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Old ox and Maxima

The old oxen sighed into the cowshed, and the pace was heavier than usual. "Hmmm?" He suddenly did not believe in wide-eyed eyes. "A thousand miles, how come you?" "Wait for a long time, dude. Just come back from the far door and look at old friends." The voice of Maxima is elated. "I thought you were again...hey, don't say it, that day is really..." The old oxen had been for a long time. "A thousand miles of horses are raised in the cowshed. You don't know if you were much thinner at the time. The goods are shipped, the cows and horses are in a car..." "Come again," the sweaty salt car is left unattended, and the horses are collected in a thousand miles. bone'". Maxima took a look at the old ox sigh. "There is still, 'insulted by the hands of the slaves, succumbing to the shackles, it is really no evil? It really does not know Ma." The old ox also took out a naughty. After all, I laughed happily.

"What's the matter with you, man?" After the laughter, Maxima heard the sigh of the old ox. "Really, friend. I plowed the field in the field that day, and saw you and the master go out, the master gave you a light whip, full of pleasure and familiarity. I really envy you this thin four legs. But I, forever, can't live without this plowed and plowed land. How different I am from you in the world." "You mean, are you sighing for the meaning of your life?" This time it was a thousand miles of indifference before talking.

"Maybe it. The changes in your life over the past few years have taught me to think more. 'The natural choice, the survival of the fittest!' I feel the danger of being eliminated."

"Indeed, I have heard too many words about me in recent years, and you seem to be being forgotten." "The old ox has broken the car." The old ox licked his lips. "No, I don't think so. There are indeed many different places between us, but the meaning of the meaning of our existence is not so different."

The old ox raised his eyes to look at the miles. Although after the "no matter", he is still so young, so powerful. Moreover, he has become more mature than before for a long time, which makes him have the beauty of combining strength and deep thinking.

"You said," Maxima is also watching the old ox: "What do you think of when you take every step in the field?" "Next." The old ox did not hesitate to answer. "This is what makes us different. When I am in the field, every step of the way, I think of the distant goal." So you run farther than me, so the meaning of your survival is greater than me. "Maxima ignores the conclusion of the old ox, shakes his head and continues to say: "Everything needs to be done with two points of action and goal, just as each string has two knobs to tighten." Your goal and action are very close, your strings are short and thick, and my goal and action are far away, my strings are long and thin. Therefore, your labor is to put on one string after another, but my is to put a string to make it tough, and gradually shorten the distance between this point and that point. "The old ox has nostalgic to him. He looks at him and gradually narrows his eyes. He thinks he is like a philosopher. "I don't think you have such a thorough thought about life.

"But it's not important. The difference in the characteristics of labor between you and me is not determined by us. The Creator gave me an infinitely broad plain as soon as I was born, and gave you this land of 'plowed and plowed'. Therefore, it is obviously stupid to judge the meaning of our existence only from the characteristics of labor. The significance of our existence lies in the sincerity towards the master, that is, whether it is the hard and plowing yellow mud or the rugged road, it is not blunt. It is to do our best to live! From this point of view, we are exactly the same. The string that I just said, if people personally dial the dial, they will know that although the sound is my crisp, you are low. The scrolling notes are both high-sounding and deep contributors, the voices of the trekkers! What we can do is to be the best in the same kind. Now we have done it and will never be eliminated."

"The master can't leave me alone, but he can't do without you. He is familiar with the car I am pulling, and I am satisfied. It is because he is not sure about it thousands of miles away. On the land in his hometown, he is quiet and old. The oxen plowed him a heavy golden autumn! Who can say that the meaning of our existence is not the same?" The old oxen silently pointed his head, his eyes flashing with tears.

Maxima himself was touched by these words, and suddenly a "squeaky" shouting, resounding through the clouds. The old ox has also issued a "snoring and snoring" whisper. They are filled with shackles of the plains and the land.

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