and diligent, you should be your permanent companion. —— Franklin

19. Those who lost credit are dead in this world. —— Hubbert

20. One or two sincerity, whose value is equal to one ton of cleverness. —— German proverb

21. Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values. —— Dray

22. Credit is both an invisible force and an intangible wealth. —— Matsushita Yukisuke

23. The words of honest people are as reliable as his collateral. —— Cervantes

24. It is more important for a person to keep his promise than to guard his property. —— Moliere

25. Telling a person's true thoughts is a great comfort to life. —— Voltaire

26. Thousands of teachings, teaching people to seek truth; learning thousands of things, learning to be real people. —— Tao Xingzhi

27. An upright person should know his or her weight wherever he is. —— Balzac

28. Do you hate being deceived by others? Then don't deceive others. —— Crisosto

29. Hypocrisy can never be turned into reality by virtue of its growth in power. —— Tagore

30. Honesty is a ladder and one of the means before reaching awareness. —— Nietzsche

31. Integrity is the most dangerous of all the bad qualities of today’s world. —— Algeria

32. Honesty is better than all wisdom, and it is the basic condition of resourcefulness. —— Kant

33. Integrity for people, people do not deceive me; —— Feng Yuxiang

34. Only the world is sincere, can only be the best in the world. - "The Doctrine of the Mean"

35. Loyalty, even deep loyalty, will never be pure and innocent. —— Sartre

36. If you lose your foot, you can resume standing right away; if you lose your faith, you may never recover. —— Franklin

37. A sure-hearted life path will surely have a conscience. —— Gorky

38. My motto is: first is honesty, second is diligence, and third is dedicated work. —— Carnegie

39. What the lie person gets is just that no one believes even if he tells the truth. --"Aesop's Fables"

40. As the sole foundation of character, deep sincerity is the only foundation of talent. —— Emerson

41. The land of the five elements of the letter is not positioned, no fame, and the water and gold are all waiting for the living. —— Zhu Xi

42. To live in integrity, don't think about it! To work honestly, you can have a great future. —— Dostoevsky

43. By loyalty, you can be with a great soul, like a spiritual family. —— Moloa

44. Keeping the heart bright and straight, the speech is bright and fair, and the act is bright and straight, and the gentleman is a gentleman. —— Tao Jue

45. Credit is like a mirror, and as long as there is a crack, it cannot be connected as it was. - Amir

46. ​​There is no ordinary letter, no impermanence, but the advantage is everywhere, and if it is, it can be described as a villain. —— 荀子

47. My three provinces are: I am not loyal to people? I don’t believe in my friends. I don’t believe in it? —— Confucius

48. Always be faithful to yourself and others and be able to have the highest quality of the greatest talent. —— Goethe

49. Honest people always hate hypocritical people, while hypocritical people often appear in honesty. —— Spinoza

50. Credit is rarely lost. The credit accumulated in 10 years of hard work is often lost due to temporary words and deeds. —— Ikeda Daisaku

51. I would rather win the attack of one hundred enemies with sincerity, and I would not like to win the praise of ten friends with hypocrisy. —— 裴多菲

52. Honesty is a symbol of strength, which shows a person’s high self-esteem and inner security and dignity. - Irene Cather

53. A little care about the festival, a small matter, a casual letter of loss, may ruin the reputation of our life. ——Lin Dasheng

54. It is a good thing that Fiorude tells the truth, because telling the truth can make your heart easy and happy, and because telling the truth is rare. —— Dumas

55. There is a truth that is needed by man. It burns the filth and mediocrity of the heart with a shameful flame--this is the long live the truth! - Gorky

56. Truth is the lifeblood of life, the foundation of all values, and the secret of commercial success. Whoever can keep it can succeed. —— Dreiser

57. Integrity is the best character of human beings, and it is the best law for the world. It is handed over to people and is based on integrity. The word integrity is the foundation of credit. —— Tube green shade

58. I hope that I will have enough firmness and virtue to maintain the title that I believe is the most admirable of all titles: an honest person. —— Washington

59. Where mortals stand between heaven and earth, they must be treated as "sincerity", and later generations must believe that they are human beings, but they must have the value of being human. If you are a swindler, how can you make a name for you? —— Lu Pengbo

60. Credit is an intangible asset of the individual that is indispensable in modern society. The constraint of good faith comes not only from the outside world, but also from our self-discipline mentality and our own moral power. —— He Zhiyong

61. The most important aspect of interpersonal relationship is sincerity and sincere sincerity. Sincerely, in society, there is a sword that is unfavorable. Whenever you go, you should bring it. —— San Mao

62. The people do not believe in standing. —— Confucius

63. Failure to believe is failure. ——Zola

64. Words must be believed, and the line must be fruitful. —— Confucius

65. One word is full of glory. —— Chen Yi

66. Keeping promises is better than being famous. —— Roosevelt

67. Honesty is the best policy. —— Franklin

68. People who help others, believe also. - "Book of Changes"

69. If you don’t believe it, you can’t do it. —— Mozi

70. Words must be honest and be loyal. —— Confucius

71. Without integrity, how to be dignified? —— Cicero

72. The gentleman raises his heart, and he is good at honesty. —— 荀子

73. It’s hard to catch a word. - "The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan"

74. Not treasured gold jade, and faith is a treasure. —— Sima Guang

75. People do not believe, they do not know what they can. —— Confucius

76. It is said to be non-existent and straightforward. —— 荀子

77. Honesty is the most abundant passage. —— Kerr

78. There is no heritage that is richer than integrity. —— Shakespeare

79. Sincerity is the opening of the heart. —— La Roche Fuco

80. Being honest is the most touching. —— Shakespeare

81. Sincerity is the opening of the heart. —— La Roche Fuco

82. Sincerity is the highest virtue in life. —— Chaucer

83. The truth is that half of it is often a big lie. —— Franklin

84. Confession is the product of honesty and courage. --Mark Twain

85. Based on honesty, it is extremely enjoyable. —— Goth

86. Loyalty requires complete truth. —— Chardin

87. Don't lie, don't be afraid of the truth. -- Leo Tolstoy

88. Sincerity is the best way to act in the world. —— White

89. Sincerity and simplicity are the precious qualities of genius. —— Stanislavski

90. The world is not more valuable than a sincere person. —— Cicero

91. Keeping promises is like defending your honor. —— Balzac

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